/ / Preparation "Zinc" in tablets

The drug "Zinc" in tablets

Недостаток цинка в организме вызывается various diseases of the thyroid gland and liver, as well as the deficiency of this mineral substance in food and water. Assimilation of this valuable element can be hampered by the presence of a large amount of phytin in food. The lack of zinc can be caused by the lack of foods rich in protein in the diet. The overexpenditure of the mineral substance is provoked by oncological diseases and leukemia. Getting the right amount of zinc together with food is very difficult. To do this, you must constantly adhere to a certain diet.

Manufacturers of medicines offera preparation "Zinc" in tablets and capsules, and also in the form of a liquid. This microelement plays an important role for enzymes that participate in the processes of DNA synthesis. Also, its presence in the body in sufficient quantity is necessary for the normalization of hormonal balance and for rapid tightening of wounds. Mineral is one of the necessary elements for ensuring the stable functioning of immunity.

Препарат «Цинк» в таблетках рекомендуют при malnutrition in children, as well as in the presence of herpetoid ulcers and ulcers on the legs. Replenishment of the mineral deficiency plays an important role in maintaining the ability of the childbearing function, and it is also necessary to restore the sense of smell and taste when they are lost due to the occurrence of pathological processes in the oral cavity. The drug "Zinc" in tablets is prescribed for diseases of the skin, disorders in the digestive system, as well as to strengthen the immune system. This microelement is vital for every cell of the body. Its concentration occurs in the skin and muscles, bones and kidneys, liver, as well as in the eyes, pancreas and prostate gland.

Zinc in the body is needed to performset of processes. This is the growth of cells and sexual maturation, immune reactions, as well as the formation of taste and smell. Scientific researches have proved that the inclusion in the diet of a biologically active supplement "Zinc" in tablets allows to solve problems with teeth, relieves herpes and acne, as well as from diseases of the digestive tract. Positively affects the microelement on the functionality of various hormones (genital and thyroid gland), as well as contributes to the normal exercise of genital function in both men and women.

This vital for immunity mineraltakes part in protecting the body from influenza, conjunctivitis and other diseases that are infectious. Zinc intake helps with cancer and leprosy, symptoms of menopause and rheumatoid arthritis, as well as sickle-cell anemia in adult patients. The drug is prescribed for various pathologies of the central nervous system, papillomatosis, kidney diseases and diabetes. Zinc for men is necessary to maintain the secretory functioning of the testicles. Deficiency of the mineral adversely affects the erection and leads to a decrease in sexual desire, and also can cause prostate hypertrophy. The intake of zinc helps prevent the occurrence of atherosclerosis and activate the work of the brain.

Assimilation of this valuable mineral caninterfere with foods high in calcium, phosphorus or plant fibers. These include cheese and milk, bran and poultry. To maintain the health of the body, it is recommended to include beef and pork, liver, eggs and seafood in the diet. They all contain a protein rich in zinc. There is this valuable mineral in beans and nuts, cheese and wheat sprouts. However, the absorption of zinc from these products by the body is difficult.