/ / Drops for eyes "Artificial tear": instructions for use, composition, analogues

Drops for eyes "Artificial tear": instructions for use, composition, analogues

This tool is classified as the mostpopular and effective drugs that protect the corneal epithelium from negative external influences. Artificial tears eye drops have an effect that is similar to natural tears. Drops have a lubricating and softening effect.

Beneficial features

Капли "Искусственная слеза" позволяют быстро deal with dry eye syndrome. The use of this tool contributes to the stabilization and restoration of the tear film. The active substance lubricates and softens the corneal epithelium. Drops have a viscous consistency, therefore, provide long-term contact with the cornea. The peculiarity of the drug is that it has the same refractive index of light as an artificial tear. Drops are mixed with the natural secretions of the lacrimal glands and create the necessary level of moisture. “Artificial tear” eye drops make it possible to quickly stabilize and restore the optical characteristics of tears and protect the cornea from the irritating effects of other means. Improving the state of the cornea occurs already on day 3 of application.

Eye drops

The drug "Artificial Tear" containshypromellose and dextran, causing the main therapeutic effect of the drug. Also, drops contain sodium chloride, polyquad, purified water, etc. The preparation uses boric acid, which is a mild preservative. This substance is not absorbed by contact lenses, so the tool can be used when wearing soft lenses.

Indications for use

Many factors provoke drying out.cornea. First of all, it is an unfavorable environment, which is characterized by dry and polluted air. People who spend a lot of time at the computer are also at risk. The appearance of burning and dryness in the eyes are the first symptoms of a violation of the sebaceous glands. In recent years, the disease has become extremely common.

Effective eye drops

The timely use of artificial tears will eliminate the damage to the cornea of ​​the eye. Also, the drug is used in the following cases:

  • eyelid deformity, insufficient tearing, bullous dystrophy of the cornea;
  • treatment of dry eye syndrome;
  • reduction of eye irritation due to exposure to the sun, smoke, dust, etc.
  • eliminate eye fatigue while working at the computer, driving;
  • implementation of various diagnostic procedures;
  • extension of other ophthalmic agents.

Thus, the drops allow to fill the deficittear fluid. This tool softens the area of ​​the cornea and acts as a protector of the epithelium. Since the number of people suffering from tears production annually increases, this tool can be a real salvation.

Instructions for use

The drug is used by the conjunctival method according to2 drops in each eye. The frequency of the procedure depends on the age of the person. If necessary, drops can be used every hour. Detailed instructions to the "artificial tear" is attached on a mandatory basis.

Burying drops

Капли имеют прозрачный вид, густую консистенцию и do not possess a smell. The tool is evenly distributed in the cornea immediately after instillation. Within 5 minutes there is a blur in the eyes. Therefore, after using this drug, it is recommended to blink your eyes. Drops allow you to quickly get rid of the resulting discomfort in the eyes.

The tool has limited data regardingabsorption of the active substance. The active component - hypromellose is a special substance that does not have a negative effect during absorption. In pregnancy, the drug is allowed to use only as prescribed by a doctor. The safety of this drug in this period has no clinical data. Therefore, to take a drop of "artificial tear" during pregnancy should be with caution.


It is not recommended to use the drug whenthe presence of any eye diseases that are infectious in nature. The stopping factor for the use of the drug is hypersensitivity to its active ingredients. In the acute phase of corneal burns, the agent should be used with extreme caution.

Ophthalmic drops

After using the tool may appearslight discomfort and bonding of the eyelids. However, these feelings pass after a couple of minutes. The tool can cause the appearance of a rash, swelling of the eyelids and itching.

special instructions

Поскольку препарат обладает высокой степенью viscosity, then contact with the cornea occurs for a long time. Before applying the drops, remove contact lenses and put them on in 15 minutes. Patients note that after the use of the drug may appear a temporary loss of visual clarity and other visual inconveniences.

Medicines for dryness

Поскольку это может привести к негативным the consequences of driving a car and other mechanisms, then you should wait 10 minutes. Drops should be stored in a closed vial at a temperature not exceeding 25 ° C.

Interaction with other drugs

The drug "Artificial Tear" consists ofpolymer base. At the moment, the pharmaceutical market is filled with a variety of products, the action of which is focused on softening and moisturizing the cornea of ​​the eyes. In addition to drugs that can replace the natural secretions of the eye glands, special tools have been developed with the effect of an artificial tear. They have a regenerating effect, and also stimulate the production of endogenous interferon. Also, such funds stabilize the tear film and help to relax the eyes.

Experts recommend to observe the interval betweenthe use of various drugs for at least 20 minutes. Otherwise, the effect of one of the drugs may deteriorate. Analogues of “Artificial Tears” are: “Ofgel”, “Vizin pure tear”, “Likontin”, “Oftolik”, “Oksial”, “Khilo-komod”, “Inoks”, “Vidisik”, “Tear natural” and “Sustain Ultra".