/ / How to clean the lymph yourself?

How to clean the lymph yourself?

The lymphatic system can affectcondition of all organs of the human body. To cleanse it should begin only after cleaning the liver and intestines. Otherwise, removal of toxins that are carried by the lymph will be very difficult. At the moment, created many ways to detoxify. However, such methods are not available to everyone. How to clean the lymph?

how to clean the lymph

What is lymph

Before you answer the question of how to cleanlymph, you need to figure out what it is. Her second name is ichor. The lymph itself is a clear liquid that contains lymphocytes. With open wounds and scratches, it begins to ooze. In the body there is from 1 to 2 liters of this fluid.

Лимфа выполняет очень важные функции.The main one is to protect the body from the effects of parasites, viruses, toxins, bacteria. Lymph is involved in the creation of immunity, as well as the return to the blood from the tissues of water, salts, proteins and other substances. In other words, it performs several functions at once: cleansing and redistributing interstitial fluid in the body.

Why do I need to clean the lymph

So, how to clean the lymph and improve the condition of your body? A similar procedure should be carried out in case of health problems. As a rule, cleaning of the lymph is recommended for:

  • acne;
  • diseases affecting the work of the pelvic organs;
  • joint diseases;
  • manifestations of age spots and papillomas;
  • chronic thrombophlebitis;
  • liver disease.

It is worth noting that cleansing the entire lymphaticThe system allows you to strengthen the immune system, get rid of allergies, as well as rejuvenate the body as a whole. First, a similar procedure is carried out up to 4 times a year, and then no more than 2 times.


Before proceeding with the cleansing of the lymphatic system, you should learn more about contraindications. This procedure cannot be performed:

  • lactating women;
  • during pregnancy;
  • in diseases of the cardiovascular system;
  • with hypertension;
  • with diabetes.

If you wish to clear the lymph, you should first consult a doctor. After the examination, a specialist will help you choose the most suitable method.

how to clean the lymph at home

Exercises to cleanse the lymph

How to clean the lymph by doing certain exercises?Performing them, as well as massage allows you to stimulate the passage of fluid through the vessels. The Katsudzo Nishi exercise helps very well. To do this, lie on your back and raise your legs and arms vertically. Then you need to shake the limbs finely. At the same time, body muscles should be as relaxed as possible. The duration of this exercise should be from 2 to 5 minutes. It is best to perform it in the evening and in the morning.

How to clean the lymph at home?To stimulate its movement, any joint gymnastics will do. For example, an exercise from the course of Norbekov. It should be done in the morning. By the time it takes no more than 15 minutes. It is necessary to perform the extension and flexion of all joints. It is recommended to start the rotation with the fingers of the lower extremities and end with the shoulder joints.

Due to the contraction of the surrounding muscles, the lymph begins its movement through the vessels. Gymnastics in the morning allows you to get rid of even minor stagnations.

how to clean the lymph at home

Massage for cleaning

Cleans the blood and lymph helps not onlygymnastics, but also massage. It is worth considering some features. Any massage is recommended to perform along the lymph. Movement should be directed from the periphery to the center. On the limbs, the massage should be performed in the bottom-up direction.

It is worth considering that all lymphatic vessels havevalves that do not allow fluid to move from the lymph nodes in the opposite direction. For this reason, massage movements must be performed in a certain direction. In addition, when carrying out such a procedure is not recommended to affect the lymph nodes.

Will heat help

As practice shows, clean the lymph,Exposing heat will not work. According to experts, this physiological fluid is not excessively heated. For example, in a steam room, the air temperature should not exceed 60 ° C. As for the shower and bath, the water should be pleasant to the body and not very hot.

There are other limitations. It is not necessary to warm up the lymph nodes with the help of funds intended for physiotherapy and conventional heating pads.

how to clean the lymph at home by yourself

Herbs for cleaning

How to clean the lymph at homeon your own? For this you can use a variety of herbs and fruits. But do not forget about contraindications. Before taking any drug, even on the basis of plants, you should consult with experts. In addition, some medications have side effects.

Из растений лучше всего с задачами справляется Highlander grass, rosehips, willow-herb, plantain, oregano. If desired, you can purchase ready-made herbs in the pharmacy. It is necessary to accept similar phytopreparations within a month.

Not bad clean the lymph of sorrel, red currant berries, barberry fruits, chokeberry and cornel.

Celandine juice

If you wish, you can clear the lymph by peoplemeans. Most often used for this juice celandine. It is prepared quickly and easily. First you need to collect plants. For the preparation of juice, you can only use the leaves and stems. The collected raw materials should be passed through a meat grinder. The resulting slurry must be squeezed using gauze. For the procedure requires 450 milliliters of juice of celandine. Do not store it in its pure form. This amount of the finished product should be diluted with 70 ml of alcohol. Thanks to this, the mixture will be stored better.

It is necessary to accept ready meansincremental: in the morning - 1 drop, in the middle of the day - 2 drops, before going to bed - 3 drops. It is not difficult. Each dose should be increased by 1 drop. The main thing is to stick to this rule. When the dosage is 15 drops, the amount of the drug consumed at one time will need to be reduced by 1 drop.

Licorice and Enterosgel

How to clean the lymph with licorice and Enterosgel?This can be done at home. It is worth noting that licorice has a weak laxative and diuretic effect, regulates water-salt balance, and also stimulates lymphatic circulation.

You can use syrup for the procedurebased on the root of a given plant. To prepare the tool, you must dilute a tablespoon of the drug in a glass of hot water. Take this solution is on an empty stomach after waking up. After 30 minutes, you need to drink a tablespoon of Enterosgel. It is recommended to eat after 2 hours. The course of such purification should last at least 14 days.

There is another method.The solution with licorice root syrup is prepared in the same way as above. However, half an hour after its use, it is necessary to drink activated charcoal. The dosage of the drug is calculated individually: 10 pounds of weight - 1 tablet. Purification course - 3 weeks.

Before using licorice, it is worth considering that preparations based on this plant are incompatible with heart and diuretic drugs.

cleansing agents for lymph

The use of natural juices

How to clean the lymph at home with natural juices? There are many recipes. Use for cleansing the lymph can be a juice of a certain plant or a mixture of several juices.

A perfect mix of several drinks.For its preparation is to combine in one container 3 parts of cucumber, 6 parts of carrot and 1 part of beet juice. The result should be 2 liters of the mixture. To consume such a drink should be every hour for 1 glass.

Fasting and citrus juice

To clean the lymph at homeBy a similar method, 6 liters of melt water will be required. You can do it yourself. To do this, boil water, cool it, gently freeze, and then melt.

Per day you need to use 4 liters of the mixture. It is prepared simply. It is necessary to take:

  • lemon juice - 200 milliliters;
  • melt water - 2 liters;
  • orange juice - 900 milliliters;
  • grapefruit juice - 900 milliliters.

clear lymph folk remedies

All of these components should be combined in a deep container and mix. The purification scheme is as follows:

  • After waking up, you need to do an enema. To prepare the solution it is necessary to add 2 tablespoons of vinegar in two liters of water.
  • After the procedure you should drink a laxative. For its preparation requires 10 milliliters of boiled chilled water and 1 tablespoon of table salt glauber.
  • After the bowel movement is recommended to take a warm shower.
  • 30 minutes after taking a laxative, it is worth drinking a glass of a mixture made from water and juices. This is not the end of the purification.
  • Then you need to drink every half hour for ½ cup of the mixture.

The course of such cleaning is three days.During this period it is worth refusing the use of food. After the procedure, it is recommended to gradually go out from hunger strike. In the morning should eat vegetables and fruits, in the evening - cereal. On the second day, you can return to the usual diet.

It is worth considering that this method has contraindications. It is not necessary to resort to it for those who have an allergic reaction to citrus, as well as a tendency to appendicitis.

how to clear lymph with licorice

Milk, onion and garlic

Lymph cleansing agents can be preparedon their own. To do this, you can take on the head of garlic and onions. Vegetables should be crushed together with the husk or finely chopped. Lemon is also required. Fruit should be cut with the peel. Crushed products should be poured into 1 liter of milk.

It is necessary to cook means within several minutes.In conclusion, the finished product must be filtered. In the end, should get 4 cups of funds. It is necessary to take the drug for three days, eating twice a day: in the evening and in the morning, about 30 minutes before meals. During the cleansing procedures is not recommended to use dairy products. The course lasts no more than 4 days.