/ / Typhoid fever: causes, symptoms and treatment methods

Typhoid fever: causes, symptoms and treatment methods

Тиф брюшной представляет собой инфекционное a disease that causes damage to the lymphatic system, in particular the intestinal lymph nodes. The illness is usually cyclical, and patients with a similar diagnosis require hospitalization and constant medical supervision, as this is the only way to prevent a relapse and possible complications.

research for typhoid fever

Typhoid fever: causes of disease

As already mentioned, the disease hasinfectious origin, and its causative agent is gram-positive bacterium Salmonella typhi. The source of infection is a sick person - the greatest number of pathogenic organisms is released during periods of exacerbation of the disease, along with feces and urine. Of course, infection can occur during close contact with another person. However, in most cases, infection of the body occurs when contaminated water and products that have not undergone sufficient heat treatment are consumed. By the way, outbreaks of the disease are most often observed in the summer and autumn season.

typhoid fever disease

Typhoid fever: main symptoms

The incubation period of the disease in mostCases fluctuate in the redistribution of 10 to 14 days. Typhus develops gradually, and begins with an increase in body temperature. Other symptoms such as weakness, aches, dizziness, and drowsiness appear along with the fever. The skin becomes pale and extremely dry. At about the eighth day, a very characteristic rash begins to appear on the body, which is a small reddish spot. The rash does not cause the patient much concern and, as a rule, disappear on their own after a few days. Only in the most severe cases, the rash turns into a hemorrhagic form.

Patients often complain of bloating and rumbling inthe stomach. The symptoms of the disease can be attributed to constipation, which, however, worry not all patients. Within a few days, the person’s condition deteriorates dramatically. The clinical picture becomes brighter, the body temperature rises greatly, which affects the state of the nervous system. The exacerbation of the disease is often accompanied by hallucinations and delusions.

Typhoid fever - a cyclical disease.If the treatment was insufficient, then repeated exacerbations are not excluded. Relapses are accompanied by less pronounced symptoms without severe fever. On the other hand, frequent repeated attacks are fraught with consequences.

Typhoid fever is an extremely dangerous disease.First, the lack of therapy can lead to intestinal bleeding or perforation (rupture) of the intestinal wall. Secondly, such an infection increases the likelihood of developing otitis, inflammation of the salivary glands, pneumonia, and cystitis. In some cases, typhoid causes complications in the cardiovascular system.

typhoid fever

Typhoid fever: treatment and diagnosis

If you have these symptoms, it’s better to go right away.ask for help. Of course, you must first conduct a study on typhoid fever. The pathogen can usually be detected by laboratory analysis of blood, urine or feces.

A person with such a diagnosis is necessaryhospitalization, strict bed rest and high-calorie diet. Antibiotics are used for the treatment. Additionally, antipyretic and sedative drugs are used. Vaccination is also carried out, which reduces the risk of recurrence. In most cases, the treatment lasts about a month, and with timely assistance provided, the prognosis for the patient is favorable.