/ / How to get rid of cholesterol? How to clear blood vessels from cholesterol?

How to get rid of cholesterol? How to clear the vessels from cholesterol?

If you believe the experts, high cholesterolblood can lead to various kinds of complications, as well as the development of cardiovascular diseases. Some believe that there is no point in dealing with this problem. Others, on the contrary, try on themselves a wide variety of cholesterol products. This and proper nutrition, and medical drugs, and even recipes of traditional medicine. Which of these tools is actually effective? How to get rid of cholesterol correctly? That is what we will tell in as much detail as possible in this article.

how to get rid of cholesterol

general information

According to modern medicine,high cholesterol is blood viscosity. The formation of clots consistently occurs. They accumulate in the blood, so its normal circulation and speech can not be. Further more. The so-called cholesterol plaques contribute to the formation of blood clots, which, in turn, can not easily pass through the vessels and subsequently clog them. Surely, everyone understands that the normal functioning of the main organ systems can not be said. How to get rid of cholesterol? Let's look at the most popular methods below.

Proper nutrition

how to clear blood vessels from cholesterol

Ни в коем случае не следует отмахиваться от of this method, although to many it seems to be just a simple truth. Indeed, many health problems require some food restriction from patients. This situation also applies to cholesterol. First of all, experts strongly advise to get a small table, which indicates the content of this substance in the products. It can be downloaded on the Internet. So, in the daily ration it is mandatory to include low-fat varieties of meat or fish, fresh fruits and vegetables, as well as greens and dairy products with a fat content of not more than 1.5%. Particular attention should be paid to honey, you can even completely replace him with sugar, including when cooking. A great breakfast option is a variety of porridges on the water (for example, oatmeal). Nuts, dried fruits and legumes (peas, beans, lentils, etc.) should also be present in the diet.

how to get rid of high cholesterol

Prohibited products

How to get rid of excess cholesterol?First of all, you should abandon all fat and fried. Food is best steamed or baked in the oven. Experts recommend limiting consumption of pork, baking, fatty dairy products, smoked meats and by-products. Note that some, struggling with this problem, resort to using the so-called vegetarian diet. However, experts warn that this measure should be exclusively temporary. The thing is that the food of animal origin contains a large amount of substances that are necessary for the normal functioning of the body.

Traditional medicine knows how to clear blood vessels from cholesterol

Surely, everyone agrees that the recipes of our grandmothers can heal any ailment. Below we look at some really effective techniques.

  1. how to get rid of excess cholesterol
    Red beet juice can be advised to those wholooking for the answer to the question of how to clear the vessels of cholesterol with the help of traditional medicine. Enough only three times a day to drink 50 grams of the drink. Note that the "medicine" is best consumed before the main meal.
  2. Perfectly helps reduce cholesterol inbody and a special herbal collection. It is necessary to take 20 grams of buckthorn bark, immortelle flowers, wild rose berries, motherwort, 10 grams of kidney tea and hawthorn flowers. Note that all herbs today are commercially available in almost every pharmacy. Then it is necessary to crush all ingredients thoroughly. We only need two tablespoons. Fill them with about half a liter of boiling water, and then put in a water bath prepared in advance. 30 minutes will be enough for cooking. After that, it is necessary to cool the resulting broth, carefully filter and only after that use (after the next meal) 1/3 cup three times a day. The course of such therapy is designed for two to three months.
  3. Even our grandmothers know how to get rid ofcholesterol in garlic and lemon promos. So, you need to take six medium-sized lemons, six large heads of garlic and about 0.5 kg (preferably fresh) honey. All available ingredients should be passed through the (combine) meat grinder and put into the fridge for two weeks. After this time, you can begin the course of treatment (one or two teaspoons, of course, three times a day). This kind of therapy can last no more than 3-4 months, after which you should take a short break (for 30 days), and then again if necessary continue.


cholesterol drugs

Use of medicines, perhaps, onThis is one of the most popular choices for eliminating high cholesterol. Note that in this case, you must first consult with a specialist. The doctor must select individual drugs that are suitable for your body. Otherwise, the probability is very great not only not to overcome the problem, but also to cause disastrous harm to one's health. The most commonly prescribed so-called statins. They can reduce very significantly the level of bad cholesterol in the blood, and the parameters of good - on the contrary, increase. In addition, nicotinic acid preparations also help in the fight against this problem. They block the spontaneous release of fat from the subcutaneous tissue into the blood. Once again we note that in no case should self-treatment be popular today and choose the drug at its discretion. Indeed, the number of side effects includes not only significant violations in the liver, but also arrhythmia, decreased sexual desire.


In this article we looked at the most popular methods of how to get rid of cholesterol in the blood. We hope that they will help you to cope with such an unpleasant problem. Be healthy!