/ / Certification sheet - a document confirming the fact of passing certification

Certification sheet - a document confirming the fact of attestation

Certification is a verification procedure.qualification level of specialists in various fields of activity. Attestation sheet - a conclusion that gives the commission at the end of certification. On the basis of this conclusion, an order of assigning the appropriate category or a refusal is written.

certification sheet
Аттестационный лист учителя или врача, первая его half, filled by specialists from the personnel department. There is a certain form that can be found on the website of the regional licensing commission. It is filled on sheet A4. The sheet indicates the name, surname, patronymic of the person being certified, the date of his birth. Next comes the name of the organization and the position held (the order number and the date of hiring are required), information on the total work experience and the duration of work in this position are given. All data of diplomas (dates, numbers) are entered in the column on education. Every specialist every five years must undergo refresher courses. Information about these courses also fit into the certification sheet. The second part is filled by members of the commission.

To pass the certification must submitstatement. According to the last rules, it is given by the specialist himself three months before the end of the previous certification. It indicates which form this will take.

teacher certification sheet
procedure.For each category there are certain conditions that can be found on the official website. Attestation commission appoints the deadline. To this day, the certified person must submit a copy of the application, a completed certification sheet in two copies and the previous conclusion. If the employee simply passes certification for compliance with his position, he makes a simplified certification passport. If the teacher teaches the first category, then it is necessary to provide a detailed certification passport (portfolio) with the application in the form of copies of all documents, certificates, awards. The portfolio includes three detailed summaries of lessons or lessons (for kindergartens and teachers of additional education), as well as other materials: diagrams, graphs,
doctor's certification list
In general, everything that can characterize the workbeing certified. The first submission of the portfolio takes place two months before the day of certification, it is checked and given time to correct errors. Also, the applicant for the first category should provide a presentation of his work, for the highest - a video recording of the lesson. Next, experts are tested. Upon completion of the procedure, members of the commission make a decision.

The certification sheet of the doctor is essentially the same asfor educators, but a little different in form. Some items in it are given in the form of a table, and there are some additions. So, there is a graph where the questions that were asked to the attested person are displayed, here his answers to these questions are recorded.

Certification of health workers is differentfrom pedagogical. Medical workers are not tested, and the interview. They must write a paper on the chosen topic and submit it to the commission. In health care it is impossible to get a category if there is no definite length of service, in education this is allowed. For example, to get the first category, the doctor must work for seven years, the nurse - five years in the specialty.