/ / Serial poisoner Tamara Ivanyutin: biography, crimes, sentence

Serial poisoner Tamara Ivanyutina: biography, crimes, sentence

Tamara Antonovna Ivanyutina - Soviet serial killer. She was one of three women who were shot by court in the years of the USSR.

What was Tamara Ivanyutina?

The biography of the woman before the process beginsdifferent some outstanding events. Her maiden name is Maslenko. She was born in 1942 in a family with six children. Parents always instilled in their offspring that material security, prosperity are the main conditions for a normal life. This is exactly what the serial poisoner Tamara Ivanyutin wanted.

tamara ivanyutina

Since September 1986, she worked in the dining roomone of the schools of Kiev. She was accepted as a dishwasher. This work brought her considerable benefits. Tamara Ivanyutin kept quite a large farm. Working in the dining room, she could provide her animals with free food, which remained after schoolchildren with poor appetite. To make it even worse, Tamara Ivanyutin periodically added poison to food. She used poisonous substances against those who, in her opinion, "behaved poorly." The victims of Ivanyutin’s steel were those who prevented them from stealing food from the school canteen, allowed themselves to make remarks to her, and in general all those who did not like her for one reason or another.

Although forensic psychiatricexpertise recognized her sane, experts noted such character traits of the killer as touchiness, revenge, overestimated self-esteem. During the investigation of her case, it turned out that Ivanyutin had previously been convicted of speculation. In the school canteen, she settled on a fake workbook. Victor Stadnik, chemistry teacher, along with many others affected by her actions, noted such traits of her character as arrogance and persistence, lack of discipline, rudeness.


The story of Tamara Ivanyutina became known whenseveral workers and students of the 16th school of the Podolsky district of Kiev entered the hospital. Doctors diagnosed signs of food poisoning. It happened on March 16 and 17, 1987. Four (two adults and the same number of children) died almost immediately. In resuscitation, there were nine injured. Initially, doctors diagnosed an intestinal infection and flu. However, after some time, the patients began to lose hair. For these diseases, this phenomenon is uncharacteristic.

Tamara Ivaniutin 1987

First facts

Law enforcement quickly enoughfound that Tamara Antonovna Ivanyutin was involved in the poisoning. The investigation began immediately, as it became known about the deaths of students and school staff. Criminal proceedings were instituted. The investigation team conducted interrogations of the survivors. It was found that all of them became ill after they had lunch in the school cafeteria on March 16. Moreover, they all ate liver with buckwheat porridge. Investigators decided to find out who was responsible for the quality of food at school. It turned out that dietitian nurse Natalya Kukharenko died 2 weeks before production was initiated. According to official figures, the woman died of cardiovascular disease. However, investigators questioned the accuracy of this information. As a result, an exhumation was performed. After the examination, traces of thallium were found in the tissues of the corpse. Then began searches of all those who were related to the school cafeteria. Not paid attention to the house in which the dishwasher of the catering department Ivanyutina Tamara Antonovna lived.

tamara ivanyutin case


В процессе обыска у посудомойки в доме была detected "small but rather heavy capacity". Naturally, its contents interested the investigation team. The container was confiscated and transferred to the experts for research. As it turned out, it contained Clerici fluid. It is a highly toxic solution based on thallium (used in a number of branches of geology). Tamara Ivanyutin was taken into custody. First, she filed a confession, admitted to all the episodes that occurred in the school cafeteria. Such a crime, as explained by Tamara Ivanyutin, she committed due to the fact that the sixth-graders who dined refused to set up chairs and tables. She decided to punish them and poisoned. However, it subsequently stated that the confession was made under pressure from the investigators. She refused to testify.

Ivanyutin Tamara Antonovna

New facts

The case of Tamara Ivanyutina became resonant.In the course of further operational activities revealed new facts. Thus, the investigation established that not only Ivanyutin herself, but also her family members (parents and sister) used a highly toxic solution for 11 years to crack down on people they disliked. At the same time, they committed poisonings both for selfish motives and for eliminating people who were unsympathetic for some reason. The Clerici family received a liquid from a friend who was an employee of the geological institute. Poisoners explained that they needed thallium to fight rats. A friend herself later admitted that for 15 years she had transferred at least 9 times a toxic solution to Ivanyutina herself, as well as to her parents and sister.

serial poisoner tamara ivanyutina


Tamara’s criminal activities began with herfirst husband. She poisoned the man and got hold of his apartment. After the death of her first husband, Ivanyutin remarried. In the new marriage, her parents became the victims. Father-in-law and mother-in-law died two days apart. Small portions of thallium were received by the second husband himself. So she kept his sexual activity low. In addition, Ivanyutina hoped to get a house and land owned by her husband's parents. In September 1986, she became a dishwasher at a local school. In addition to the episodes described above, the school party organizer (died) and the chemistry teacher (survived) became victims. They prevented Ivanyutina from stealing food from the catering department. The pupils of the 1st and 5th grades were also poisoned, and they asked her for the rest of the meatballs for pets. These children survived.


The investigation revealed that Nina Matsibor -the elder sister of the main person involved in the case also conducted active criminal activities. In particular, using the same Clerici liquid, she poisoned her spouse and got him an apartment in Kiev. Spouses Maslenko - parents Ivanyutina - also committed numerous poisonings. Thus, a communal neighbor and relative was killed with a highly toxic liquid, which made a remark to them. In addition, animals that belonged to "objectionable" people also became victims of poisoners. The geography of the criminal activity of the family was not limited to Ukraine alone. So, it was proved that a number of poisonings were committed by criminals in the RSFSR. For example, while in Tula, Maslenko Sr. killed his relative. He mixed the Clerici liquid into the moonshine.

Ivaniutin Tamara Antonovna investigation


It dealt with the 45-year-old Ivanyutina,her elder sister Nina Antonovna and their parents - Maria Feodorovna and Anton Mitrofanovich Maslenko. He was charged with numerous poisonings, including fatalities. The court found that for 11 years the criminal family for mercenary motives, as well as from personal enmity, committed murders and attempts to deliberately deprive the lives of various persons with the help of the so-called Clerici liquid - a highly toxic solution based on a potent toxic substance - thallium. According to the deputy chairman of the Constitutional Court of Ukraine, who worked during the trial as a senior investigator for particularly important crimes in the Kiev prosecutor's office, the episodes identified are among the first criminal cases in which such a connection was used, recorded in the USSR. The total number of proven facts is 40. Of that number, 13 were fatal. Most of the killings (nine) and the attempted assassinations (20) were made personally by Tamara Ivanyutin. The process lasted about a year.


In his last word Ivanyutin his guiltepisodes not recognized. While still in the SIZO, she stated: in order to achieve the desired, you do not need to write any complaints. You need to be friends with everyone and treat them. Especially harmful people add poison. Ivanyutin did not ask forgiveness from the relatives of the victims, saying that she was not allowed to do so by her upbringing. She regretted only one thing. Her long-time dream was to buy a car "Volga", but it never happened. Ivanyutin was recognized as sane and sentenced to death. Companions were assigned different terms of prison. So, sister Nina was sentenced to 15 years. Her subsequent fate is unknown. Mother received 13, and father - 10 years in prison. Parents died in prison. The year in which Tamara Ivanyutin was shot - 1987

Tamara Antonovna Ivanyutina Soviet serial killer


В процессе расследования Иванютина пыталась several times to bribe the investigator. She promised a lot of gold to a law enforcement officer. The unusualness of this case in criminal practice is that the main accused was a woman sentenced to death, and the punishment was carried out. There are only two officially confirmed facts of applying the death penalty to women in the years of the USSR. In the post-Stalin era, the following were shot: Antonina Makarova (Tonka-machine-gunner) in 1979 (a WWII period collaborator who worked for the Germans and killed one and a half thousand Russian people) and Bert Borodkin in 1983 (a large speculator who did not kill anyone, but caused damage in a million rubles, by previous standards). On the first, even filmed a series, which describes her life and the crimes committed. For a long time, KGB officers could not find her. And after a few decades, they nevertheless found, interrogated, condemned and sentenced to death by shooting. At present, the Ivanyutina case is included in educational and methodical publications that are studied in Ukraine in the framework of the criminal law discipline.