/ / Attention Deficit and Hyperactivity

Attention Deficit Hyperactivity

Problems with children always arise a lot.You need to be fully prepared for the fact that the child will behave completely differently than you would like. But is he always to blame for what he does? Understand that the baby can behave incorrectly only because of any deviations. One such phenomenon is called attention deficit hyperactivity disorder. Children with similar problems find it difficult to learn, interact with others, stop at one thing. Attention deficit today can often be observed. Its causes are different. For the same treatment used a variety of means.

A similar diagnosis can be made not onlychild, but also to an adult. The basis of the diagnosis is a certain non-standard behavior that can be observed for a sufficient amount of time. Attention deficit today can be observed in about five percent of schoolchildren.

His symptoms and symptoms are very, veryspecific and, as a rule, noticeable immediately. These include absent-mindedness, impulsiveness, hyperactivity. The child begins to lose something, to forget, to become unable to keep attention on specific objects even for a few seconds. Deficiency of attention leads to the fact that the child can not sit still, his limbs constantly move, often hyperactive children are very talkative. One can observe anxiety.

The lack of attention forces the child constantlydistracted by foreign objects, sounds and other external stimuli. For this reason, he will make mistakes in everything, for which he will undertake. Making a hyperactive child work on instructions is very difficult. His things will always be scattered, and toys are broken.

Hyperactivity turns a child into a realyulu. He will move until the forces run out. Many parents break, unable to withstand constant stress, and begin to shout at the child. This tactic is incorrect. A hyperactive child is not to blame for being so. This needs to be understood. To act must be thought out and delicately. There are many ways to treat attention deficit disorder. Some are associated with the performance of certain exercises, others are associated with taking medications. Of course, medical devices are appointed only when everything else is useless.

ADHD: Treatment

In the first place, take the child toprofessional psychologist. This is due to the need to correctly determine the degree of neglect of the syndrome. It is possible that the child is not hyperactive, but simply spoiled.

The psychologist will conduct an analysis of the child's mental, physical, emotional, and social development. It is best that he learns the behavior of the child at school or at home.

Analyze how the child copes withschool load. It is possible that his behavior was provoked by failures in his studies. Also, there is a possibility that the child does not like studying, he feels only boredom. In such cases it is necessary to organize his life independently: to put before him certain goals, to help in studies, to use any incentive measures.

It is necessary to teach the child to concentrate.For this, there are many exercises. They can be found in the specialized literature, which today is abundant. Here we note that a hyperactive child is favorably affected by small, painstaking and monotonous work. It is difficult to accustom him to such work, but it's worth trying.

Doctors, as a rule, conduct cognitivebehavioral therapy. Psychologists know how to make a child realize that his behavior is not normal. As already mentioned, drugs are prescribed only in certain cases.

Treatment of hyperactivity can be long.