/ / Tincture of a sabelnik for joints: indications, application and responses

Cinnamon tincture for joints: indications, use and reviews

The healing power of the tincturesabelnik, for joints - the real salvation. Legends of the "Russian ginseng", as this wonderful plant was nicknamed, were compiled in antiquity. The unique healing properties of a five-leafed sheet, a dew, and a cinquefoil marsh, as the sabrelnik is popularly known, are manifested thanks to a whole storehouse of components that are beneficial to human health.

Cinnamon tincture for joints
Fleecey marsh grass and its rhizomes servefor the treatment of various ailments. But in case of diseases of the joints, the marsupial bog (or the cinquefoil) relieves or eliminates any pain that is a symptom of problems with the musculoskeletal system of a person.

Perennial shrub

Unpretentious plant - marsh cowl,tincture for the treatment of joints from which in folk and official medicine has been valued for more than one century, grows wherever the main parameter of the soil is its high humidity. Wet spots and wetlands are a favorite place for this perennial shrub to spread: in the forests and tundra, in the marshy meadows and along the banks of forest lakes, “Russian ginseng” can be found. It reproduces with the help of rhizomes and seeds. Many summer residents, in areas where there are damp places, it is not difficult to grow this wonderful plant and always have on hand a cure for "thousands of ailments."

What is a cinquefoil marsh: chemical composition and description

Biologists include Sabelnik - a perennial shrub- to the Rosaceae family. Its stiff reddish-brown branch can reach a height of 0.2 to 1 meter. Exquisite trifoliate leaves with sharp edges and dark green teeth, have a grayish tint below. In the old days, they resembled many sharp saber, cutting off all diseases, for which the plant got its name.

Sabelnik tincture for joints reviews
Five-petal dark red flowers similar toasterisks appear in July-August. They have a whole hemisphere with a lot of stamens and a large number of burgundy pestles. Woody rhizomes of sabelnik grow long (up to 3 m) and are woven into a dense pillow that can withstand the weight of a person. For the treatment of various ailments, they are dug out in late autumn or early spring, dried in attics or under sheds. The finished raw materials are stored in paper bags or dry glass containers in places not accessible to moisture. It is precisely the high healing power of rhizomes that the sabelnik became known. Tincture for the treatment of joints endowed with tannins and essential oils, carotene, flavonoids, organic and phenol carboxylic acids, natural resins and dyes. Leaves and stems that are no less valuable plant raw materials than rhizomes are rich in a whole cascade of trace elements: magnesium, potassium, calcium, phosphorus, zinc, copper and manganese, as well as vitamins C and P, saponins and flavonoids. Tannins are distributed throughout the plant at such a concentration: the stalks of the "ashberry" (sabelnik) contain their smallest amount - 7.5 percent, rhizomes - 10 percent, and only the leaves contain the maximum amount of binding agents - 12.5 percent.

Sabelnik: tincture for joints

The instruction refers this remedy to medicinalherbal medicines. “Marsh rose”, as the cowberry is often called, has anti-inflammatory and antibacterial, analgesic, perspiration and diuretic, wound healing, antipyretic, hypotensive and hemostatic effects, and also increases the elasticity of the blood vessel walls. Medics of a number of countries (Japan and China, Korea and Mongolia) today acknowledged that the tincture of a sabelnik for joints fits perfectly. In addition, it exhibits antitumor activity. Immunostimulatory, anticoagulant and nephroprotective properties of “wild marsh strawberries” are also confirmed by modern studies.


Official medicine today continues to studyaction sabelnik on the human body, but it is already widely used for anti-inflammatory therapy and in the complex treatment of degenerative diseases of the musculoskeletal system: arthritis, arthrosis. Tincture of a sabelnik for joints well removes pain and swelling, reduces inflammatory processes in the cartilage tissue, restores it, and also improves the mobility of the spine and all structures that form the supporting skeleton of the human body. Its analgesic (non-narcotic) action helps with rubbing and using compresses for people suffering from gout, osteochondrosis, arthritis and arthrosis, radiculitis.

Sabelnik tincture for the treatment of joints
Scientists have identified the effectiveness of sabelnikproblems with the digestive tract (digestive disorders, diarrhea, dysentery) and hemorrhoids. Cardiovascular and oncologic diseases, diseases of the liver and kidneys, gallbladder are ills, in the complex treatment of which helps sabelnik. The tincture for the joints, the photo of which is posted on the official website of the manufacturer, the Evalar company, improves the condition of the patients already at the initial stage of treatment, but its use must be coordinated with the doctor! In the treatment of female diseases, with mastopathy, uterine bleeding and breast cancer, only herbalists and traditional healers approve the use of sabelnik. Therefore, when a neoplasm appears, it is necessary to contact a doctor, and use preparations with Russian ginseng only when receiving its recommendations.

Internal use

Аптечная настойка сабельника для суставов it is prescribed for oral administration twice a day before meals, in the amount of one teaspoonful of the substance, which must be diluted in 70 ml of water (one third of a glass). Herbalists usually advised to take tincture for osteochondrosis and inflammatory processes in the joints for a course of 60 days, then you need to consult with your doctor about the need for re-treatment. A noticeable therapeutic effect with gout or salt deposits occurs after several three-month courses with weekly breaks in between.

Outdoor use: grinding and compresses

"Swamp Rose" is effective for sprains, bruises and sprains, as a means of first aid. Lotion, rubbing or compress will relieve pain, stop the inflammatory process in the tissues.

How to make a tincture of sabelnik for joints
Сабельник (настойка для суставов «Эвалар») может also relieve pain and relieve inflammation in arthritis and arthritis, rheumatism and radiculitis. A small amount of the product is applied to the affected area of ​​the joint and rubbed into the skin. Then the treated place is wrapped for several hours. When treating vertebrae, the tincture is rubbed into the adjacent skin areas without affecting the spine line. When making compresses from an alcohol extract of Russian ginseng, they moisten a bandage or piece of gauze (you can take linen fabric), then wrap the sore joint. From above this construction is covered with cellophane or parchment paper and wrapped with a scarf. You can keep such a compress from 3-4 to 8 hours, leaving it overnight.


Who should not use a medicinal plant -sabelnik? Tincture for joints, reviews of which can be found only positive, are not indicated for pregnant and lactating moms, children and teenagers, other patients if they have an individual allergic reaction to the components of the product. With caution, the tincture of cinquefoil (due to the content of ethyl alcohol in it) may be prescribed for: injuries or diseases of the brain, epilepsy, cardiovascular pathology, disorders of the liver and people suffering from chronic alcohol dependence When interacting with other herbal remedies and medications, it is necessary to take into account that some of them weaken or increase the action of cinqueweed marsh, therefore, medical monitoring and dose adjustment are required in the presence of concomitant ailments.

Independent preparation of Russian ginseng tincture

The homemade recipe of the cinnamon tincture for the joints may contain various components, the basic of which are dry crushed rhizomes and vodka (or alcohol).

Sabelnik tincture for joints evalar
Additional ingredients can serve as dry.the stems and leaves of the “marsh rose”, the dried roots of the calgan (or Potentilla erect), elecampus. For your attention the basic composition of the tincture. You need to take 50 g of dry rhizomes, chop them into pieces and pour vodka (0.5 l). Store valuable medicine is required in a dark place, occasionally shaking the bottle. Straining the finished product, you can make sure that thanks to tannins it has a rich brown color. A tablespoon of decoction tincture when taken must be diluted in 50-100 ml of water and drunk before meals. The course of treatment is 20 days (3 times a day), then you need to take a three-day break. For the complete disappearance of symptoms of inflammatory processes in the joints, usually 4 such courses are required. How to make a tincture of sabelnik for joints, using the stems of plants and rhizomes? Vegetable raw materials fill up to two-thirds of the tank and pour alcohol or vodka to the top. In a dark and dry place we insist for 20-21 days a remedy with alcohol or 27-28 days with vodka, shaking occasionally a bottle or jar with a darkening liquid. Then filter and take a tablespoon of tincture, diluted in 50-70 ml of water, three times a day, half an hour before the meal. The full course of treatment is one and a half months, the entire period of treatment needs to be further rubbed with alcohol extract of the decop into the affected areas and make compresses based on it.
Sabelnik tincture for joints instruction
Как сделать настойку из сабельника для суставов в more complex version? We mix two parts of the dry rhizomes of the deco to one part of the Potentilla roots upright (calgana), place this collection in a glass container (up to half the container) and fill it with 70% alcohol with alcohol (or with moonshine at least 50%). Insist 3 weeks. If you pour the tincture of rhizomes with vodka, then keep it in a dry and dark place for at least 4 weeks, shaking it up, as in other cases. In the recipe, containing dry root of the devyasila (25 g), you must take 10 g of rhizomes of the decode, mix and fill the container to the brim with 500 ml of vodka or alcohol. Otherwise, this tincture is prepared in the same way as the previous ones.

A popular and popular plant - sabelnik

Tincture for joints reviews collects the mostlaudatory. Many of them report on the need to follow a diet, not to eat salty, spicy, sour foods, and also to refrain from drinking alcohol. In patients suffering from diseases of the musculoskeletal system, often as a result of medical therapy, the condition of the gastrointestinal tract worsens, and pains in the stomach and intestines appear. This is noted by most people using sabelnik.

Sabelnik tincture for joints photo
Tincture for joints "Evalar" reviewsadmired: painful symptoms of degenerative changes in the joints (arms, legs, hip area) disappear, and the gastrointestinal tract is calmed down. Improvement of mobility is noticed by people with hip joint arthrosis and congenital hip dislocation (dysplasia), pain in the joints of the fingers and knees, with rheumatoid arthritis (in remission) and many other ailments.

Special warning

What you need to know before you buyAn effective remedy called "Tincture of Conebel"? Application, reviews on the forums of which are laudatory, you need to coordinate with your doctor! In addition, all those who were treated with alcohol extract of sabelnik report an initial exacerbation of the disease, which should not be feared. In some patients this period took several days, in others it took a longer time (up to two months). Knowing that after some deterioration in health, there will be a long-term relief from many unpleasant symptoms, many of them continued taking decop tincture, consulting with a doctor.