/ / How to choose running sneakers: types, manufacturers and reviews. How to choose running shoes. Running shoe technology

How to choose cross-country running shoes: types, manufacturers and reviews. How to choose the right running shoes. Technology of running shoes

Running is one of the best ways.to correct the figure and increase endurance of the body. This sport is characterized by cardiovascular, vertical shock loads and requires a serious attitude. Therefore, deciding to do a run, you should understand how to choose a running shoe, the most suitable person. Wrong shoes can cause injury. Therefore, you need to choose running sneakers wisely.

Features of cross-country running shoes

For athletic sports shouldpick a certain type of shoes. Many factors influence this. Choosing running shoes for running, you should determine in advance what conditions they will use. It matters what surface will be selected for jogging.

How to choose running shoes

To understand how to choose running shoes, you should evaluate their weight. They should not act as weighting. It is of great importance for such shoes the type of its sole.

For different intensity and type of workouts alsodepends on the correct choice of running shoes. There are shoes for long distances, for short, speedy trainings, for competitions, as well as for hiking and trekking. Even the weather, for which the sneakers are applied, is important when choosing.

Appearance and materials

The first thing you should pay attention to in the store is the look of your shoes. It is considered the perfect combination of leather and textiles.

Running shoes how to choose

The skin will retain its shape, and the fabric contributesGood ventilation and moisture absorption, retains heat. The stiffness of the frame must be good to withstand the deformation and to keep running shoes. How to choose a good pair of shoes? You should look at the joint of the top and the sole. Good shoes are never sewn. Her glue. The joint itself must be neat and strong.

Bending the product, you should pay attention tocompound sole with fabric. If traces of glue are visible, the places left on the sole of the fabric, these sneakers should be left aside. They will not endure two runs.

The insole must be removable and made of breathable material. This will allow it to be washed and will promote normal moisture exchange.


Choosing running shoes from any manufacturer, whether Asics, Nike, Adidas or Reebok, you should pay attention to the type of sole.

How To Choose Asics Running Sneakers
There are many models of shoes with soles,abrasion resistant. She looks like a car tire. When deciding how to choose running sneakers for asphalt, one should pay attention to this type of sole. If it is supposed to run on snow, soil, wet surface, then you should give preference to "off-road". Their sole has special rubber protrusions that provide good tenacity with the base. If there are thorns on the sole, it will be possible to run even in the fall on wet paths, on hard snow or ice. Choosing running shoes for asphalt, it is better to choose models without spikes.

For long distances and treadmillschoose sneakers called "marathon". This is lightweight sports shoes. They have a thin sole, so these sneakers are considered applicable only for one long race. If the outsole is a bit heavier, they can be used for several marathons. But they have established themselves as good sneakers for a treadmill. How to choose the right type of sole should also be determined by the purpose of the shoe.

Type of foot setting

That run was the most comfortable andsafe, modern sneakers should take into account all the features of the human foot. This is a high-tech complex product. Pronation is the method of setting the foot of a person. It is taken into account when choosing sports shoes.

Sneakers for treadmill how to choose

There are three types of pronation.If the lower leg is turned more inwards, this position of the foot is called hyperpronation. If everything is quite the opposite, this type of pronation has the name of supination (non-reservation). When the foot is placed exactly, then it is a neutral pronation.

When choosing shoes should strive to achieveneutral pronation of the leg. Setting a stop at all different. To understand how to choose the running shoes, you should pay attention to the position of the feet in one or another pair of shoes.


To alleviate the stress on the joints of a person, manufacturers of modern sneakers use special shock-absorbing materials. This avoids injuries and increases running comfort.

Damping materials absorb shock.The greater the weight of the athlete, the greater the ability to soften them should have sneakers. As such materials, each manufacturer uses its own special technology.

For example, brands like Asics and Brooks use different gels, Saucony and Salomon use foamed substances, while Mizuno sneakers have a wavy-shaped plastic plate.

Good depreciation is also necessary for people with hyperpronation of the foot. This will protect against injury and increase the comfort of playing sports.

Sneaker weight

Good athletic shoes should be lightweight.

How to choose running shoes for women
There is a standard that tells you howchoose running sneakers. Female models should have a weight of not more than 200 g, and men - up to 250 g each. The greater their weight, the greater will be the load on the ankle and knee joints. This increases the chance of injury.

Both women's and men's sneakers for running needchoose based on the rule "the easier the better." However, it should be noted that for daily running you should not buy models for marathon running. They really are much lighter than ordinary copies of shoes, but their wear resistance will not at all please fans of everyday physical activities.

In addition, in thin sneakers every defect of covering for running will be felt. Therefore, you should purchase models with an average thickness of the sole.

Athletes' comments

The brand of sports shoes also plays an important role.

How to choose running shoes
To understand this issue, you should considerthe opinion of athletes and experts, as well as ordinary users, advising how to choose running shoes. Asics, Mizuno, Saucony, New Balance, Brooks are the most popular manufacturers of sports shoes of this type today.

According to reviews of athletes, such well-knownearlier brands like Reebok, Puma, Nike and Adidas do not develop their running collections. They have practically nothing to offer the consumer in this field of sports shoes.

In modern conditions, users weighing up to 70kg prefer sneakers company Asics. For such a weight, the manufacturer has calculated the ideal depreciation rate. Saucony and Mizuno have a large model range, Brooks is a bit smaller.

Users who have a lot of weight, noteA suitable type of depreciation for running shoes for Nike. Therefore, asking the question of how to choose running shoes, when choosing a brand should also take into account the physical performance of an athlete and the conditions of operation of shoes.

Sneakers care

To selected sneakers served for a very long time, you will need to follow a few simple rules for their care and maintenance.

How to choose running sneakers for asphalt

In sports shoes designed toworkouts, do not walk daily, play football in it. Properly use sneakers for their intended purpose. After running through them, wash off dust and dirt. Once a week, leather parts will need to be cleaned with special care products. This will extend the life of such shoes as running shoes. How to choose these tools, be sure to prompt the consultant in the store.

Dried dirt on the fabric will quickly destroy the material.Therefore, it should be cleaned immediately after jogging. Shoes should be dried at room temperature away from heaters and radiators. It is better to use special dryers that will help keep the shape of sneakers.

Such simple actions will significantly extend the life of running shoes.

If you are familiar with the features in advancesports shoes, the question of how to choose running sneakers, will be solved simply. Knowing what moments to pay attention to when buying, as well as properly exploiting the chosen model, there is no doubt about its durability and great health benefits for an athlete.