/ / Instructions and reviews: "Tsitovir 3" (syrup for children) for the prevention and treatment of SARS and flu

Instructions and reviews: "Tsitovir 3" (syrup for children) for the prevention and treatment of SARS and influenza

Children are the most frequent visitors to clinics and hospitals. What is the reason? The fact is that the baby’s still fragile body very quickly undergoes attacks of various viruses and infections.

reviews citovir 3 syrup for children

To make the child’s immune system stronger andstronger, many parents use immunostimulating drugs. One of them is the drug Tsitovir-3. Price, reviews, instructions for use and forms of this medication will be presented below.

Description, packaging, composition and forms

Antiviral "Tsitovir-3" is produced in different forms. Consider them right now.

  • "Tsitovir-3" - powder intended forpreparation of oral aqueous solution for children. It has a white or yellowish color, as well as the characteristic aroma of orange, strawberry or cranberry. The active ingredients of this drug are alpha-tryptophan-glutamyl sodium, bendazole hydrochloride and ascorbic acid. Also considered means includes auxiliary elements in the form of fructose and flavoring, identical to natural ("Orange", "Strawberry" or "Cranberry"). The powder “Tsitovir-3” from flu comes in sale in vials (20 g each), and also has a dosing pipette or measuring cup (spoon), which are placed in packs of cardboard.
  • Желатиновые твердые капсулы № 3 с оранжевой lid and white casing. Their contents are white or yellow powder with no odor. In its composition the drug "Tsitovir-3" includes alpha-tryptophan-glutamyl sodium, bendazole hydrochloride and ascorbic acid. Lactose monohydrate and calcium stearate are used as additional elements. As for the capsule shell, the body consists of 2% titanium dioxide and gelatin, and the cap is made of the yellow sunset sunset dye, 2% titanium dioxide, azorubine and gelatin dye. You can buy such a tool in the contour cells, which are packaged in cardboard packs.

citovir 3 instructions for use

  • Tsitovir-3 syrup is children's.This form of the drug may be colorless or have a yellow color. Its active ingredients are sodium alpha tryptophan-glutamyl, bendazole hydrochloride and ascorbic acid. Also included in the composition of the drug is sucrose and purified water. In which package can you buy the product in question? What do the reviews say? "Tsitovir-3" (syrup for children) is produced in 50 ml of glass dark bottles. Included this drug has a metering device in the form of a measuring cup, spoon or pipette.

Mechanism of action of the drug

What is the medication in question?What do medical reviews say about this? "Tsitovir 3" (syrup for children) is an immunomodulatory drug, as well as a means of immunostimulating and etiotropic therapy. It has an indirect antiviral effect against influenza B and A viruses, as well as other viruses that cause acute respiratory diseases.

According to the instructions, bendazole is able to induce the production of endogenous interferon in the human body. It also exhibits an immunomodulatory effect, that is, it normalizes the immune response.

It should be noted that the enzymes that are produced by inducing interferon in the cells of internal organs are able to inhibit viral replication.

Ascorbic acid activates humorallink of the immune system, normalizes the permeability of blood vessels and capillaries, reducing inflammatory processes. In addition, this component exhibits antioxidant properties. As you know, it neutralizes oxygen radicals that accompany inflammation, and also increases the resistance of the patient's body to infections.

As for alpha-tryptophan-glutamyl, it is a synergist of the immunomodulating action of bendazole. The substance is able to normalize the T-cell component of the immune system.

cytovir 3 for prophylaxis

Kinetic features

Where is the absorption of the medication in question? What do reviews say about this? "Tsitovir-3" (syrup for children) when taken orally is completely absorbed from the digestive tract.

The bioavailability of bendazole is approximately 80%, ascorbic acid is 70%, and alpha tryptophan-glutamyl is approximately 15%.

Vitamin C is absorbed primarily from the small intestine. Its association with plasma proteins is 25%, and the maximum concentration is noted after four hours.

This substance is quite easy to penetrateplacental barrier, in platelets and leukocytes, and then in all tissues of the body. Gastrointestinal diseases such as ulcers, helminthic invasion, intestinal motility disorders and giardiasis, as well as the use of fresh fruit and vegetable juices, alkaline water significantly reduce the binding of vitamin C in the intestines.

Metabolized ascorbic acid mainlyin the liver. This forms deoxyascorbic, and then oxaloacetic and diketogulonic acids. This substance is derived by the kidneys, with sweat, through the intestines and breast milk in unchanged form, as well as in the form of derivatives.

Bendazole Biological Transformation Productstwo conjugates that are formed during carboethoxylation and methylation of the imidazole imine group of the imidazole ring appear in blood: one-carboethoxy-two-benzylbenzimidazole and one-methyl-two-benzylbenzimidazole. These metabolites are excreted in the urine.

Under the influence of peptidases alpha-tryptophan-glutamyl is split into L-tryptophan and L-glutamic acid. They are used by the human body for protein synthesis.

Indications to receive funds

When can a patient be prescribed Tsitovir-3? For the prevention and complex therapy of influenza and ARVI this tool is used:

  • for children over six years old and adults in the form of capsules;
  • babies from one year in the form of oral solution and syrup.

antiviral cytovir 3

Contra-indications for taking medication

In what cases the drug is not prescribed? What do the reviews say? "Tsitovir-3" (syrup for children, capsules and solution) is not used under the following conditions:

  • at children's age up to six years (in the form of capsules);
  • diabetes mellitus (in the form of syrup and oral solution);
  • in children up to one year (in the form of syrup and oral solution);
  • in case of hypersensitivity to the drug elements;
  • during pregnancy.

With extreme caution, this remedy is recommended during breastfeeding (if the benefit to the mother is higher than the risk to the baby).

Drug "Tsitovir 3": instructions for use

The dosage of this drug should be selected by a specialist.

How to take "Tsitovir 3"?The medicine is taken orally for half an hour before the meal. For treatment and for the purpose of prevention for adults and children from six years of age, this drug is prescribed in one capsule three times a day. It should also be noted that the schemes of prophylactic and therapeutic use of this tool are absolutely identical.

The drug is in the form of an oral solution orsyrup is prescribed to children aged 1-3 years in the amount of 2 ml three times a day. For a child of 3-6 years old, this drug is given in 4 ml with the same frequency, for children 6-10 years old - 8 ml each, and for adolescents from 10 years old - 12 ml three times a day.

The prophylactic course or course of treatment with this drug is four days. If necessary, it is repeated after 3-4 weeks.

how to take citovir 3

The method of preparation of oral solution

For preparation of Tsitovir 3 solution, pricewhich is indicated below, about 40 ml of water boiled but cooled to room temperature is added to the powder vial. After that, the contents of the container are well shaken. In this case, the powder must be completely dissolved.

As a rule, the volume of the drug after adding water does not exceed 50 ml.

Side effects

What negative consequences can occurafter taking Tsitovir-3? Instructions for use states that on the part of the cardiovascular system, this medicine may cause a short-term decrease in blood pressure. Also, sometimes it provokes the appearance of allergic reactions in the form of urticaria. In this case, the use of the drug is stopped, symptomatic treatment is carried out and antihistamines are prescribed.

Drug overdose

Taking excessive doses of Tsitovir-3 can cause the following symptoms: sweating, short-term hypotension, nausea, dizziness, headache and fever.

These conditions are treated symptomatically. However, before this you should definitely consult a doctor to decide on the need for further medication.

Interaction with other drugs

Drug interaction of alpha-tryptophan-glutamil with other drugs have not been identified.

Bendazole enhances the hypotensive effectdiuretic and antihypertensive drugs, and also prevents an increase in OPSS, which is due to non-selective beta-blockers. It should also be noted that Phentolamine enhances the hypotensive properties of bendazole.

3 reviews of doctors

Vitamin C increases blood concentrationtetracyclines and benzylpenicillin. In addition, it improves the absorption of iron preparations in the intestine, as well as reduces the effectiveness of indirect anticoagulants and heparin.

Acetylsalicylic acid, fresh juices, oral contraceptives and alkaline water reduce the absorption and absorption of ascorbic acid.

Vitamin C increases the risk of developing crystalluriaduring therapy with short-acting sulfonamides and salicylates, and also slows down the excretion of acids by the kidneys, reduces the concentration of oral contraceptives in the blood and increases the excretion of drugs that have an alkaline reaction (including alkaloids).

While taking ascorbic acid and"Isoprenaline" decreases chronotropic effect of the latter. Also, vitamin C reduces the effectiveness of antipsychotics and tricyclic antidepressants.

Primidone and barbiturates increase the excretion of ascorbic acid with urine.

Special Recommendations

When taking an oral solution or syrup, as well as with repeated courses of treatment, it is necessary to monitor the indicators of blood glucose.

The medication in question does not affect the ability of people to engage in hazardous activities and drive vehicles.

Expiration date, conditions of sale and storage

The considered drug in the form of capsulesdispensed in pharmacies without a doctor's prescription. As for syrup for children and powder for the preparation of oral solution, for their purchase is required to show a medical pass.

citovir 3 powder

The drug in the form of capsules should be stored at a temperature not exceeding 25 degrees. Its shelf life is three years.

The drug in the form of baby syrup should be maintained at a temperature of 25 degrees for two years.

Drug in powder form forPreparations of oral solution are stored only in a dry place, where the air temperature does not exceed 25 degrees. The shelf life of this form is three years.

The prepared aqueous solution should be stored in a dark place and out of reach of children at a temperature of 0-8 degrees for no more than ten days.

Analogues and price

The price of Tsitovir-3 children's syrup and powder is about 270 rubles, and capsules - about 245-275 rubles.

In some cases, the medication in questionReplace with analogues. These include the following: “Alokin Alfa”, “Arbivir-health”, “Anaferon”, “Arbidol”, “Immunal”, “Glutoxim”, “Kagocel”, “Lynchi”, “Lavomax”, “Orvirem”, “Ekhinatsin” Madaus "," Timalin ".

It should be particularly noted that the price of the analogues of the above drug may be less or close to the cost of the Tsitovir-3 medication itself.

Which drug helps better?

Most often, the drug "Tsitovir-3" is compared withmeans "Orvirem", "Kagocel" and "Anaferon." It should be noted that the mechanisms of action of all these drugs are completely different. However, they are all immunostimulating. Thanks to such means, the recovery of children and adults comes much faster.

drug cytovir 3

Medication "Tsitovir-3": reviews of doctors and patients

Отзывы врачей о рассматриваемом средстве носят discreet character. This is due to the fact that most experts with reluctance recommend these drugs to their patients. According to their opinion, drugs that affect the immune system are little studied, so they cannot talk about their effectiveness.

As for consumers, their messages aboutthis medication was divided as follows: 70% - positive and 30% - negative. Quite often, patients using this drug note its convenient form and the absence of a pronounced “medicinal” taste, especially in children's syrup.

In addition, most of them claim that this medicine can be purchased at any pharmacy (with a medical prescription, as well as without it) at a reasonable price.