/ / Gymnastics for knee joints. Therapeutic exercises of Dr. Bubnovsky

Gymnastics for knee joints. Therapeutic exercises of Dr. Bubnovsky

The knee joint is one of the most complex andmobile in the human body. It withstands a heavy load and performs important functions during running, jumping, walking and other movements. The knee joint is arranged quite difficult, therefore any disturbances in metabolism or blood circulation are reflected in the state of its tissues. The functioning of the knee is also affected by various injuries, increased stress and degenerative processes occurring in the body with age. All this causes various diseases. One of the most effective methods of their treatment is gymnastics for knee joints. It is very important that special exercises prescribed by the doctor are performed.

Joint disruption

The structure of the knee is very complicated.Special articulation of bones, a large number of muscles and ligaments provides movement in the joint in different directions. In this joint there are special elastic cartilages - menisci, which provide it with damping properties and protect the bones from destruction. Movement in the knee is possible due to the musculoskeletal apparatus. In addition, in this place there is a large number of nerves and blood vessels. All this makes the knee joint very vulnerable to physical stress, trauma and other effects.

In this place most often develop suchpathologies such as arthritis, arthrosis, synovitis, bursitis, tendonitis, sprain and others. Restoring knee function is a long and complicated process. Therefore, the treatment of such pathologies should be complex. After examining and determining the cause of mobility disorders and pain, the doctor prescribes various therapies. In this case, the treatment of the knee joints gymnastics is considered the most effective. After all, it is best of all to restore muscles and ligaments, restore the elasticity of cartilage and stop the destruction of bone tissue with the help of special exercises.

exercises for knee osteoarthritis

Gymnastics tasks

Special complex exercise therapy significantly improvesthe work of the musculoskeletal system. He is appointed by the doctor, all exercises are selected individually, depending on the type of pathology, the age of the patient and his general health. Gymnastics for the knee joints performs the following functions:

  • strengthens muscles;
  • increases the elasticity of the ligaments;
  • improves blood circulation and metabolic processes in tissues;
  • increases joint mobility;
  • relieves pain in the knee.

Basic Rules of Occupation

Gymnastics for the knee joints shouldbe prescribed by a doctor. Indeed, depending on the type of pathology, the exercises should be different. Especially you need to be careful with loads on your knees after injuries, with arthrosis, acute inflammatory process. But choosing the right set of exercises is not all, it is very important to practice correctly. There are several rules that will make exercise therapy useful for the knee joint:

  • classes should be regular, at least 30 minutes a day, it is often recommended to practice 2-3 times for 10-15 minutes;
  • the course of such treatment should last at least a month, and in some cases, gymnastics must be done constantly;
  • The exercises are performed smoothly, without sudden movements and heavy loads on the joint;
  • the load at the beginning of classes should be low, the exercises should be performed with a small intensity, and it should be increased gradually;
  • First, the number of repetitions of exercises should be 3-5 times, they should be gradually reduced to 10-15;
  • do not allow the occurrence of pain when practicing;
  • at the end of the workout, you need to rest your knees - lie down, straighten your legs, then do a light self-massage and take a contrast shower.
    gymnastics for the knee in case of arthrosis

Contraindications for gymnastics

LFC for the knee joint is the maintreatment method prescribed for various pathologies. But not always exercise is allowed to the patient. Sometimes you have to look for other ways to restore the joint. Gymnastics is contraindicated in such cases:

  • with hypertension;
  • with increased intracranial pressure;
  • in the presence of a hernia;
  • patients with blood disorders;
  • with severe cardiovascular disease;
  • with increasing temperature;
  • during infectious and inflammatory diseases;
  • in the first month after surgery;
  • in case of acute diseases of the joint;
  • with purulent inflammation;
  • in the presence of ankylosis.
    gymnastics for the knee joints

The best exercises for knee arthrosis

This disease is characterized by a disorder.the number and composition of synovial fluid, the destruction of cartilage tissue and the limitation of joint mobility. At the initial stage of arthrosis, it is gymnastics that helps improve blood circulation and restore knee function. Special exercises strengthen muscles, relieve their spasms and stop the progression of the disease. You can do even in the acute period of the disease, but only under the supervision of a physician. Gymnastics for the knee in case of arthrosis may include the following exercises:

  • lying on your back, rotate your feet, turn them, pull the heels forward, stretching the calf muscle;
  • from the same position to raise alternately straight legs;
  • then pull the leg bent at the knee to the stomach;
  • in the period of remission is useful exercise "bike";
  • sitting on a chair, shaking his leg, bending and straightening it at the knee.
    lfk for the knee joint

Static exercises for the knee joint

In case of destruction of bone and cartilage tissuesA large number of dynamic loads can be harmful. Strengthen the ligaments and muscles without the load on the joint itself by using static exercises. Moreover, the delay in the extreme position should be 40-60 seconds. It should not cause much stress and breathing failures. Static gymnastics for the knee in case of arthrosis may include the following exercises:

  • lying on his stomach lift the leg 15 cm from the floor, while bending it at the same time in the knee;
  • sitting on a chair, straighten alternately one and then the other leg, lifting them from the floor and holding them in that position;
  • standing and holding hands for support, rise on toes, then on heels, lingering like that for a while.
    Dr. Bubnovsky

Gymnastics by the method of S. Bubnovsky

Известный врач, практикующий метод Kinesiotherapy, believes that you can restore the functions of the knees only with the help of physical education, without the use of drugs. Dr. Bubnovsky created a special complex that helps to restore health to the knee joints in any pathologies. Its main difference from traditional physical therapy exercises is that the exercises are performed on special simulators. But you can do at home, using a rubber elastic band.

The complex created by Sergei Bubnovskycontributes to the restoration of joints by improving the blood supply and tissue nutrition and relieving muscle spasm. It includes special exercises, which can only be performed under the supervision of a specialist:

  • Wrap your knees with crushed ice. In such a state, to fall on them and carefully walk a few steps, leaning on a chair.
  • From the kneeling position neatly needsit on your heels, holding your hands on the support. First, it is better to place a roller or rolled rug under your knees, gradually reducing its thickness. It is desirable to ensure that the time spent in this position was 5-6 minutes.
  • Sitting on the floor with legs straightened, you need to bend over, grab hold of your feet and pull your fingers towards you. At the same time you need to feel how the calf muscles stretch.
  • Lying on your stomach, bend your legs. Helping yourself with your hands, try to press the heels to the buttocks.
    for the knee joint

Strength exercises Bubnovsky

Этот вид нагрузок показан в период ремиссии на the initial stages of the development of diseases of the knee joint. Doing exercises with effort helps to strengthen muscles, improve blood circulation and tissue nutrition. They can be performed only after consulting a doctor, because in some cases such loads can be harmful. To perform strength exercises, Dr. Bubnovsky recommends using a rubber damper in the form of an elastic band. One of its end is attached to the ankle joint, the other - to a fixed support or held by hand. You can perform these exercises:

  • lying on his stomach, bend the leg at the knee joint, overcoming the resistance of the shock absorber;
  • securing the tape on the other hand, so that the leg is bent at the knee, you need to unbend it;
  • lie on your back and bend the leg, fixed shock absorber;
  • sitting on the floor sideways to the support, for which the shock absorber is fixed, lead and retract the foot, overcoming its resistance;
  • standing, bending the leg, trying to touch the heel of the buttocks.
    treatment of knee joints by gymnastics

What is harmful to the knee joint

With various pathologies in this place are not shownany loads. There are exercises that can be harmful and destroy the articular cartilage even more. Gymnastics for the knee joints should not include jumping, running, exercise on the exercise bike. Bending with bends, deep squats, lunges and other loads associated with strong knee flexion are very harmful to them.

Специальные упражнения, выполняемые правильно, help restore mobility, relieve pain and inflammation. Gymnastics is the best way to stop the progression of the disease and restore healthy knees.