/ / Analog "Meteopazmila": reviews

Analog "Meteospazmila": reviews

Flatulence is a problem known to many.Inflammation can result in improper diet or a violation of the intestinal microflora. There are many drugs that can improve the patient's condition. The Metosepazmil remedy is popular.

analogue of meteospasm
What if I could not find a drug in the pharmacy? The specialist will be able to recommend a quality analog. "Meteospazmil" can be replaced by such means as "Espumizan", "Simikol", "Disflatil".

The preparation "Espumizan"

The drug is designed to relieve flatulence.Available in yellow and transparent gelatin capsules. The active ingredient is simethicone. Additionally, substances such as glycerol, gelatin, quinoline dye are used. The remedy is released in blisters of 25 pieces each.

A similar composition has the drug Meteospazmil. Instruction, analogues, recommended dosage - all this information should be studied before starting therapy.


The active substance of the capsules, simethicone, possessesthe ability to lower the surface tension at the boundary between the gas and the liquid. Due to this, bubbles are combined and the foam is destroyed. Under the influence of intestinal peristalsis, these gases can be absorbed or removed from the body in a natural way.

meteospazmil analogues
The drug "Espumizan" refers to a carminative agent, as well as the drug Meteospazmil. Analogues in most cases have a similar effect on the body.

Indications and contraindications

The drug is administered with excessive accumulation of gasesin the intestine. The medicine is used in flatulence in the postoperative period. Also the agent is used for diagnostic examinations of the pelvic organs and intestines. The drug is prescribed for functional dyspepsia, which is accompanied by strong gas formation.

meteospazmil instruction analogs
Do not prescribe medicine for intestinal obstruction. Children under six years of age should not take the drug. In some cases, hypersensitivity may develop to individual components.

It should be studied before the start of treatment, as in the case of the drug Meteospazmil, instructions for use. Analogues, as a rule, have similar indications and contraindications.


With increased gas production for adults and childrenolder than six years, you must take two capsules several times a day. It is better to use the drug after each meal, with a small amount of water. Patients suffering from flatulence, it is necessary to take a remedy for the night. The medicine is not addictive, and you can drink it for a long time.

When preparing the intestine for examination appointdrink two capsules three times a day the day before ultrasound. When poisoning with detergents, the drug should be taken at a dose of 10 to 20 capsules. In children, the dosage may be reduced depending on the symptoms.

The drug Espumizan is quite capable of replacingmeans Meteospazmil. Reviews of the analogues have both negative and positive. The drug should be selected for everyone in accordance with the individual characteristics of the body.

What else is widely used in medical practice? "Meteospazmil" can be replaced by means of "Simikol" and "Disflatil".

The preparation "Simikol"

This medicine helps to quickly cope withflatulence. The active ingredient lowers the surface tension of the vesicles in the intestine and causes their decay. The released gases partially disintegrate in the intestine, and are also eliminated from the body due to peristalsis. Indications for use are flatulence, gastrocardial syndrome, preparation of patients for diagnostic studies.

meteospazmil instruction on the use of analogues
Do not use medicine with increasedsensitivity to simethicone Contraindication is intestinal obstruction. Dosage is determined on an individual basis and depends on the indications and age. There are no side effects. Only in rare cases can there be an allergic reaction. Drinking capsules during pregnancy and lactation is permitted. But like any analogue, Meteospazmil should be taken to a woman after consulting with a gynecologist.

The drug "Disflatil"

Is it possible to replace with domestic meansthe drug Meteospazmil? Analogues are also widely used in Russia. One of them is the drug "Disflatil". The medicine, which relieves the patient of flatulence, is admitted into the drops in the form of a milk emulsion with the smell of pineapple. The active substance is simethicone. The drug is produced in bottles of dark glass. On the top there is a convenient dispenser. The drug has a surface activity and defoaming properties. The agent is shown for all kinds of excessive accumulation of gases in the gastrointestinal tract. Also, drops are prescribed before ultrasound.

meteospazmel reviews analogues
You can not drink medicine with intestinalobstruction accompanied by vomiting and pain. It is not recommended to use the drug with hypersensitivity to components. Dosage is determined in accordance with the form of the disease. In most cases, adults are prescribed 30 drops after each meal and overnight. Newborns and children under 6 give 10 drops of the drug three times a day.

Like any analogue, "Meteospazmil" (drops) is prescribed during pregnancy and feeding. There are no contraindications for diabetes mellitus. However, it is still worthwhile to consult a doctor.

How about the described means patients respond?

Medicines can be purchased at an affordable pricepractically in any pharmacy. The funds are well tolerated, they can quickly get rid of flatulence. If the desired product in the pharmacy was not, without a problem will be able to purchase an analog. Meteospazmil, Diflatil, Espumizan, Simikol - drugs that have a similar effect on the body.

Experts about the described medicines respondOK. Medications can be taken by pregnant women, as well as children of preschool age. In rare cases, may develop weak allergic reactions to individual components.