/ / State system for ensuring the uniformity of measurements: the structure of systems

State system for ensuring the uniformity of measurements: the structure of systems

State system for ensuring the uniformity of measurements (GSI) operates under the control of the federalAgency Rostechregulirovanie. It was created to protect the interests and rights of citizens, the rule of law, and the economic system. The CIO provides protection against the negative consequences of using unreliable indicators in various spheres of public life.

State system for ensuring uniformity of measurements

Normative base

Key legal documents governing the functioning State system for ensuring the uniformity of measurements:

  • GOST Р 8.000–2000.
  • The Constitution of the Russian Federation.
  • Federal Law № 102.
  • Government Decree No. 100 of 1994

Certain issues are regulated in other regulatory documents, system standards, developed and approved by the Rostechregulation Agency.

State system for ensuring uniformity of measurements valid for:

  • Federal government structures.
  • Legal entities.

The goal of the GSE is to formnational regulatory, economic, organizational and legal conditions for the implementation of the tasks set by the Rostekhregulirovaniye Agency and providing business entities with the opportunity to assess the compliance of measurement results with established standards.

The main provisions of the State system for ensuring the uniformity of measurements

The key tasks of the GSE are:

  • Conducting research related to the reproduction and transfer of indicators units.
  • Creating systems, formulating concepts, terms metrology.

GOST State system for ensuring the uniformity of measurements

The state system for ensuring the uniformity of measurements contributes to:

  • Creating and improving standards.
  • Certification of measurement methods.
  • State control and metrological supervision.
  • Accreditation services.
  • Information support for users.
  • Organizing and conducting fundamental scientific research to improve the means and methods of measurement, transfer their results.
  • Establishment of general requirements for standards, methods, conditions ensuring the uniformity of measurements.
  • Development and examination of sections of government and other programs, including those related to the creation and development of the defense industry.
  • Calibration and certification of measuring instruments not included in the list of objects of state control and supervision.
  • Organizations for training and retraining of metrologists.


State System for Ensuring Uniform Measurement

The activities of persons authorized in the field of metrology are carried out in relation to:

  • The aggregate of official units and scales.
  • Terminology used in the field of metrology.
  • Reproduction and transfer of the sizes of scales and units of sizes.
  • Methods and forms of providing the results obtained in the course of measurements, characteristics of errors.
  • Methods for estimating variance and measurement uncertainty.
  • The order of development, approval and certification of methods.
  • The complex of normalized characteristics of the measuring means.
  • Methods for determining and adjusting the verification intervals.
  • Testing procedures for approval of measuring instruments and their certification.
  • Rules of metrological supervision and control.
  • The procedure for licensing the activities of individuals and organizations for the repair, production, rental, sale of measuring tools.
  • Standard tasks, duties, rights of the metrological services subordinate to the executive bodies of the state power and legal entities.
  • The procedure for certification of measuring, calibration, testing, analytical, testing laboratories, non-destructive and radiation monitoring services.
  • State verification schemes.
  • Measurement methods.
  • The procedure for accreditation of metrological organizations and other legal entities and citizens on metrological activities of various types.
  • Calibration methods (calibration) of measuring instruments.
  • Terms and definitions by type of measurement.

state system for ensuring the uniformity of measurements


The structure of the State system for ensuring the uniformity of measurements subsystems include:

  • Legal.
  • Technical.
  • Organizational.

The technical subsystem is a complex:

  • Standards of units.
  • Standard samples of characteristics and properties of substances.
  • Reference, measuring, research, calibration laboratories.

The composition of the organizational subsystem State system for ensuring the uniformity of measurements include:

  • State Metrology Service.
  • Other services related to ensuring uniformity of measurements.
  • Metrological bodies of federal structures.

Recommendation State Uniform Measurement System

Legal subsystem

It is formed by a complex of state acts, regulatory and technical documentation, approved at different levels and regulating metrological standards, requirements, rules, recommendations.

State system for ensuring uniformity of measurements includes documents establishingmandatory technical and organizational-technical provisions, methods, procedures for the performance of work, requirements for the formulation of their results. The recommendations contain provisions that are optional but recommended for use.

Register of the State system for ensuring the uniformity of measurements

This document is used to register and record types of measurement tools.

Register - a state act certifying the factthe passage of the tool and its manufacturer checks according to the rules established in the legislation. It is on the basis of the results of the verification procedures that the relevant accounting objects are included in the list. For funds registered in the registry, there are official inspection rules and technical regulations.

metrology state system for ensuring uniformity of measurements

Registry targets

The database provides:

  • Accounting measurement tools of approved types.
  • Formation of centralized information funds on accounting objects approved for production, circulation, issuance, use in Russia.
  • Registration of accredited test centers.
  • Accounting certificates issued for measuring tools.
  • Information support organizationstakeholders, including the national metrology services of countries participating in the interaction on the mutual recognition of test standard indicators and approval rules for measuring instruments.

Historical reference

For the first time the law regulating State system for ensuring the uniformity of measurements, was approved in 1991. Up to this point there were no legal provisions in the country in the field of metrology. Rules and regulations were enforced by government regulations.

Law adopted in 1991, introduced many innovations in the field of metrology. First of all, the main terms used in the industry were defined. Secondly, a certification and licensing system for metrological activity was introduced.

The legislation clearly delineated the functions of control and supervision, and measured the calibration rules.

Objectives of current legislation in the field of metrology

The amended version of the Law of 1991 is designed to provide:

  • Protection of users against inaccurate results of measurements.
  • Promotion of economic, scientific and technical progress based on the use of standards and accurate indicators.
  • Formation of favorable conditions for establishing links between enterprises, including Russian and foreign ones.
  • Adaptation of the domestic measuring system to the world practice.

register of the state system for ensuring the uniformity of measurements

A responsibility

Citizens and organizations, government agencies that have violatedthe provisions of the Federal Law No. 102, as well as other regulations applicable in the field of metrology, are held accountable in accordance with the current legislation. In the event of property damage as a result of illegal actions, the adoption of illegal decisions by authorized persons, it is possible to apply criminal sanctions.

Acts / inactions of executive officersState authorities can be challenged in the prescribed manner. An appeal, however, does not suspend the fulfillment of prescriptions approved by them, except in cases expressly provided by law. The relevant provisions are set out in Article 24 of the Federal Law No. 102.