Indications for use of the drug "Sophora Japanese" (tincture)
The instruction shows that the medicineThey are made from the fruits and flowers of the tree, which contain a large amount of vitamin P, as well as flavone glycosides. The drug has a beneficial effect on the circulatory system, and in combination with vitamin C strengthens the walls of blood vessels. These properties allow you to use the tool for the treatment of colitis, sclerotic lesions of blood vessels, typhoid fever. The drug "Sophora Japanese" (tincture) instruction recommends prescribing for the treatment of malignant tumors, angina, hypertension, hemorrhoids, typhoid fever. With the help of the medication, they produce therapy for lupus erythematosus, gastritis, and eliminate internal bleeding. In addition, tincture helps reduce cholesterol and blood sugar, which causes its use in diabetes.
Medicine "Sophora Japanese" (tincture): instructions for use
For the manufacture of water infusion crushedflowers poured boiling water. Take the solution in a tablespoon two hours three times a day, it is desirable to do this after a meal. For tincture, flowers should be poured with alcohol (70%) and the medication should be allowed to stand for 10 days in a dark place. Should be taken for hypertension: 40 drops three times a day.
Where else use the drug "Sophora Japanese" (tincture)
Tincture "Sophora Japanese": reviews, side effects and contraindications
Do not use tincture for diseasesliver and kidney, during pregnancy and lactation. Reviews of patients say about the good tolerability of the drug and the absence of negative reactions of the body.