Feeling a bad ear pain, you need toseem otolaryngologist. In most cases, discomfort occurs due to the onset of inflammation. After examination, the doctor will be able to accurately determine the cause of the problems and tell whether it is possible to warm the ear with otitis. Assign yourself a thermal procedure yourself is not worth
Types of disease
Before finding out whether it is possible to warm the ear with otitis, it is necessary to deal with the type of disease.
- External inflammation most often occurs afterswimming in open ponds or pools. But injuries can also lead to his appearance. It is easy to diagnose otitis externa - the skin of the auricle and the visible part of the ear canal is inflamed. Eczema and boils are visible.
- The cause of pain in most cases becomesotitis media It occurs after viral diseases, tonsillitis. The painful sensations associated with it are pronounced, they can be concentrated both in the ear itself and in the area of the teeth and neck. Otitis media can be catarrhal or purulent. Before assigning a procedure, it is necessary to accurately determine its type.
- The most dangerous is considered internal otitis. It can be a complication of middle ear inflammation. With its development, there is a risk that the infection can penetrate the blood and the meninges.
Features of the disease
Even if you know all the signs of inflammation and the methods of therapy, you should not decide on your own how to treat otitis media. Is it possible to warm the ear with a blue lamp, it is better to find out from the otolaryngologist.
If the doctor confirms that you have catarrhalinflammation, then use the warm-up procedure possible. But with purulent otitis do it is dangerous. After all, heat will stimulate the reproduction of pathogenic microorganisms. In addition, it will improve blood circulation in the heated areas. As a result, it will allow bacteria to enter the connective tissues.
If inflammation of the inner ear begins,there is a risk of infection of the membranes of the brain. Knowing this, you can determine for yourself whether it is possible to warm the ear in acute otitis without a preliminary visit to the doctor.
Initial stages of the disease
Of course, if catarrh has begun,heat will help reduce pain, relieve spasms and improve blood circulation in the affected areas. This will allow them to quickly recover. But it is impossible to determine the type of the disease on your own.
In the early stages notice purulent discharge.will not work. With the progression of the disease, they begin to flow from the external auditory canal. In this case, of course, everyone himself can understand that he has started purulent inflammation.
Particularly careful to be parents of young children. Do not listen to grandmothers, if they do not have a medical education. Far from all people know whether it is possible to warm the ear with purulent otitis.
Possible consequences
In addition, bacteria will begin to multiply.more intense. With this otitis, the eardrum can be damaged. If pus or blood begins to flow out of the ear, then you cannot do without a doctor. In such situations, you should not even find out whether it is possible to warm the ear with otitis media. Not only thermal procedures, but also various drops fall under the ban. After all, you can not verify the integrity of the eardrum.
Children's problems
If the child is awake at night from the pain and you do not haveOpportunities to get to the doctor, you should not ring up friends with the question of whether it is possible to warm the ear with otitis. It is necessary to drip into the child in the nose vasoconstrictor drops, such as the usual children's "Farmazolin". In addition, it is necessary to alleviate the condition of the baby. To relieve the pain will help any drug made on the basis of ibuprofen. You can give the syrup "Nurofen", "Bofen" or another similar. Paracetamol has a less pronounced analgesic effect, but if you have nothing else, then you can give an age dose of syrup "Efferalgan", "Paracetamol".
Action tactics
If the doctor confirms that your drum kitif the membrane is intact and there are no purulent discharges, then we can ask how to properly heat the ear with a blue lamp during otitis. Also, the doctor may recommend other methods of heating. In addition, he is likely to prescribe ear drops with analgesic and anti-inflammatory effects: "Otipaks", "Otizol" or other analogues.
Warming up methods
At home, when it was exactlyIt is established whether it is possible to warm the ear with otitis in your case, use other methods. If you have a blue lamp, then you can carry out all thermal procedures with its help. You can also warm up your ear with a regular salt water bottle. You can buy it at any pharmacy or do it yourself.
If the doctor has allowed you thermal procedures, then noIt makes sense to additionally find out whether it is possible to warm the ear with otitis salt. You can use any dry warming. Procedures are carried out for 10-15 minutes, they can be repeated several times a day.
Under the influence of heat, the outflow of fluid beginsin the inflamed middle ear. Blood circulation is improving there, and this contributes to faster tissue repair. After each heating, it is advisable to close the ear canal with a cotton swab.
Blue lamp rules
Warm up the ear with a blue lamp should be at least 3-4 times a day. Usually, a 3-5 day course of treatment is enough to get rid of otitis. The main thing is to follow the rules.
- Included lamp must be kept near the ear for 10 minutes.
- The distance is determined independently experiencedby. If the ear becomes too hot, then you need to move the lamp a little further. If the heat is almost not felt, then it is better to move it closer.
- The best is considered a distance of 15-20 cm.
- Remember, the heat from the lamp should be noticeable, but it should not cause discomfort.
- During heating, it is advisable to keep the lamp not strictly perpendicular to the surface of the ear, but at a slight angle.
- It should be understood that the treatment is achieved due to the radiated heat, which is enhanced by reflex reflection from the mirror surface.
The color of the light bulb is not so important.