/ / Pronation and supination are ... Pronation and supination of the forearm, hand, foot

The pronation and supination are ... The pronation and supination of the forearm, hand, foot

In this article we will talk about concepts such as pronation and supination. Consider the principles of their actions and role in sports.

Introduction to the concept

С точки зрения анатомии пронация и супинация – these are rotational movements of the limbs, controlled by groups of special-purpose muscles. A study of the work of the muscle groups of the human body such science as biomechanics, which appeared relatively recently - in the 70s of the last century.

This medical direction is studyinga number of the most important problems that arise in the human body during movement. The data that was obtained as a result of research, provide great assistance to athletes and patients with impaired motor function.

pronation and supination

Rotation of the upper limbs

Для того чтобы было понятно, о чем идет речь, You can learn everything on a specific action. It is necessary to lower the hand and bend it at the elbow joint, while fixing the brush so that the thumb of the palm looks up, and all the remaining fingers forward. Now rotate the brush in such a way that the thumb moves inward and downward. In this case, the entire hand gradually changes its position from vertical to horizontal, and its inner side (palm) will be at the bottom. It is these manipulations of the brush and, therefore, the forearm are called "pronation".

Now you should change the position of the brush from thatin which the palm was on the bottom, and turn it in the opposite direction so that in the end the palm was on top. These rotational movements of the hand and forearm are called supination.

From this we conclude that pronation and supination are opposite in direction of movement, for which special-purpose muscle groups are responsible - insoles and pronators.

pronation and supination of forearm

Lower limbs their pronation and supination

Пронация и супинация нижней конечности человека is an important component of this concept, and if the example of the upper extremities is more or less clear, then the question arises with the lower ones. What is the pronation of the foot? Since the example of the brush is clear, then with the foot some difficulties arise in terms of presentation. But in fact, everything is simple.

The pronation of the foot is just rotational.foot movement inward, or to be more precise - its property to turn outwards. In this case, the lower limbs and their rotation, pronation, supination perform the main function, which is to evenly distribute the weight and reduce the exerted load.

The simplest example of pronation of the lower limbs- This is the deflection of the foot when walking or running. Pronation and supination of the foot is necessary, since without it a person loses the ability to move. This is the mechanism that makes the foot mobile.

Summing up, it can be said about pronation of the foot that this is simply a necessary process of human biomechanics.

pronation and supination of the foot

The role of rotation in sports

Теперь рассмотрим роль этих понятий в спорте.Pronation and supination is a movement performed by small-sized muscle formations that many athletes do not know about. How important are these small muscles in the process of building our body and achieving athletic performance? Do I need to pay attention to them during training? The answer: of course, yes!

Since pronatory and instep supports are veryimportant muscles, then everyone should know about their existence, from a beginner to an experienced athlete. As practice shows, rotational muscles take part in a variety of movements. This means that the whole complex of muscles responsible for supination and pronation occupies an important place in the daily life of a person and plays a rather big role in achieving sports results.

pronation and supination

Rotational muscles are a prime example of antagonist muscles. They have a close relationship, although they serve to perform opposite functions. It is known that insoles are stronger than pronator muscles.

Harmonious development of the muscles of the forearm almostIt is impossible to achieve without arch supports and pronators brushes that will be well developed. This part of the body requires a lot of effort and is difficult to work out the area. Famous bodybuilders are always trying to include exercises in their training program that involve rotational muscles, as they effectively strengthen and develop it.

The emphasis on the development of insteps and pronators is made by athletes representing sports such as climbing, arm wrestling, workout and many others, where hand rotations are used.

pronation and supination of the human lower limb

Exercise for the development of insteps

How, then, can the proponators andinsoles? There are many exercises for this. As an example, we will take an exercise such as lifting dumbbells with supination. So how do you do it?

First, let's clarify a few points.Lifting dumbbells with supination, which is also called lifting biceps with supination, is an auxiliary exercise for biceps injection. That it includes the instep supports (the muscles that rotate the brush outwards) while lifting the dumbbell. When supination occurs, there is a strong reduction in biceps and synergistic muscles, which increases the effectiveness of this exercise, compared to others.

Why do we only use dumbbells?Because only with their use we can maximize the brush. Pronation and supination of the forearm in this exercise, with proper and high-quality implementation of it, will give a good impetus to the development of the necessary strength indicators.

How to do the exercise?

  1. You must sit on the bench, and taking a dumbbell in each hand, to take the starting position. In this case, the palm must be turned inward.
  2. Take a deep breath and start lifting one of the dumbbells, and at the moment when the forearm is parallel to the floor, you need to start supination - turn the wrist out.
  3. While the dumbbell reaches the top point, you need to make a small pause and return to its original position, turning the brush back.
  4. Repeat the same with the dumbbell in the other hand.

Для достижения лучшего результата старайтесь keep your elbows steady while approaching. When the elbows deviate from the body, the load is shifted from the biceps. It is necessary to make a turn of the brush only at the moment when the elbow is at a right angle. Otherwise it can lead to traumatic strain on the shoulder joint. And also do not use cheating.

The pronation and supination of the hand are extremely important points, which make it possible to use this exercise efficiently and effectively to achieve the desired results.

Shoulder rotation

In addition to the rotation of the muscles of the forearm and biceps,Pronation and supination of the shoulder also play an important role in everyday life and sports. Why it is worth paying more attention to the shoulder and its pronators? Because such muscle groups as the pectoralis major and the broadest, which are among the largest muscles of our body, serve as the pronunciators of the shoulder, and it is these muscles that all try to “pump up”.

With an increase in strength and volume, muscles are shortened,and involuntary pronation of the shoulder occurs. All this sometimes leads to the fact that at the inflated athletes arms diverge, and this gives them a very funny look. To avoid this, you need to pay considerable attention to the shoulder arch support during training. These are muscles such as the subacute, small round and the back of the delta.

pronation and supination of the foot


Summarizing, we can emphasize that pronation andsupination is rotational movements that are controlled by special groups of muscles called instep supports and pronators. These are antagonist muscles, interconnected, but performing opposite functions. Rotational muscles play a rather big role in a person’s daily life and are of great importance for athletes, which means that they must be trained.