/ / Young mom's diet: walnuts when breastfeeding

Diet of a young mother: walnuts with breastfeeding

Anxiety and doubts about pregnancyleft behind, and now the young mother has relative freedom. You can sleep on your stomach, without worrying about how not to harm the baby, you can download the press and much more. But in terms of nutritional restrictions remain, their list even expands somewhat, of course, if the mother is breastfeeding the baby.

The baby’s body is not yet adapted toour food, its main (only) food is breast milk. Therefore, the condition of the baby depends on the taste of mother's milk, and he, in turn, depends on what the woman eats. Many women can’t even imagine that a smoked sausage eaten for dinner will cause the baby's heart-rending screams and, as a result, a sleepless night. In this regard, newly-born moms should carefully analyze their diet, and eliminate potentially dangerous foods from the diet.

If some mothers do not consider this a problem at all,then others go to extremes and limit themselves even in those products that do not harm the child. How to find a middle ground? Consider the recommendations of pediatricians, if possible, eliminate potential allergens, keep a food diary and follow the rule of moderation.

Many mothers, knowing about the magical properties of a walnut, daily include it in their diet. Is it possible to eat walnuts when breastfeeding? Let's try to figure it out.

It is known that walnuts contain hugethe amount of useful elements, according to the content of vitamin C, the nut overtakes even citrus fruits and black currants. Their kernels are rich in magnesium, and it has a diuretic and vasodilating effect, and potassium in large quantities is able to expel sodium from the body. Eating walnuts strengthens the heart and improves immunity. Based on the above, it can be assumed that breast feeding is a desirable product when breastfeeding.

Walnuts themselves are very nutritious, thisimportant. In order for the milk to contain a sufficient amount of nutrients that develop the baby’s immune system, first of all, the woman herself should absorb healthy food. The advantages of walnuts include the fact that they protect against radiation and improve memory. It follows from the above: walnuts are useful for breastfeeding.

Walnut helps in the fight against mastopathy,a very unpleasant diagnosis for any woman. In addition, it is an indispensable product for people with a weakly working stomach, who have a predisposition to constipation. It is believed that walnuts are an excellent means to relieve fatigue, to remove toxins, combat depressive conditions. What can I say, even skeptics, perhaps, will come to the conclusion that walnuts when breastfeeding, but with a different "diagnosis" - a real blessing.

Well, the most important thing for a young mother, whobreastfeeding a baby is a common opinion (more than a dozen years old) that walnuts stimulate milk production. There are a huge number of recipes with their use, which are aimed at enhancing lactation. However, experts say that nuts really affect milk, but not its amount increases, but its fat content, which, in general, is also useful. Agree, this is also an argument in favor of walnuts. In other words, walnuts for breastfeeding are permissible and desirable.

However, we can not ignore the fact that nuts are recognizedpotential allergen, occupy the third position in the allergen rating. Therefore, you can use them, but not more than 2-3 things a day. It must be said that peanut-based butter and pasta should also be cautious in the nursing mother. Thus, peanuts when breastfeeding is appropriate only in moderation.