/ / How to clean the computer from dust by yourself

How to clean your computer of dust yourself

Now there is a computer in almost every family.In the past, computing equipment was interesting only for enthusiasts, and now even schoolchildren are required to have essays and many other homework tasks printed on a printer. Students have diploma and term papers that the commission will not consider if they are written by hand and not typed on a computer. In fact, there are many reasons because of which the family makes the decision to purchase a computer. As a result, it turns out that a complex electronic device is bought by a person who often does not understand anything in this field. Accordingly, the phrase "cleaning the PC" seems to be something abstract.

The advent of laptops symbolized the beginning of a new"Era": now there is no need, as in the case of full-fledged personal computers, to navigate in a variety of components, their interaction and so on. How to clean the computer from dust, think only those users whose level of knowledge is above average. So, for many people, buying a laptop and, for example, a refrigerator, is no different: we choose the parameters, purchase and use them until they break. Alas, household and computing equipment are slightly different things (although the integration process continues), so you should know how to clean the computer from dust. Note that the laptop is also a personal computer, only of reduced dimensions and with some features (more resistant to shocks), so everything said applies to both the first and the second.

The fact that in the living room is necessaryperiodically perform cleaning, they know everything. Dust comes from things, from the street, even with a person constantly updated epithelium pours. All this settles on things and, importantly, penetrates into the computer case and settles on its components. As a result - overheating and malfunctions. Usually one cleaning per two years is enough (depends on the operating conditions).

Frequently forums ask a question about howclean the computer from dust. There is nothing complicated about it. You will need a screwdriver, a piece of dry cotton, a match, a vacuum cleaner (we’ll stop at this point later), a little care and, of course, knowing how to clean the computer from dust.

Highlight:if the warranty period has not passed, then paid cleaning will have to be performed at a service center. Otherwise, we do everything ourselves: disconnect the wires from the case of all peripheral devices and the power cord, remember their location, so as not to be confused, place the system unit on the table with the left side cover up. Turn off the two bolts and slide the cover back.

The main “dust collector” of any computer isactive cooling system. Usually, the blades of the CPU fan are covered with a layer of dust, and the space between the fins of the radiator is simply clogged. It is clear that about any heat exchange can not speak. With a match, we clean the radiator and vacuum (without a brush) collect dust. The blades are wiped with a cotton swab. The elements next to the board are gently wiped with a cotton swab and also “passable” by a vacuum cleaner.

You need to wipe all the dust, because such a disassemblynot done every day. It is recommended to unscrew the power supply unit (4 bolts), remove the cover from it and also clean it from dust. After all the manipulations, the body is assembled in the reverse order. Who knows how to clean the computer from garbage and does it not the first time, can perform the process in 10-15 minutes.

Now about the features mentioned:

- When using a vacuum cleaner, you should not touch the nozzle tube to the electronic components in order to avoid electrostatic discharge.

- Ideal - portable vacuum cleaner, for example, car.

- Vacuum cleaner can be replaced with a regular syringe. We take the building to the street (there will be a lot of dust) and blow out all the collected garbage with it. It will remain a little "walk" in cotton wool.