"Probably, the metabolism is broken," - will saysomeone, looking after a painfully fat person, and everyone around them, knowingly and sympathetically leave their heads. But is it really all understand the essence of the problem? Does everyone have an idea of what processes occur in our body? And, most importantly, do they all know from what and why this metabolic disorder occurs?
Human can be compared to living chemicalcombine, only in one chemical plant there are not as many production processes as there are them inside our body. All substances that enter and are contained in it, constantly interact, undergo reactions, as a result of which the necessary energy is produced for life, tissue renewal occurs, blood is saturated with nutrients, and harmful slags are brought out. This whole complex process is called metabolism or, in a scientific way, metabolism.
However, not even the most perfect systemcan not always function smoothly and without failures. There are problems in our body. If you do not go into the wilds, you can imagine the metabolism, as the two main processes - the destruction and restoration. When they are in balance, everything is going fine. If the processes of disintegration of energy production prevail, then the person loses weight, and in the case when accumulative construction processes prevail, he begins to gain excess weight.
But because of what one of the scales suddenly startsoutweigh? There are quite a few causes that cause a metabolic disorder. One of the main factors is heredity, which is why full parents often have chubby children, and vice versa, the thinness becomes a family trait. Improperly organized nutrition, which does not correspond to the expenditure of energy, leads to failure, as well as the lack of any trace elements, vitamins, fatty and amino acids. The body due to external influences may be poisoned by toxic substances or heavy metals, because of which a metabolic disorder may also occur.
It is a mistake to think that all the problems of the bodyoccur on their own, without our direct participation. Moreover, our way of life, habits, reckless acts, we ourselves provoke a metabolic disorder. Symptoms in such cases are often so obvious that others sometimes wonder: what you can bring yourself to! The most obvious example, anorexia, is when people, for fear of becoming stout or out of a desire to achieve a “model” appearance, exhaust themselves with starvation and physical exertion, as a result of which they are completely exhausted. Another painful extreme is bulimia, in which a person constantly experiences a painful feeling of hunger and indulges in uncontrolled gluttony. He himself is not happy, even after food he tries to induce vomiting in order not to become fat, but he is no longer able to control weight.
However, experts believe that in manyIn cases of metabolic disorder is provoked by life troubles, in addition to the desire of the person, on a subconscious level. The same anorexia and bulimia can be a reaction to family problems - food becomes a substitute for a relationship, and rejection of it is a form of protest. Metabolic disorders can cause stressful situations, emotional turmoil, social problems - anything that goes beyond the usual life.
There are a large number of so-calledmetabolic diseases - this is diabetes, and hypercholesterolemia, and gout, and obesity, and phenylketonuria, and diffuse goiter, and others. Abnormalities in the functions of various organs - the thyroid gland, the pituitary gland, the sex glands, the adrenal glands can lead to pathologies. In addition to weight disorders, characteristic symptoms are unhealthy skin, swelling, weakening of hair and nail plates. By and large, each case of the disease is individual, so there is no question of self-diagnosis and self-treatment — a visit to an endocrinologist is obligatory.
For whatever the exchange violation happenssubstances, treatment should begin with a diagnosis. Whether the doctor will identify the disease or come to the conclusion about the psychological root of the problem will determine the further rehabilitation process, which can be long and difficult. Diseases of genetic origin require that the patient is constantly monitored by a doctor and regularly undergo therapy. But the acquired diseases can often be stopped at early stages, for which you will need to take cleansing drugs, the introduction of substances in which the body is deficient, and strict adherence to a special diet.
Prevention of metabolic disordersis to tune the body to work accurately - to develop a daily regimen and a balanced diet. And do not confuse: you need to have breakfast without fail, because it triggers metabolic processes, but you cannot eat at night - the sleeping organism “not from the hand” works on metabolism.