/ / How to improve metabolism

How to improve metabolism

Exchange of substances is the basislife activity of our body: from birth to old age. A good metabolism directly determines your strength and beauty, but, as a rule, it slows down over time. With age, in order to keep fit and stay healthy and beautiful, you need to make great efforts. Often, many do not find the inner strength to support the body in a tone: you have to limit yourself to almost everything, do not eat some food, observe a clear diet, etc.

But there are some very simple tips and recommendations of nutritionists on how to improve metabolism, observing which, you can support the body in its tone and the necessary rhythm of life.

Firstly, if you have set yourself the goal of finding the answer tothe question of how to increase metabolism, remember that the food should be fractional. In order to keep the metabolism at a high level, experts recommend eating small amounts of 5 or 6 times a day.

Secondly, to help the body find the answer to thethe question of how to increase metabolism, henceforth breakfast must become an obligatory element of your nutrition. Before the first meal, the body will save energy saved, as during sleep. Morning meal will give your body the necessary impetus, activates metabolic processes, which is closer to night, usually slows down. Until breakfast, the body tries to save as much energy as possible, burning a minimum of calories. As an optimal food for breakfast, nutritionists advise oatmeal porridge, known as oatmeal. To make food more diverse, ordinary yogurt or any fruit will easily help.

Thirdly, it is necessary for a normalfunctioning of the body is the consumption of water. When solving the problem of how to improve metabolism, it is important to understand that if there is not enough water in the body, it immediately begins to accumulate it inside itself. In a day, you need to drink about two liters of clean water. The intake of water can be diversified with the use of green tea, which is rich in a wide variety of useful elements that relieve the body of toxins that help purify the liver and provide accelerated burning of fats.

Fourth, to accelerate the metabolismdieticians recommend increasing the amount of citrus in the diet. They are very good at breaking down fats and are "helpers" in the digestive system. Basically, the use of grapefruit and lemons is recommended. The vitamins contained in them will only benefit your body.

Fifth, invaluable help for the bodyis a thorough, measured chewing food. Remember that the process of digestion begins already at the moment when you smell food. Extremely undesirable snacks are different: in front of the TV, at the computer, etc.

And, finally, it is necessary to carry out dailyphysical exercises. You can deal with them at any time of the day. Do morning exercises, it helps to wake up the body and activate in the brain those departments that will be responsible for your good mood throughout the day. In the evening, exercise is also very useful, because by the end of the day your muscles are still in tonus and you are unlikely to stretch them. In addition, calories are burned very quickly, because the body has not lost its vigor. If you do exercises that you planned for yourself, it's quite active, then the muscle mass will increase at an amazing rate. If you begin to knead all the active muscles three times a day for thirty minutes, then you yourself will be surprised at the result that will be obtained. You will even understand that the question of how to improve metabolism is not complicated.

If there is no time for sports and walkingwalks you can always find available ways and means to keep yourself toned, for example, do not use the elevator, if possible, a couple of stops from home to work to go on foot, etc. Thanks to a minimum of effort, the metabolism will be improved, the mood will rise, and you will come one step closer to the slender figure. And then you will teach fat girlfriends how to improve metabolism.