/ Means of measurement, metrological characteristics. The main directions of metrology

Means of measurement, metrological characteristics. Basic directions of metrology

Significant role in the economy of any statethey play metrological standards by means of which the physical parameters of various objects are measured. For this purpose, measurement tools are used, the use of which is regulated by specific provisions of the law. What is the specificity of regulation of metrology in Russia? What rules of law characterize the approval and application of metrological measurements?

Measuring instruments metrological characteristics

What is metrology?

To begin with we will study some theoretical moments, reflecting the peculiarities of metrology. Measuring instruments, metrological characteristics - terms related to this scientific branch.

The main directions of metrology:

- measurement theory;

- the use of physical quantities;

- problems of determining the accuracy of certain measurements, as well as finding uniformity in the approaches to them;

- the choice of standards and samples, as well as their practical implementation in various areas of the economy.

The main subject of study of the discipline in question is the methods and tools that are used to account for certain objects, based on their mass, length, volume, power, etc.

Basic concepts that are used in metrology:

- physical parameter (representing a property of an object that distinguishes it by certain criteria from others, even if they are sufficiently similar to it);

- measurement (a procedure that involves finding a certain value of a physical parameter by using various tools and comparing with standard values);

- measuring and control means - instruments that are used to measure a particular unit of a physical parameter.

If we talk specifically about the means of measurement, it can be noted that such can be presented in several varieties. Consider them in more detail.

Calibration of measuring instruments


In general, it is accepted under the measurement tool.to understand the technical tool used for the measurement of certain objects, which has normalized metrological parameters, adapted to reproduce or store certain physical parameters, the value of which is assumed to be constant within a specified time interval.

It may be noted that the approval of the type of fundsmeasurements in Russia are carried out at the level of federal authorities, such as the Federal Agency for Technical Regulation and Metrology. What are the features of its classification? Measuring instruments (metrological characteristics are also closely related to this term) can be represented, in particular:

- measure (as a means that is used in order to reproduce the physical parameters of a particular size);

- a device (as a means that is used to generate a specific signal from the measurement data in a user-friendly form);

- a transducer (as a means that is used to generate a signal from the measurement data that is to be transferred for further processing within the framework of the infrastructure involved);

- measuring system (as a set of tools that are used to produce measuring signals in the required format, including the user).

Another criterion for the classification of measuring instruments is the level of their automation. So, they are:

- automatic;

- partially automated;

- manual.

Metrological measurement tools can also be classified on the basis of their standardization. So, they can be:

- standardized;

- unregulated.

Another criterion for the classification of measuring instruments is the functionality within the framework of the verification scheme. So, they can be:

- standards;

- working tools.

Another important criterion for measuring instruments is the significance of the parameter being measured. Based on the specified criterion, they can be:

- basic;

- auxiliary.

In the first case, the measurement is carried outphysical parameter, which is important in terms of the successful solution of the measurement problem. In turn, there are measuring instruments, the metrological characteristics of which involve the measurement of only those parameters that have limited impact, but are nonetheless important and require consideration.

Consider now the actual entitymetrological characteristics of the considered instruments. One of the data sources for us will be GOST regulations governing the use of appropriate infrastructure.

VNIIMS State Register of Measuring Instruments

Metrological characteristics of measurement tools

В соответствии с государственными стандартами, regulating how measuring devices should be used, metrological characteristics are technical parameters that describe the properties of the corresponding instruments, as well as affecting the results of various measurements taken to assess their quality, as well as to correctly determine their results.

The characteristics in question may benormalized or experimental. The first are recorded in the regulatory documentation. For example, the one included in the state register of measuring instruments formed by the VNIIMS. The latter are used in a specific situation, taking into account the characteristics of the production process or the environment in which measurements are carried out.

Features of the register of measuring instruments

It will be useful to consider in more detail whatIt is a state register of measurement tools. This resource is included in the Federal Information Fund and is used to register those decisions that have been approved by Rosstandart. The register of measuring instruments consists of sections in which information is reflected:

- about the instruments approved by Rosstandart, certificates of introduction of measuring instruments;

- specific copies of the instruments approved by Rosstandart;

- accredited state centers in which tests of measuring instruments are conducted.

Registry maintenance objectives

The registry in question is maintained in order to:

- accounting measurement tools;

- the formation of centralized funds of information about the relevant decisions that are allowed to be issued by Russian enterprises, as well as to use in certain areas of the economy;

- registration of accredited institutions involved in the testing of measurement instruments;

- accounting of completed certificates of introduction of measuring instruments, as well as certificates of accredited testing institutions,

- accounting of test programs of measurement instruments;

- information support of citizens,organizations, as well as national metrological institutions of states that are involved in cooperation on the recognition of testing and implementation of measuring instruments.

Register of measuring instruments

Registry contents

For each type of instrument, information about which is reflected in the Registry, the following are recorded:

- name;

- registration number;

- purpose;

- Manufacturer country;

- manufacturer;

- name of the test center;

- certificate validity period;

- information about the interval between calibrations;

- information about the method of verification.

The approval of a specific type of measuring instrument is carried out by Rosstandart on the basis of the results of tests of relevant instruments carried out by specialized government centers.

If we talk about the role of the state in the regulationof using the tools in question and complementing the state register of measuring instruments created by VNIIMS from the point of view of rationing the work of specialists conducting a study of physical parameters in various spheres, we can pay attention to such activities of state structures as verification and certification infrastructure measurement. We will study this aspect in more detail.

Verification of measurement tools

So along with such activities,as, for example, the approval of the type of measuring instruments, the state is actively working to regulate their use. In particular, in the direction of verification. It is regulated by a separate federal law.

In accordance with its provisions, verificationmeasurement tools in some cases is mandatory. So, for example, state measuring instruments before direct operation, as well as when carrying out their repair should be checked - as part of a primary or periodic event of the appropriate type.

The task of the users of these tools -timely check. In principle, business entities have the right to conduct it independently, but only under one condition - the presence of accreditation for activities in the field to ensure the unity of technical measurements. In some cases, the verification should be carried out by a specialized metrology service that has accreditation. As a rule, this applies to cases where the government of the Russian Federation has defined a specific list of measurement instruments for which verification should be carried out according to the appropriate scheme.

Metrology Service

After the procedure in questionconducted, issued a certificate of its implementation. Competent government departments can develop special calibration marks as well as the structure of the relevant document. In addition, some government agencies may be authorized to collect the results of the verification on various measuring instruments.

В некоторых случаях, даже если тот или иной the instrument is not included in the list of measuring instruments for which verification is mandatory, the user of such infrastructure may conduct the procedure voluntarily.

Certification of measurement tools

In the framework of state regulationthe use of various measuring instruments also certifies this infrastructure. Its essence is to confirm first of all the safety of using this or that device. In addition, a certified instrument is included in the state register of measuring instruments. As a rule, the procedure in question involves the design of:

- certificate in accordance with GOST R or declaration of conformity of the GOST R instrument;

- certificate of type measurement tools.

Certification can be carried out inRosstandart or in one of the accredited centers. Certification is a procedure that, like verification, may be mandatory for certain measurement tools. As a rule, such requirements are established for measuring instruments that are used in such areas:

- the activities of the armed forces of the state;

- the medicine;

- the activities of law enforcement agencies;

- cartography;

- geodesy;

- The scope of regulation of the implementation of measurement uniformity.

Type Approval of Measuring Instruments

Approval of measurement tools

It will be useful to consider this aspect ofthe instruments in question, such as the approval of measuring tools. This procedure is also carried out with the participation of the state as part of the metrological control. The approval of one or another type of measuring instrument is performed by a competent metrological service. This sets:

- Methods for the implementation of the calibration characteristics of the measuring instrument;

- specific accuracy indicators for measuring quantities;

- The optimal intervals for performing the instrument calibration.

По итогам утверждения средства измерения the competent authority issues a special document. We are talking about such a source as a certificate of approval of measuring instruments. It can be issued on a single device, and on the serial release of the relevant solutions.

Условием получения второго типа документа может be compliance with the manufacturer of certain technical conditions. In order to issue a certificate of measurement tools, it is also necessary to develop special documentation for the operation of the instrument. If we talk about a document for serial production of solutions, it is issued by the competent authorities for 5 years. After that, it can be extended on the basis of a request from the manufacturer. In turn, if the certificate is issued for a single product, then its validity period corresponds to the service life of the device.

Calibration of measurement tools

Another important aspect of stateregulation of the sphere of metrology - legal acts regulating how calibration of measuring instruments should be carried out. What does this term mean?

Calibration of measurement tools isthe procedure carried out in order to determine, as well as confirm the actual values ​​of metrological characteristics, as well as the suitability of the measurement tool for use. The main difference between calibration and calibration is that the procedure in question is implemented primarily in relation to those measuring instruments that are not subject to control and supervision by state bodies.

Certificate of Approval of Measuring Instruments

В соответствии с законодательством РФ те instruments that are not applied in the field of state regulation while ensuring the uniformity of measurements can be calibrated voluntarily. This procedure is carried out using different standards, which are compared with the state primary standards or, in their absence, with the national ones, which are accepted in foreign states.

Calibration can be done by private individuals -business entities and individual entrepreneurs, subject to voluntary accreditation. The results of this procedure can be subsequently used in the verification of certain measuring instruments in the manner determined by the Russian government. Thus, despite the fact that the calibration of measuring instruments is carried out voluntarily, the state can nevertheless prescribe regulations governing the conduct of this procedure, as well as the application of its results.