When irritation or inflammation of the nasal mucosa occurs, an unconditioned reflex occurs - sneezing. The reasons This process can be very different. In any case, sneezing is associated with rhinitis or, colloquially, with a cold. Rhinitis disease is divided into several types.
It may be infectious acute rhinitis, whichoccurs under the influence of various microbes and viruses, such as influenza and acute respiratory infections, SARS and measles, gonorrhea and diphtheria, scarlet fever and tonsillitis. Such diseases begin with frequent sneezing and tearing, accompanied by fever and malaise. Later, the patient appears copious mucus from the nose. Over time, they move to the stage of purulent mucous membranes.
Sometimes rhinitis takes a chronic form due toconstant exposure to adverse factors, circulatory disorders of the body or occupational hazards. These factors also cause sneezing, the causes of which were listed above.
Symptoms of chronic rhinitis are alsofrequent sneezing, nasal and sinus congestion, thickening and inflammation of the mucous membrane and thick nasal discharge. Also, a runny nose accompanied by dryness and nasal congestion, the formation of crusts, the weakening of the sense of smell. Which causes itching, burning sensation in the nasal cavity, and also provokes frequent sneezing.
Many people know the state when there issneezing, the reasons for which seem to be incomprehensible. Just a man came out of a warm room in the cold, or someone nearby poured a sharp-smelling liquid. And it happens that sneezing arises from bright light, for example, when a person leaves the dim room in the sun. This is called neurovegetative or vasomotor rhinitis. Neuro-reflex disorders of the body make the mucous membrane of the nose react violently to stimuli, such as cold air, bright light and strong smell.
In patients with vasomotor rhinitis,in the mornings, there is increased nasal congestion, copious watery mucous discharge, lacrimation and sneezing. The mucous membrane of the nasal cavity is either pale or bluish, which is especially noticeable in the lower region of the nasal conchae.
Сегодня всё большее количество жителей нашей planets are prone to allergic rhinitis. This type of rhinitis can be both infectious origin, and directly allergic to a variety of factors. Doctors associate this reaction of the body with the fact that the patient is extremely sensitive to the nasal mucosa.
Patients prone to allergic rhinitis,complain of heavy discharge from the nasal cavity, lacrimation, nasal congestion and frequent sneezing. The reasons for such a reaction of the body are extremely individual: dust, pollen, animal dander, perfume, the presence in the apartment of an aquarium with fish, various drugs. Even in rare cases, allergic reactions to honey and its derivatives are observed. Most often, allergic rhinitis has a seasonal nature, the aggravation of which occurs in spring or summer.
If an adult can owndetermine the cause of the unpleasant state, then the kids cope with a similar task is quite difficult, almost impossible. And if the baby begins to sneeze frequently, the reasons for this should be sought for adults.
Конечно, первоначально у чихающего ребёнка стоит take a temperature to make sure that a runny nose is not a symptom of a viral or infectious disease. Although attentive parents very soon find the causes of sneezing in an infant. Especially if the reaction occurs under the same circumstances.
However, sometimes adults are lost:it seems to them that there is absolutely no reason for sneezing! The house is constantly clean, there are no animals, no fish, no harsh smells, no flowers in the room. And the kid often sneezes constantly!
The reasons for this condition may be increased dryness of the air in the room. Heating batteries dry it up, causing dryness in the nose, crusts form, and the crumb begins to sneeze frantically.
In order to facilitate the state of being inIn the room of people, especially children, you should hang a wet sheet or towel in the room, sprinkle curtains with water, put a basin with water on the floor near the heating systems. The nasal cavity can be lubricated with vaseline oil.