For a long time it was thought that everything is useful, that inhis mouth was not getting any better. Another folk wisdom says that a good person should be a lot. Over Russia, a country with a rich history and a difficult climate for agriculture, centuries hung a specter of hunger. People of age often perceive excessive fullness not just as something normal, but as a sign of health.
Not true.Excess weight brings with it an increase in blood pressure, dyspnea, vascular disease and a whole bunch of troubles. Therefore, a significant part of the population has a need to normalize its weight.

Actually, there is no secret - you need lessthere is more to move. This, of course, is good, but the question immediately arises: "How much is there?" And what exactly is there? In order to determine how many kilocalories per day a person needs, there are formulas. For the most part, they are universal and easy to use. According to them, anyone can calculate how many kilocalories per day he needs personally.
The calculation is performed in two stages.First, the amount of kilocalories necessary for basal metabolism is determined. This is the name of the metabolism that occurs when a person is at rest. Energy is required only for the physiological processes of the heart, lungs, cell renewal. This is the minimum indicator of how many kilocalories are needed per day. The second stage is the multiplication of the result obtained by the correction factor. This coefficient depends on whether there is sports and physical activity in your life. For a slimming person by default, this value is equal to one.

Take for example a hypothetical lady,say, 38 years old, whose height is 165 cm, and weight 85 kg. As a result, we get that its basic metabolism per day requires 1,543 kilocalories. Let's take another hypothetical example - a man of 40 years, whose height is 180 cm, and the weight is 95 kg. We find out that its basic metabolism "costs" 1,882 kilocalories.

That's how many calories a day a person needs.Now it is necessary to decide what exactly is. The table of caloric content of products will come to the aid. Surprisingly not how many kilocalories per day a person needs, but how many delicious ways they can be recruited! An ordinary banana contains almost 100 kilocalories, and a small piece of cake - more than 600! A handful of hazelnuts "costs" 300 kilocalories, which is three calories for calories.
There are often and gradually.It is desirable that in the evening you eat less. If, according to the formula, you need 1500 calories a day, it would be wise to divide them so that you do not have more than 200 for dinner. And do not give yourself culinary gifts in honor of the first results of the diet.