Lingonberry is an evergreen shrub up to25 cm. The plant is distributed in the European part of the Russian Federation, in its mixed, pine, deciduous and dark coniferous forests, as well as in the forest zones of Siberia, mountainous areas and tundra. The lingonberry leaf is shiny and leathery in appearance, dark green at the top, light green at the bottom. It has an obovate or elliptical shape, with dark brown stripes on the leaves below. The lingonberry leaf is notched or blunt, slightly toothed along the edges or entire, on short petioles.
On the veins and at the base the leaf of the plant is pubescent, its edges are slightly wrapped down. On average, the length of the cranberry leaf is 1-3 cm, but in width it is no more than 1.5 cm.
Lingonberry bloom occurs in May-June,new leaves grow immediately after flowering. The collection of leaves is done manually before the flowering of lingonberries, at least - in the fall after collecting the lingonberry berries. In the summer, the leaves are not harvested, as they then turn black when dried. Raw materials are dried under awnings in the open air, as well as in attics with good ventilation. To do this, the collected raw materials are laid out in a thin layer and often mixed. Store lingonberry leaf in bags, in ventilated rooms for no longer than 3 years.
The chemical composition of lingonberry leaf
The cranberry leaf contains glycosides - arbutin andhyperoside. Curative action is associated with them in many ways. In the body, arbutin is split into sugars and hydroquinone (a powerful antiseptic). In addition, quinic, ellagic, ursolic, tartaric acids, flavonoids, tannin, many tannins and ascorbic acid and other substances were found in the leaves.
Indications for use of lingonberry leaf and its properties
Medicinal collection "Cowberry leaf", instructionwhich suggests that it is a phytodrug of plant origin with pronounced disinfectant, anti-inflammatory, astringent, diuretic and choleretic action, is available in packs of 50 or 100 grams in the form of dried raw materials or in filter bags.
Брусничный лист обладает и капилляроукрепляющим property, i.e. helps to reduce capillary fragility. In addition, it is active against Staphylococcus aureus, significantly increases the effectiveness of antibiotics, regulates nitrogen metabolism, stimulates phagocytosis and other protective forces of our body.
A lingonberry leaf is used as part of complex therapy in the treatment of inflammatory diseases of the urinary system, pyelonephritis, cystitis, urolithiasis, prostatitis, and nephropathy of pregnant women.
The antiseptic properties of the leaf help with lesions of the oral cavity. For stomatitis, tonsillitis, gingivitis, periodontal disease and ulcers of the oral mucosa, a decoction is applied.
Since drugs from the cranberry leaf can reduce the blood sugar content, they serve as an additional treatment for diabetes.
In addition to all this, the effectiveness of cowberry leaves in edema syndrome, liver ailments, flatulence, constipation, gastritis and gastroenteritis has been proven.
Anti-inflammatory properties of this medicinal plant help to reduce pain in osteochondrosis, arthritis, spondylosis, rheumatism and gout.
The constant use of weak tea based on lingonberry leaves tones well and helps to relieve feelings of fatigue.
As an anti-inflammatory and antimicrobial agent, cranberry leaf is used for bronchitis and pneumonia.
Lingonberry leaf: how to use
Prepare broths and infusions of lingonberry leaves inproportions 1:10. As a diuretic, take 1 tbsp. l per day for 3 p. Such infusions and decoctions are used in nephropathy and to relieve edema in pregnant women, as well as in diabetes in expectant mothers.
For quinsy, gingivitis, periodontal disease, tonsillitis, stomatitis and oral ulcers, rinse your mouth with food three times a day with a decoction.
With urinary and gallstone diseases, enuresis,gastritis with low acidity, prolonged rheumatism of the joints is useful to drink the following decoction: pour 20 g of leaves with three cups of water, bring to a boil, 10 min. boil and filter. The whole amount is drunk in 3 doses throughout the day.
Exactly the same broth is consumed, but already 200 g each, before meals three times a day for cystitis, hypertension, liver or kidney ailments, colitis, cough and cold.
Tea from the leaves of lingonberry is prepared as follows: insist 1 tsp. crushed raw material in a glass of boiling water for half an hour. Drink three times a day, 50-100 g before meals. This drink is indicated for anacid gastritis.
Lingonberry leaf: contraindications
You can not take this drug onlyhypersensitivity or individual intolerance of the plant. Side effects can be allergic reactions. During the period of pregnancy and lactation can take lingonberry leaf.