/ / The drug "Clexane". Instructions

The drug "Clexane". Instructions

The drug "Clexane" (analogues - "Flenox", "Novoparin", "Aksparin" and others) belongs to the group of direct anticoagulants. Medications are prescribed in orthopedics, surgery and traumatology.

The "Kleksan" tool is recommended fortreatment of deep vein thromboembolism with thromboembolism (or without) in the pulmonary artery. The medication is prescribed to prevent thrombosis and embolism in bedridden patients due to acute therapeutic pathologies, acute cardiac and respiratory insufficiency, severe infections, rheumatic diseases with a probability of venous thrombus formation.

The drug "Clexan" recommends the instruction for the treatment of an acute myocardial infarction with an elevation of the ST segment (with the possibility of medication).

The drug is prescribed to prevent venous thrombosis and embolism during orthopedic, surgical and other interventions.

The drug in combination with acetylsalicylic acid is prescribed for unstable angina and myocardial infarction without Q-tooth.

The drug "Kleksan" instruction recommends for the prevention of blood clots in the extracorporeal circulation against the background of hemodialysis.

Препарат не назначается при состояниях или pathologies accompanied by the possibility of bleeding, threatening abortion, hemorrhagic stroke. The drug is not recommended for aneurysm of blood vessels in the brain or exfoliating aortic aneurysm, with the exception of cases involving surgical intervention. Do not prescribe medicine for hypersensitivity to heparin and its derivatives, with individual intolerance of sodium enoxaparin (the active ingredient of the drug "Kleksan").

The drug is not recommended (neither for treatment, nor forprevention) in the first trimester of pregnancy. In subsequent periods, it is allowed to use the medicine as a prophylaxis strictly according to the indications. It is forbidden to apply the drug to women with an artificial heart valve, and also to patients under the age of eighteen. The expediency of using a medicament during lactation is established by the doctor.

Insert a solution of "Clexane" instructions forrecommends deep subcutaneous application. The patient should preferably be in a horizontal position. The introduction is carried out in the left or right abdominal wall area. The needle is inserted not from the side, but vertically directly into the skin fold, the entire length. The fold is released only after the injection is completed. After removing the needle, it is not recommended to massage the injection site.

To prevent embolism and thrombosis inmoderate risk of their development during general surgical operations, the drug once a day is administered at 20-40 milligrams. The first injection is performed two hours before the intervention.

The duration of therapy, as a rule,seven to ten days. Treatment if necessary continue further (if there is a chance of developing thrombosis and embolism). In some cases, in the orthopedic practice, the drug "Clexan" is applied up to five weeks.

When using the drug,thrombocytopenia (usually manifested only slightly at the initial stage of therapy), bleeding (in the presence of provoking factors), tenderness in the site of injection, the formation of inflammatory nodules-infiltrates or bruises, usually passing by themselves.

To the rarely manifested side effects of the drug "Clexane" the instruction refers to allergic reactions in the form of bullous rashes.

Do not mix and use the drug with other medicines.

Before applying the drug "Clexane" should consult with a doctor and study the annotation.