/ / "Uhonorm" (ear drops): reviews of doctors

"Uhonorm" (ear drops): reviews of doctors

Is the drug "Uhonorm" effective (eardrops)? Comments on the effectiveness of this medication will be presented at the end of the article. Also, you will learn how to use the mentioned tool, whether it has prohibitions on the purpose and how it can be replaced.

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Composition of the medicinal product

What components does the medicine contain?"Uhonorm" (ear drops)? The instruction indicates that this preparation includes only natural ingredients, each of which performs only a certain function. Thus, the composition of this medication includes: chamomile flowers, celandine grass, propolis, benzalkonium chloride and allantoin.

Effects of the earplug

What is a medicine like"Uhonorm" (ear drops)? The reviews state that this is a biologically active complex, which is based solely on natural components and is intended for comprehensive care of the auditory organs.

This medication not only effectively eliminatessulfur plugs, but also heals otitis, and also restores the broken ear, which is a consequence of neglect of the rules of hygiene of the ears.

What is more remarkable is the medicine "Uhonorm" (eardrops)? The reviews say that this drug has a bactericidal and anti-inflammatory effect, and also helps to remove painful and other unpleasant sensations in the auditory organs, moisturize and soften the skin.

Features of components of drops for the ears

What are the properties of the drug "Uhonorm"(ear drops)? The doctors say that the effectiveness of this medicine is associated with the presence of natural components in it. Let's consider features of all components of substances in more details.

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  • Flowers of chemist's chamomile are rich in biologically active ingredients. Due to this, the drug in question has analgesic, anti-inflammatory and softening properties.
  • Propolis is the most valuable productbeekeeping. According to experts, this drug has not only anti-inflammatory and bactericidal, but also analgesic, antifungal and antiviral action. In addition, the use of propolis promotes the stimulation of cell regeneration and accelerates wound healing.
  • Allantoin is a substance that exerts a drying effect. It promotes loosening of the horny skin layer, and also eliminates stoppers and stimulates the excretion of sulfur from the ears.
  • The grass of celandine contains a well of usefulcomponents. This plant has anti-inflammatory, bactericidal and antifungal properties. It also exhibits a local anesthetic effect.
  • Benzalkonium chloride is a preservative, antiseptic with antiprotozoal, antifungal and antiviral action. In recommended quantities, this substance is absolutely safe for humans.

Indication for the use of an ear instrument

At what conditions of the patient is most effectiveThe "Uhonorm" medication (ear drops) manifests itself? The doctors' comments state that the natural components of this remedy have a positive effect when:

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  • inflammation of the eustachian tube or inner ear;
  • sulfuric cork;
  • purulent infections;
  • reactive otitis;
  • dental diseases;
  • diseases of the paranasal sinuses and nose;
  • long stay in the cold wind, especially in wet weather;
  • hypothermia, including during the reception of water procedures;
  • non-swelling average otitis media, external otitis media;
  • obstruction of the ear, "lumbago" and pain in the ears, noise in the head and auditory passage.

It should also be noted that the drug "Uhonorm" (ear drops), the real responses about which are presented below, are very often used for:

  • prevention of exacerbations of chronic otitis media;
  • prevention of recurrence of sulfuric plugs;
  • prevention of inflammatory diseases of the ear;
  • normalization of the functions and condition of the tympanic membrane and auditory nerve;
  • prevention of acute diseases of the paranasal sinuses and nasopharynx (including for sinusitis and sinusitis).

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Bans on use

When it is not recommended to usesuch an active biological complex, as "Ukhonorm" (ear drops)? Reviews of specialists report that the medication in question is contraindicated for use in the case of personal intolerance of its components, as well as in perforation of the tympanic membrane.

It should also be said that the aforementioned ear drops are cosmetic for the care of the ears.

How should I use the drug "Ukhonorm" (ear drops)?

Analogs of this complex are presented below.

Before using the considered drug,it should be pre-warmed to the temperature of the human body. This drug is injected directly into the external auditory canal. During this procedure, the patient's head is tilted to the opposite shoulder. Also, the patient is allowed to lie on his side, which is opposite to the ear into which the drops will be instilled.

To straighten the external auditory canal, the organ lobe should be gently pulled back and back.

A single dose of the drug in question (in each ear) is four drops. The frequency of use of this drug - 2 or 3 times a day.

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Therapeutic course of treatment drops should last for 10 days. Next, take a break of 5 days, after which the therapy is repeated.

The number of courses allowed for one year is unlimited.

Conditions and shelf life of the active complex

How is the drug being treated right?keep? According to the instructions, it is desirable to contain this tool in a place that is protected from direct sunlight, and is also inaccessible to small children (at a humidity of 76% and a temperature of 5-25 degrees).

После вскрытия упаковки активный биологический The product should be stored in the refrigerator at a temperature of 2-4 degrees. As for the shelf life of the drug, it is 6 months (from the date of production).

Similar drugs

Structural analogues (i.e. drugs similarby active ingredients) there are no ear drops. However, it should be noted that very many experts recommend using the following drugs to dissolve sulfur plugs, as well as to cleanse auditory passages from excess sulfur and to prevent their formation.

  • Aqua-Maris Oto (production Croatia);
  • "Remo-Vaks" (production Finland);
  • Vaxol (manufactured by Great Britain);
  • "A-cerumen" (production France);
  • Audi Spray (production Switzerland).

The drug "Uhonorm" (ear drops): positive feedback, negative messages

What do patients and doctors say about this drug?Both those and others argue that this is a highly effective tool that helps not only in the treatment of inflammatory diseases of the auditory passages, but also in removing sulfuric plugs.

Also, many people report that this drug is easy to use, has no side effects and is available to everyone.

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As for the negative messages, they say only that the drops "Ukhonorm" have a small shelf life. Also, they do not have the same effective analogues of natural origin.