/ / Fluoroquinolone antibiotics - active fighters for your health

Antibiotics of fluoroquinolones - active fighters for your health

fluoroquinolone antibiotics
В 1962 году, когда появились первые сильные drugs of this class, no one predicted such success. They were invented as a treatment for urinary tract infections, but later they became the most popular antibiotics. In medical practice, this drug group was actively used only in the 80s of the XX century. And today, fluoroquinolone antibiotics are simply indispensable in the treatment of respiratory diseases. The worldwide classification of these antibiotics by generations is popular in Russia. But, unfortunately, this division of drugs does not allow to identify their chemical composition and spectrum of action. Therefore, most often about fluoroquinolones (antibiotics) is said, highlighting 2 groups - old and new.

Drug classification

Drugs of the old group include drugs."Ofloxacin", "Enoxacin", "Ciprofloxacin" and others. New antibiotics are medicines Sparfloxacin, Clinafloxacin, Moxifloxacin. However, some of the developed drugs are no longer being released, as scientists have discovered serious side effects in their use.

Antibiotic use

This group of drugs traditionallyused for diseases of the urinary system, intestinal infections and diseases that are sexually transmitted. Unfortunately, fluoroquinolones are little used for the treatment of respiratory diseases, although they are able to actively influence certain types of pathogens.

fluoroquinolones antibiotics
Action drugs

Fluoroquinolone antibiotics are well absorbedgastrointestinal tract and maximally concentrated in liquid tissues 3 hours after their use. If you eat food at the same time, the active absorption will slow down slightly, but the action will be just as active. The mechanism of action of drugs consists in the inhibition of DNA gyrase and topoisomerase IV microbes, therefore, no cross-resistance with other antimicrobial agents is observed. These antibiotics are widely used for gynecology (diseases of the female reproductive system), in particular for inflammations of the pelvic organs, which are caused by the vigorous activity of microorganisms penetrating the upper genital tract. It is recommended to take quinolones on an empty stomach, although it is acceptable to use after meals.

Side effects

Fluoroquinolone antibiotics are well tolerated byingestion and intravenous injection. Adverse reactions are rare, but if they occur, they usually affect the activity of the digestive tract and the functioning of the nervous system. Nausea, diarrhea, headache, dizziness, convulsions, nervousness may occur. In general, this group of antibiotics is characterized by excellent pharmacokinetic parameters.

antibiotics for gynecology

The main stages of action of fluoroquinolones

  1. Penetration through the membrane into the cell.
  2. Inhibition of the enzyme DNA gyrase.
  3. DNA biosynthesis.
  4. Destruction of the cell division algorithm.
  5. Cell structure change.
  6. Cell death

This group of antibiotics is widely used in medicine, and with proper use it is able to provide effective support to human health.