/ / Walnuts: benefit and harm

Walnuts: good and bad

Walnut, the harm of which is minimal,is a fruit of a walnut tree, home to which is Central Asia. Now it mainly grows on the territory of modern Moldova and France, they are its main exporters. The ancient Greeks called the walnut the acorns of the gods, and also it is considered food for the mind. They allow to normalize the secretion of the stomach, regardless of whether it is elevated or decreased. With the help of nuts, prevent and treat atherosclerosis. To remove a bright nervous tension, healers recommend eating a few cores a day. They are very useful in anemia with iron deficiency, since in their nuclei there is a lot of iron, zinc, copper and cobalt. You can advise them and diabetes, because their composition is included manganese and zinc, which have sugar lowering function, they include very few carbohydrates, but a lot of useful substances that can delay the hepatic obesity. Nuts help in maintaining the elasticity of our arteries, preventing them from hardening.

Walnuts: good and bad

Ripe nuts contain a largeamount of fat, protein, 20 free amino acids, which have no analogue, and also such vitamins: C, PP, B1, B2, iron, essential oil, carotene, iodine, cobalt, juglon and tannins. And unripe fruits contain more vitamin C than hips. When pressed, an oil is obtained from walnut fruit, which is rich in fatty unsaturated acids, it is considered to be a valuable dietary product.

Walnuts, the benefit and harm to whichthe moment has been studied quite well, very popular among Russian citizens. You can talk about some facts about this product. There are a lot of opinions and legends about this plant among the people. One of the legends says they have an antidote, another says that the kernels of nuts can be compared to the human brain, and the third has made them a symbol of a strong and lasting marriage. People from different countries have always valued this product since ancient times, as a medicinal and nutritious remedy. Specialists say that walnuts are an extremely useful product.

Walnuts: benefit and harm in the opinion of nutritionists

In this product is most of the fat,very useful for the body, since it is rich in fatty unsaturated acids. This vegetable fat and contains all the benefits and harm, because for obese people this product is too high in calories. The content of protein substances approximates this product to meat, dairy products and fish, it is very useful due to the composition of amino acids included in it. Among plant products, walnuts, the benefits and harms of which are already evident, are in the most important group. They contain a small amount of carbohydrates, which is good for those who can not consume too much sugar.

Since ancient times this plant is used inquality of the medicinal product. The leaves of the nut are insisted and used as a gliston preparation, and with stomatitis - they rinse the mouth, with angina - the throat, and with intestinal disorders - take inside. Sores in the mouth are quite successfully treated with juices of young fruits, mixed with honey. The food industry, cooking and confectionery have long and very widely used these fruits.

With excessive consumption of walnutscan damage the body. If they become moldy, they can not be consumed, since such a fungus can produce toxins that cause cancer. In a day you can not eat more than one hundred grams of this product.

Separately, the benefits of walnutnuts for men. Thanks to a whole complex of valuable components, they strengthen, restore, and also put men's sexual health in order. Arginine - one of the amino acids - the best stimulator of male sexual attraction. As a stand-alone product or in combination with fruits and honey, nuts are required to be present in the men's diet every day.