/ / Replacement of driver's license with change of surname: terms, documents

Replacement of driver's license with change of surname: terms, documents

Today we will be interested in the replacementdriving license when changing the name. Is it necessary to conduct this operation in Russia? Or is changing the personal information of a citizen does not require updating the rights? Where, who and how does the document exchange if necessary? Find answers to all of these questions and not only everyone can after studying the information offered to the attention. In fact, everything is not as difficult to understand as it seems. Even a novice driver is able to translate the task into practice.

replacement of driver's license with change of surname

It is necessary or not

Do I need to change my driver's license when changing my surname? In Russia, some documents after changing personal data about a person do not require a mandatory update.

Earlier it was possible not to reissue the certificatedriver. The driver was allowed to show the document-basis, indicating the change of name / surname / patronymic, together with the valid driving license. That was enough.

But a few years ago everything changed. And now the replacement of the driver's license with a change of surname is a mandatory process. Otherwise, the document is considered invalid.


And what kind of paper are we talking about? Why is it even needed? And do they all face the need to re-issue a driver's license?

This paper serves as proof of lawdriving a car of a particular category. It looks like a small card made of plastic, filled with information about the skills of driving the owner and his personal data.

Modern rights are granted for 10 years. Once this period has passed, a person will need to replace the identity card.

genddd driver's license replacement

In addition to a laminated plastic card,citizens of the Russian Federation may face a paper interpretation of the document. Usually this is the expression of a temporary driving license. It is issued at the request of a citizen at the time of filing documents for the exchange or re-issue of old rights.

Reasons to replace

When is it necessary to exchange a driver's license? In general, the principle of action remains the same in all cases. The difference will be only in the requested documents.

Fortunately, in Russia you can tell exactly when it is necessary to replace the driver's license. To such cases carry:

  • expiration of the valid limitation period;
  • getting the next category of driving;
  • change information about a citizen (name, patronymic, name, sex, date of birth);
  • damage to the document;
  • loss or theft of paper.

Nobody will exchange such a document just like that. There must be good reasons for the operation.

driver's license replacement documents

Timeframe for submitting a request

What is the time frame for changing a driver's license in Russia? How quickly it is necessary to deal with the task?

To date, experts recommendTo replace driver's rights in the first month of changing information about yourself. The thing is that from the moment of making adjustments to the name, surname, patronymic and so on, the acting documents and identity cards are rendered unusable. Therefore, they will have to replace them as soon as possible.

Once a person changes his surname, his rightswill be considered invalid. In this case, it is forbidden to drive a vehicle. So, it's necessary to exchange documents in the shortest possible time. They are not regulated in any way, therefore, if the citizen does not plan to drive in the near future, he can take his time. No penalties for long exchange of driver's licenses are provided.

replacement of driver's license

Term of service

And how long does it take to process a request submitted by a citizen? How long to wait for the readiness of new rights?

Usually this service is provided within 1month. Sometimes the rights can be ready before. This recipient will be informed without fail. The terms for changing the driver's license are not too large. But you do not need to count on instant provision of the service.

Do not think that replacing a driver's license with a change of name is a long process. Wait for new rights will have no more than any other identity card.

Registration authorities

Where is the service provided? This question bothers many citizens. After all, it is not enough to know about the procedure for exchanging documents, it is necessary to understand where to turn for help.

In Russia, in the State Traffic Safety Inspectorate, a driver's license is replaced by law. That is, you can apply with the appropriate request to the traffic police and traffic police. It does not matter, by registration or temporary registration.

state duty driver's license replacement

Also, you can order new rights in the MFC or through the portal of the "State Service". Everything depends on the citizen's desire. There is no fundamental difference in where to seek help.


As we have already explained, the mentioned operation can be carried out in the traffic police. Replacement of the driver's license provides observance of some algorithm of actions. What will have to be done?

It is enough to follow the instructions. It looks like this:

  1. Prepare a package of documents to replace the driver's license.
  2. Write a statement of the established pattern for the re-issue of paper. In the case of the "State Service" it is enough to fill out an electronic application.
  3. Submit your request to one of the registration authorities.
  4. Pay the state fee. It is advisable to do this before submitting the application to the established sample.
  5. Wait for the readiness of the rights. Pick them up at the appointed time.

Nothing more is needed.But the replacement of a driver's license with a change of name raises a lot of questions for drivers. In particular, in terms of preparing documents. What can be useful for implementing the idea?

application replacement driving license

Documents for identification

What are the replacement driver's documents?certificate due to the change of name provides? To date, this operation has been simplified to the maximum. For example, there is no need to undergo a medical commission. And this greatly facilitates the process of exchanging the mentioned paper.

So, documents to replace the driver's license when making adjustments to information about a citizen are necessary the following:

  • passport (or any other identification document);
  • references indicating the applicant's residence permit (you can get by with a stamp in the passport);
  • old driver's license;
  • a receipt with the paid duty for the operation;
  • the basis on which the name was changed (name, patronymic and so on - certificate from the registry office / certificate of marriage or divorce, etc.);
  • Photos (3 pieces of size 3 x 4, in color).

As a rule, this is enough.Provide a certificate of passage of a medical commission, if a citizen replaces a driver's license because of changing personal information, it is not necessary. In all other cases it is necessary to pass in advance an examination with the doctors and receive the corresponding document-confirmation of health.


How much do you have to pay for the operation in the form ofstate fee? The replacement of the driver's license is by no means a free procedure. It is necessary to transfer a certain amount of money to the state treasury for it.

The fees vary from time to time.To date, in the territory of the Russian Federation for driving license will have to pay 2 thousand rubles. This amount is paid and at the first receipt of the document, and when it is replaced.

For a temporary driver's license, too, will have to give some money. But this is not mandatory expenditure. For the rights on paper in 2017, 500 rubles are transferred.

replacement driver's license documents which

About features

From now on it is clear which documents the driver's license replacement requires when changing the surname. And how to translate the idea into reality, you also know.

It is important to pay attention to one small nuance. It concerns the validity period of the updated driver's license. Not all citizens of the Russian Federation remember and remember about it.

After the application for the replacement of the driver's licensethe certificate was processed and the new document was ready, you need to look at the validity period of the paper. It will be exactly the same as past rights. That is, the updated certificate is issued not for 10 years, but for as much as the previous rights were supposed to operate. This is a legitimate and normal phenomenon.