/ / Analogs "Clotrimazole": a description of the drug, instructions, contraindications and reviews

Analogues of "Clotrimazole": a description of the drug, instructions, contraindications and reviews

"Clotrimazole" - antifungal drugmeans. The drug has antibacterial, anti-amebic and antitrihomonadny action. The active component destroys cell walls, as a result of which pathogens die. The spectrum of action of this tool is quite wide. The drug "Clotrimazole" is able to eliminate the causative agents of almost all diseases of bacterial and fungal etiology. The drug is suitable for self-use, and for use in the complex, it is also used for prophylactic purposes. If necessary, you can pick up analogues of Clotrimazole.

clotrimazole analogs

Composition, form of release

There are several dosage forms.The drug is made in the form of vaginal suppositories and tablets. Means for external use are produced - gel, cream, ointment, solution with the concentration of the active substance clotrimazole 1%. Candles and tablets contain 100 mg of the main component, tablets can contain 500 mg of clotrimazole.

Of the excipients in the composition are nipagin, twin-80. Auxiliary effect of glycerol, vaseline. Additionally used cetyl alcohol, distilled water.


"Clotrimazole" acts by inhibiting the process.synthesis of ergosterol, necessary for the formation of the cell membrane of microorganisms. As a result, its permeability deteriorates, cell lysis occurs. This drug and analogues of Clotrimazole contribute to the improved permeability of the phospholipid membrane, which liposomes possess, and vacuoles the cytoplasm. In addition, there is a decrease in the number of ribosomes. The drug inhibits the activity of peroxidases, which is reflected in the process of destruction of cells of pathogenic microorganisms. In cells, hydrogen peroxide accumulates better, therefore, pathogens are more efficiently destroyed.

clotrimazole ointment analogues

Using "Clotrimazole", it is possible to cure erythrasma and diseases caused by trichomonads, staphylococci, yeast mushrooms, dermatophytes.


The absorption of the drug is insignificant and corresponds to 3-10% of the used dose. The drug does not penetrate the body through the mucous membranes and skin.


Consider the cases when it allows you to assign "clotrimazole" instruction manual. Analogs can be used to treat the same diseases. The drug is indicated in the detection of such diseases:

  • mycosis, during which is complicated by secondary pyoderma;
  • erythrasma;
  • scaby;
  • superficial candidiasis, the causative agents of which are fungi, dermatophytes and microorganisms that are sensitive to clotrimazole;
  • mycoses, which affect the foot, skin folds;
  • fungal skin diseases.

"Clotrimazole" (ointment), analogues of this formThe drug is used to treat mycoses, the development of which was provoked by mold fungi, blastomycetes and dermatomycetes. Ointment treat dermatomycosis, which is joined by a secondary infection.

Clotrimazole analogs and prices


With the use of this drugDo not treat diseases that developed in women during the first trimester of pregnancy. Contraindications to the use of the drug is hypersensitivity to its components. Regarding the treatment with Clotrimazole during menstruation, it is not produced during this period. It is possible to apply medicine at breastfeeding, but with care.

Drug use, dosing

"Clotrimazole" (cream), analogues are used onaffected areas that have previously been cleaned and dried. The tool is applied to the skin thinly, then gently rubbed. The procedure should be performed two or three times a day. For cleansing the skin is recommended to use soap, the pH of which is neutral. The duration of therapy is determined by the severity of the condition, the location of the lesion, and the effectiveness of treatment.

Usually, to eliminate dermatomycosis is requiredat least a month, tinea versicolor can be eliminated in 1-3 weeks. Fungal lesions of the legs are treated even after the disappearance of the symptoms that accompanied the disease, it is additionally required to lubricate the skin with at least another half a month.

clotrimazole candles analogues

"Clotrimazole" tablets, their analogues are used infor six days. In the evening of each day, one pill is placed deep in the vagina. If there is such a need, in the morning enter another one. The duration of treatment can be extended to twelve days. The most effective option is the simultaneous use of ointment and tablets. Perhaps a repetition of treatment after his appointment by a doctor. For easier administration of the pill, lie on your back or bend your knees slightly.

Candida balanitis and vulvitis are treated with cream,applying it to the affected areas daily two or three times. Course duration is at least six days, usually no more than twelve.

"Clotrimazole" - candles, their analogues are prescribed aswomen and girls. Their use is possible after the start of sexual activity. Candles are placed deep in the vagina in the evening. For easy insertion, lie on your back or bend your legs. Need to be treated for six days. It is possible to continue therapy only after receiving the appropriate recommendations of the doctor.

Preparations in the form of a gel, ointment, cream applied with a small layer, gently rubbed. The procedure is repeated several times a day (2 or 3). The skin should be cleansed with a neutral pH and dried.

Like drugs of other forms, the solution alsoapplied in a thin layer in the morning and evening, well rubbed. You must use a few drops of the drug. The solution is suitable for the treatment of adult patients and children. It is necessary to process both the affected area and the areas adjacent to it. After the acute symptoms have disappeared, the treatment is carried out for about another month.

clotrimazole cream analogues

If the feet are affected by ringworm, the medication, after elimination of the symptoms, is used for another half a month. It is necessary to use the solution after each procedure of washing the feet.

Adverse Events

Original drug, analogs of "Clotrimazole"can cause side effects. Rarely found swelling, blisters in places of application of the drug, peeling and irritation of the skin. Urticaria, burning, itching, development of erythema may occur.

special instructions

The possibility of prescribing a drug to a pregnant or lactating woman should be determined by a doctor taking into account many factors.

If a patient has liver problems - liver failure, you should regularly check its function.

When using the drug should avoid its application to the area near the eyes.

The drug can be used to treat onychomycosis.with short cropped nails, so the drug is better to penetrate the affected area. In such cases, it is better to use the solution, it provides better penetration.

clotrimazole instructions for use analogues

The appearance of hypersensitivity to the drug is a reason to cancel the drug. The lack of the desired effect during the month requires confirmation of the diagnosis.

To prevent re-infection,the implementation of therapy is shown to both women and men. For effective elimination of trichomoniasis, combination treatment with drugs that have a systemic effect is necessary.

If necessary, combine the drug with other means should consult with your doctor and follow his recommendations.

The cost of the drug, reviews, analogues

If it is necessary to replace "Clotrimazole", analogues andtheir prices will help to make the right choice. The same active substance contains “Factodin”, “Lotrimin”, “Guine-Lotrimin”. By analogy in structure belong to "Kanesten", "Antifungol", "Clotrimazole-Acre". The same active ingredient is composed of "Yenamazol", "Amiklon". The effect of Canizone and Imidil is based on clotrimazole. As a substitute, the doctor may prescribe "Candizol", "Candibene". Possible treatment using Candida.

A solution (15 ml) can be purchased for 120-140 rubles., ointment (20 g) - for 36-89 rubles, gel (20 g) - approximately for 23 rubles, cream (20 g) - for 37-155 rubles. The cost of tablets (6 pieces of 100 mg) is 15-55 rubles.

clotrimazole tablets analogs

Original drug, analogs of "Clotrimazole"help not everyone, sometimes there are side effects, such as burning, itching. Some women have blood discharge. Many people like the price, in most cases the drug is effective, and there are no discomfort in the treatment with its use. For the most effective treatment, the drug can be used only after prescribing by a doctor and in accordance with its recommendations.