/ / Power of attorney for mail: reasons for drawing up and rules for issuing the document

Power of attorney for mail: reasons for drawing up and rules for issuing the document

In life, there are often situations where the addressee does notfor some reason or another, to receive correspondence sent to him. To do this, he can attract another person by writing a letter of attorney to him. In what cases is it necessary to do this and how to draw up such a document?

The need for a power of attorney

The responsibility of post offices is that,To deliver the correspondence sent to him. This can be parcels, parcels, as well as ordinary or registered letters. But due to certain circumstances, the addressee sometimes is not in a position to take the mail personally. In this situation, he can seek help from another person, giving him certain powers for this. In order to document such an agreement, he will need to draw up a power of attorney for the post. In what cases is it necessary to do this? A power of attorney for mail may be needed in the following situations:

  1. Addressee at the time of delivery of correspondenceis in another city and can not get it personally. According to the approved rules, any letters or parcels are kept in the post office within a month. After that they return to the sender. If the addressee is interested in delivery, he can entrust it to another person.
  2. In the situation with individuals, the problemis that any correspondence is usually sent to the residence address. But at the moment a person can reside in another place and instruct someone from relatives or friends to receive everything that will come by mail in his name.
  3. With legal entities, the problem is thatthe bulk of letters and business papers, as a rule, comes in the name of the head. He can authorize one of his employees to receive all correspondence coming to the company, having issued a power of attorney for the post. Usually it is a secretary, as well as an employee of the accounting department or the personnel department.

power of attorney for mail

Having a similar document on hand, a trustee at any time can represent the interests of the addressee before a particular branch of communication.

Content of the document

Usually to the address of any enterprise (organization)comes a lot of different documents related to its production activities. Many of them are sent personally to the head of the company, which obliges him to confirm the fact of their receipt at the right moment with his signature. In most cases, directors are instructed to perform such work by their subordinates, giving them for this purpose certain powers.

letter of attorney for Russian mail

For this purpose, a power of attorney is created for the postal address of Russia from a legal entity. The form of such a document must necessarily contain the following information:

  1. Name, place and date of issue.
  2. Requisites of the principal. In this case it is the head of the enterprise.
  3. Full details of the authorized person (full name, title and passport details).
  4. The essence of the commission.
  5. Signature of authorized representative.
  6. Duration of the document.
  7. Ability to delegate authority.
  8. Signature of the head and seal of the organization.

Is it necessary to notarize a power of attorney for a notary?mail of Russia from a legal entity? The form of the document is made in an arbitrary form. In this case, the presence of the seal of the enterprise and the signature of the manager is considered sufficient condition for it to have full legal force. Notarization is not required.

Rules for drawing up a document

To ensure that there are no conflictingsituations, it is necessary to correctly draw up a power of attorney for Russian mail from a legal entity. A sample of filling such a document can be taken at any branch of communication.

letter of attorney for the Russian Post from the legal entity

When compiling it, the following points should be taken into account:

  1. The power of attorney, as a rule, is made on the company letterhead of the organization. In extreme cases, you can use an angular stamp.
  2. All the necessary information must be indicated in the fullest possible extent.
  3. Must be present a sample signature of the most trusted person, so that it was possible to verify it with daily receipt of correspondence.
  4. To assure such a document from the side of this legal entity, a round seal of the company and a personal signature of its head are necessary.
  5. In the main text, it is necessary to clearly state the powers of the trustee, within which he will act in the future.
  6. The validity period of the power of attorney must be clearly stated, which begins from the moment of its signing.

It is necessary to be very careful about the drafting of this document. After all, the detection of any inaccuracies may result in non-delivery of incoming correspondence to the person indicated in it.

Types of postal powers of attorney

Depending on the volume and content of the mandate, there are three types of power of attorney:

  1. Single, which are designed for a single task.
  2. Special. They are made up with only one purpose - to receive correspondence addressed to the principal.
  3. The general. In them, the authorized person is given broader rights related to the representation of the interests of the principal in a particular liaison office.

These circumstances seriously affect howthe power of attorney for Russian post will look like. A sample of the document will help to form a company lawyer. Having consistently stated all the information, in conclusion it will be necessary to clearly indicate the validity period of this document.

power of attorney for the mail of russia sample

In the name of any legal entity, correspondencecomes on a regular basis, so a one-time version of the power of attorney in this case will not work. Rather, it should be "special". Most often it is issued for one calendar year. Although this term can be increased if desired. Everything depends on the period for which the employment contract is concluded with the employee. If the specific deadline is not specified, the power of attorney will still be valid for a year from the date of its signing.