/ / Memo to teachers and students: the rules of behavior in school in case of fire

Memo to teachers and students: rules of behavior in school in case of fire

Во избежание несчастных случаев и даже летальных outcomes, rules of behavior in school in case of fire must be strictly observed. According to statistics, only in the capital of the Russian Federation in 2014, there were 30 major fires, and ten of them in schools. In 2015, 6 such fires caused great material damage. The main cause of fires - careless treatment of schoolchildren with fire. As well as ignorance of the operation and device electrical appliances and fire safety rules.

Why do fires occur?

Fires occur due to careless handling.fire and explosive substances. The cause may be a malfunction or short circuit of electrical appliances. For example, if a large number of such devices are included in one outlet. Fires occur due to deliberate arson. The fire may be caused by lightning, a faulty lightning rod or playing with matches. Sometimes - the exposure of the premises or substances from the sun's rays.

fire school rules

What you need to know about the evacuation in advance?

The rules of conduct for school children during a fire at schoolprescribe knowledge of escape routes. All teachers and students must be prepared for extreme situations. A school evacuation plan must be developed in advance. Before a fire, all actions during a fire are worked out with children in an educational version.

First action in a fire

In the rules of conduct during a fire at schoolentered the first steps that need to be taken in case of fire. As soon as a fire breaks out, turn off the electric power and gas switch. If electrical appliances catch fire, unplug them and plug them in with a wet blanket. Then you need to tightly close the doors and windows to block access of oxygen. At low fire - try to extinguish the flame with a fire extinguisher. It is important to remove young children and the elderly from the premises.

student behavior in case of fire at school

When evacuating from the site of a fire, they take with themonly the most important things (documents, money, valuables). Do not use the elevator. For descent you need to use stairs. It is important to protect your breath from smoke. With its large content in the room - to get to the exit crawling. The front door should not be locked.

Rules of behavior of children in a fire at school - how and where to report?

Как только школьником обнаружилось возгорание, you must immediately inform the adults (teachers or security guards) or call firefighters. To do this, dial 101 on city phones, it is 112 from mobile phones. You need to calm down before calling. Dispatcher information is reported:

  • the address where the fire occurred and the school number;
  • how strong the fire, that is, the degree of danger to human health and life;
  • where the fire is raging;
  • what exactly burns and how much;
  • any information about the fire (broken wiring, flashing lights, etc.);
  • Full name and number of your phone.

safety rules for a school fire

After the call, the phone can not be disconnected, sincedispatcher can call back to ask clarifying questions. If the conversation is over, then it is reported that the security services have already left. If there is an opportunity, then it is better to wait for the firefighters and show the place of fire and show them a short way.

Rules of safe behavior in a fire at school: the first steps

Can not panic.Pupils lined up at the command of the teacher in a column of two people and leave the building along pre-worked tracks or through emergency exits. But necessarily under the guidance of teachers.

Классные руководители должны захватить с собой educational magazine. In the closing columns are placed the most prepared boys, physically strong. The column of schoolchildren should move quickly, but not at a run.

rules of conduct during a school fire

Evacuation message

The rules of conduct in school in case of fire prescribeclear actions during evacuation. This is the removal of people from the building. You can not shout "fire!", As this can lead to panic. As a result, there were human casualties, although there was no direct threat to their lives.

There are several ways to report a fire:

  • voice alert;
  • alarm manual call;
  • pressing the alarm button;
  • with the help of a loudspeaker broadcasting throughout the building (the text must be prepared in advance).

Evacuation in case of fire

The main escape routes are fire exits.When smoke, children are transferred to the opposite part of the building with the subsequent withdrawal of schoolchildren. High school students are allowed to assist teachers in the evacuation of primary school (to help get dressed, calm, etc.).

The rules of conduct in school during a fire state thatchildren are collected at a specific place, which must be agreed in advance. Most often this is the school yard. The children line up in classes, and the roll call over the educational magazine begins. If someone is not, then firefighters are urgently informed about it. Schoolchildren taken out of fire and smoke should be placed in premises prepared for such an occasion.

fire rules

If people can't get out of the burning building

If teachers and students turned outcut off from the exit, then you can not try to slip through the fire. It is necessary to find a free room (with windows) from the smoke (or with the least content). Then isolate the room. To do this, caulk with rags all the cracks and ventilation grilles. If there is a possibility, wet matter beforehand. For rags, you can use curtains or clothes.

Rules of behavior of students in a fire at school:in no case can not open the window. This can only increase traction, and the fire, having received an additional portion of oxygen, will flare up with a new force. If the insulated room still gets smoke, then you need to lie on the floor and breathe through the wet cloth. If not, close the respiratory system with clothing. The windows can be opened only after seeing the firemen. And shouts should attract their attention.

Fire fighting with available means

Before the arrival of firefighters, you can try to extinguishfire improvised means. For example, to organize the supply of water from the tap or use fire extinguishers. But the rules of behavior in school during a fire state that it is possible to extinguish a fire yourself only if it does not pose a threat to the health and life of people and a hotbed of fire is clearly visible. Otherwise, carbon monoxide poisoning may occur. Even 0.1-0.5 percent of its content in the air can lead to loss of consciousness and even instant death.

rules of conduct for school children in case of fire at school

Moreover, the approach to the fire should be safe.If it has already inflamed quite strongly, then it is useless to extinguish it yourself. In this case, you need to try to block the fire access to oxygen, close all doors and windows, turn off the electricity and try to leave the room as soon as possible. If the oxygen level in the building drops to 17 percent, then the burning stops.