/ / Who needs a power of attorney to receive mail

Who and why you need a power of attorney to receive mail

In life, there are often situations where a person does notwants or can not do some work. In this case, he needs an assistant, ready to assume the fulfillment of these duties. The situation is rather delicate and requires complete trust between the parties. It is for these purposes that the Civil Code foresees the possibility of drawing up a special document of a certain form that will allow one party to represent the interests of the other before the third. Such a paper was called "power of attorney".

power of attorney for receiving mail

Purpose of the document

One of the areas of application of such a document is a power of attorney to receive mail. It can be composed of:

  • between individuals;
  • between the employee and the head of the company.

Both of these cases should be considered separately.Take, for example, a large manufacturing enterprise. To the address of the organization or personally to the name of the manager usually comes a large number of letters, parcels or parcels. Correspondence comes from partners, suppliers, public organizations and individuals. Mail sent information or administrative documents, securities, as well as applications and complaints of citizens. All of them must be received at the post office, and if the document is registered, then it is necessary to sign for it in a special form. All these procedures take a lot of time. It is clear that the head practically can not do this. Otherwise, he will have no time to carry out his direct duties. For these purposes, a power of attorney is issued to receive mail, in which the performance of this work is entrusted to one of the company's employees. The director may be absent from the workplace or be at all on a business trip or on vacation. At this time, on the basis of the completed document, all the mail arriving in his name will receive an authorized representative. On the other hand, any citizen can make a power of attorney to receive mail. There are times when such a document is simply necessary. For example, if a person is sick and can not personally visit the liaison office to receive an important letter or parcel. Then he is forced to seek help from another person. But for this, the trustee must be endowed with special powers that allow him to act in the interests of the principal. For this purpose, a power of attorney is issued to receive mail or other correspondence, which must be notarized.

How the document is prepared

At factories receiving correspondence is usuallythe secretary or the administrator of the office is engaged. In his name, a letter of attorney is formed to receive mail, one copy of which is sent to the liaison office, and the second is stored at the enterprise. There are certain rules for compiling such a document:

letter of attorney for receiving mail

  1. The power of attorney is issued on the company letterhead.
  2. The name of the document is written in the center, and the date of compilation is slightly lower.
  3. Next is the text, which indicates the name of the organization and details of the head (principal): his full name, title and passport details.
  4. Then the requisites of the employee (authorized representative) are: and his passport details.
  5. Further all his powers are registered.
  6. After that, the signature of the employee comes.
  7. Term of the power of attorney.
  8. Signature of the head certified by the seal of the company.

letter of attorney for receipt of registered mail

Receiving registered mail

Authorized employee, having the rightissued document, can receive in the post office of communication any correspondence except for valuable. And it does not matter how much it costs. Even if the letter is valued at one ruble, it can be received only by the addressee personally, having a passport in his hands. All other papers are authorized to receive a trusted person. He does not need a separate power of attorney to receive registered mail and ordinary mail. One standard document is enough. And so that there are no doubts about the legality of rights, the job description of the employee should indicate the fact that his job is to receive mail correspondence that comes to the company's name. There are situations when ordinary letters are brought to the office, and ordered ones must be received at the post office with a receipt. In this case, the power of attorney is drawn up specifically for the receipt of registered mail.