/ / Why flies tinder paws? We learn!

Why do flies tinder your paws? We'll find out!

A fly, like any other flying insect,causes irritation in humans. She buzzes all the time trying to sit on the face or another part of the body. And with the arrival of autumn, it becomes impudent at all and begins to look for a night in a warm apartment. Insect can be a carrier of infection. The question arises: why does a fly rub its legs, if not for disinfecting its limbs? What then is the meaning of her movements?

Why flies tinder paws?

At the time of embarrassment or waiting for a pleasant eventa person often rubs his palms together. Everyone understands this gesture and no one is interested in decoding it. But why rub feet fly? Are you really thinking about perfidy or are you happy about a good deal? In fact, in this way they clean off the dirt from their limbs and do not do this for hygienic reasons.

why flies rub paws

Why flies do not fall from the mirror?

On the legs are microscopic suckers,allowing these flying insects to move on a smooth surface. Everyone saw them crawling on windows and mirrors. During the movement of the flies collect dust particles on the bristles, which are covered with their legs. These small hairs secrete a sticky liquid similar in composition to the fat, as a result of which the dirt sticks to them and the insect loses the ability to move vertically.

What happens if you degrease the paws of a fly?

If the fly loses fat from the bristles, it cannotcrawl even on horizontal smooth surfaces. Her legs will slide and disperse in different directions. That is why flies rub paws. Without the ability to walk upright, the insect exposes its life to mortal danger. Any flying predator will not fail to take advantage of her helplessness and will eat it without hesitation. Although it is not easy for humans to catch this harmful insect with their hands, flies do not have a quick reaction. In the fall, they become less mobile, and even wings cannot always save them from certain death.

why flies rub feet

Why do flies rub their feet so often?

In addition to hygiene, there is another explanation for this.action. They use their paws to determine the object on which they have landed. It may seem surprising, but the fly uses its fly like a man. She unmistakably guesses whether an object is edible under her feet or not. Scientists have found that the taste buds on the paws of these insects are a hundred times stronger than in humans. It helps them to survive, in time having flown away from danger. Now it is clear why flies rub their feet constantly. Their life directly depends on it.