/ / The preparation "Holisal". Instructions

The drug "Holisal". Instructions

There are diseases with which, unfortunately,there are all people regardless of gender and age. This is a disease of the mouth. Even in spite of careful hygiene compliance, the mouth still remains one of the most favorable places for the emergence and spread of infections, the multiplication of pathogenic bacteria. An extensive field of medicine - dentistry - is engaged in the study and treatment of diseases of teeth and gums. Parodontitis (dysplasia of the root of the tooth with the bone), gingivitis (inflammatory process on the gums), stomatitis (diseases of the oral mucosa), cheilitis (diseases of the lips, their inner and outer skin covering), painful sensations in teething in young children, oral cavity with dentures - all these ailments are an indication for the use of the drug "Holisal". The instruction recommends to use it also in case of skin disease with red planus. The medicine, thanks to the active substances (choline salicylate and cetalkonium chloride) effectively fights against microbes, relieves inflammation, eliminates pain. The drug "Holisal" (ointment) is used externally and is applied to the affected area.

Medication with a basic dentalpurpose, "Holisal" is a transparent gel with no color. Because of the addition of aniseed oil in it has a characteristic smell of anise. The gel is placed in aluminum tubes with 10 grams of substance in each. A tube of medicine "Holisal", the instruction to it - in cardboard packages.

Effect of the drug

The drug "Holisal", which is applied to the patientplace in the mouth, quickly and easily absorbed by the mucosa. The action begins almost immediately: the temperature decreases (if it was increased), within three minutes the pain subsides. In the acidic and alkaline environment of the oral cavity, the drug resists the development of fungi, microbes. The drug "Holisal" does not allow to form and develop prostaglandins, interleukin-1, reduces the effectiveness of neutrophils, macrophages, cyclooxygenases. The gel form of the drug contributes to the fact that the ointment for a long time is held at the site of the disease. And the HOLISAL medication is in effect (the instruction says this) for two to eight hours.

Doses of medication

The doctor appoints the time of reception depending on thethe course of the disease. If you should anesthetize the affected area of ​​the mucosa in your mouth, then usually the drug "Holisal" is taken before meals. If there is no pain, then afterwards. The gel is applied to a clean finger and rubbed gently into a sore spot with gentle, gentle movements. If the patient is sick with periodontitis, the gel is placed in the pockets of the gum (you can massage) or compresses the gums. The procedure is carried out two or three times a day.

Like other medical devices, it has secondaryactions and medicine "Holisal". The instruction warns that there may be a short-term burning on the site of application of the gel. In this case, worry and do something is not necessary: ​​discomfort will be a few minutes later on your own. There may be allergic reactions.

Contraindications to the use of gel "Holisal" refer, primarily, those those who do not tolerate well salicylates, people with high sensitivity tocomponent of the drug. Only on the prescription of the doctor and under his supervision should take the medicine "Holisal" to future and nursing mothers. With great care it is necessary to treat the treatment of this drug for children up to one year.

The medicine does not adversely affect the ability to concentrate attention, so it can be used while driving a vehicle.

Precautionary measures

If there is a side effect during treatment, of course, you should consult your doctor without delay. An overdose of the drug is extremely rare.

This drug is sold in the pharmacy freely, without a prescription. It can be stored at a temperature of no higher than 25 degrees for three years.

The drug is less often used to treat red flat lichen - skin disease. And nevertheless, the gel "Holisal" with stomatitis and other diseases of the oral cavity proved to be the best.