/ / Drops of "Sustain Ultra" for the comfort of your eyes

"Systein Ultra" drops for the comfort of your eyes

Through sight, a person gets 80% of information.about the world. But do we often care about eye health? Smoked indoor air, nightly vigils in front of a computer monitor, street dust, too bright sun and even poor-quality cosmetics can cause discomfort. In the eyes there is a burning sensation, itching, dryness. They blush and water. Of course, you can try to do with home remedies, such as washing tea and chamomile compresses. But there are ways more effective and modern. For example, drops for eyes "Sistayn Ultra". This drug is a novelty on the Russian market, so let's talk about it in more detail.

The composition of the drug included suchcomponents, such as potassium chloride and sodium, polyethylene glycol, hydroxypropyl guar, propylene glycol, boric and hydrochloric acid in decemolar concentration, as well as distilled water as the basis of the solution.

What properties does Sustain Ultra have?The instruction to the drug promises the elimination of unpleasant symptoms associated with overworking of the organs of vision, contact with the sclera of foreign particles of small size, as well as the adverse effects of the environment.

What are the drops of eye Sustayn ultra?First of all, this drug is used to prevent and treat dry eye syndrome. Insufficient moistening of the cornea leads to the occurrence of microcracks. The cause of the "drought" is usually computer work, tobacco smoke, conditioned air. It all begins, as a rule, with redness of the sclera and slight cramps in the eyes. But if you do not take action in a timely manner, the condition is noticeably aggravated.

The drug "Sustayn Ultra" can be used by patients who wear contact lenses to relieve discomfort and additional moisture.

Separately, I would like to clarify that research on the use of the drug for pregnant and lactating women has not been conducted. In this case, the decision should be made by a gynecologist.

Do not use eye drops for people suffering from allergic reactions to one of the components of the drug and children under 18 years old.

Since eye drops are a very demanding product, strictly follow the conditions of use and storage.

Before use, ensure the integrity of the packaging, do not use the medication if the vial is opened or damaged.

Store drops of "Sustayn Ultra" at a normal temperature, in a dark place. Keep the vial tightly closed after use.

After the shelf life of the drug is not recommended.

Avoid contamination of the tip of the bottle, try not to touch it with your hands.

Open vial use up to six months.

We continue our conversation about Sistayn ultra. Reviews of patients who have already tried these eye drops are available on the Internet. And for the most part they are very favorable.

Although the price of Sistaine ultra exceeds the costsimilar drugs produced in Russia, consumers are not afraid. Many note the fact that the drops have an instant effect, relieve redness, swelling and itching. By the way, unlike Vizin, the Sustain Ultra drug does not contain vasoconstrictor components. Therefore, at present it is one of the few products that is safe for your eyes and removes redness well.

Простота применения это еще один огромный плюс drug, which mark 99% of patients. It is enough to bury the medicine several times a day, in compliance with all hygiene requirements, and within a few days your eyes will find the same comfort.

Of course, it’s not worth making a decision on the use of this or that tool. The diagnosis and choice of treatment is the prerogative of the doctor.