/ / Antiinflammatory drug "Nimika": instructions for use

Anti-inflammatory drug "Nimika": instructions for use

their instruction
The preparation "Nimika" instruction describes howa drug that is included in the pharmacological group of nonsteroid-type anti-inflammatory drugs. The use of this medicine has a pronounced analgesic and antipyretic effect on the patient's body. At the same time, the non-steroid drug Nimika (the instruction to it confirms it) is based on suppressing the processes of synthesizing prostaglandins, significantly reducing the severity of inflammatory manifestations directly on pathological processes, blocking the release of free radicals and stimulating the reversible inhibition of the so-called prostaglandins of type E2. In addition, this analgesic has a suppressive effect on platelet aggregation.

Nyhka instruction manual
Anti-inflammatory andThe antipyretic drug Nimika (instructions must be in each package) mainly in the form of soluble tablets containing fifty or one hundred milligrams of nimesulide. It is this substance that acts as the main active ingredient and has a pronounced analgesic effect. In addition, the composition of the tablets, which contain fifty milligrams of nimesulide, includes a flavoring with a taste of banana, and a dragee of one hundred milligrams - fruit flavoring.

Take nimika analgesicInstructions for use advises with the aim of treating various inflammatory pathologies related to the locomotor system, as well as the treatment of acute arthritis, rheumatoid arthritis and gout. In addition, doctors often prescribe this non-steroid drug for people diagnosed with enthesopathy.

pills nimka instruction

Для купирования болевых симптомов при Inflammatory diseases of the joints are also well suited tablets "Nimika." The instruction recommends taking them during the treatment of fever of unknown etiology, therapy of migraine and headaches, osteoarthritis, inflammatory processes affecting the upper respiratory tract. Finally, the use of this nonsteroidal analgesic drug is indicated in the postoperative period, as well as for injuries of the soft tissues and the musculoskeletal system.

Назначать жаропонижающее средство "Нимика" the instruction categorically prohibits patients who have not attained the age of twelve, as well as all those who suffer from individual intolerance to nimesulide. In case of marked impairment of the kidneys, a high level of acidity of the gastric juice and the presence in the patient of severe forms of liver pathologies, this anti-inflammatory and analgesic drug should not be taken in the same way. In addition, the manufacturer does not recommend prescribing this medicine to women who are carrying a child. In the case of established ulcerative lesions of the digestive tract or peptic ulcer disease, it is also prohibited to use this non-steroid medication.