/ / Record of acceptance

Record of acceptance

Certificate of acceptance, reflecting the moment of completionworks or provision of services, is an important document necessary for the implementation of accounting. Its execution must comply with the provisions of the current tax legislation in the country for inclusion of the committed costs in the structure of the base accepted for the calculation of mandatory payments to the budget from profit. It should also take into account the complexity of checking the availability of services provided to the client, due to the lack of a tangible final product. That is why in the acts on their provision, their detailed justification and description should be made.

Certificate of acceptance of services rendered and completedworks must take into account the requirements of legislative acts. They allow you to accept signed documents for the taxation of profits only if all incurred costs have a direct link to the business cycle of the business entity. The act of delivery and acceptance primarily reflects the fact that the contractual obligations are fulfilled by the executive party. Approval of this document is the basis for the customer to pay to the account of the contractor.

In the event that the acceptance certificate is issuedfor services or works performed under a contract agreement, the customer is obliged to accept and inspect the result. In the event that there are shortcomings that directly affect the quality of performance, the fact of derogation should immediately be communicated to the executor. In addition, the detected negative results are stipulated in the acceptance certificate. If the faults are classified as hidden, then the customer informs the contractor about their detection within a reasonable time interval after their detection. Registration of a document reflecting the fact of the performance of services requires their delineation and confirmation of direct connection with the production.

The certificate of acceptance is a documenttwo-sided. In addition to reflecting the fact of the direct provision of services or the completion of work, it indicates the timing of their execution. This document can also reflect their cost. Drawing up an act can accompany the fact of execution of various services. These include operations to maintain accounting of accounting documents, which is carried out by an outsourcing company.

The existence of a signed acceptance certificate servesguarantee for the executive from claims of the customer in the future. Sometimes there are situations when the provision of services was made in contractual volume and with the necessary quality, but the document confirming this fact was not issued. In this case, the unscrupulous customer (if there is an item on compensation for damage in case of unsatisfactory results of work) may wish to return part of the payment or even receive money in excess of it. For this purpose, a calculation is made that reflects the lost profit, the size of which can be any. All these documents are submitted by the customer to the judicial authorities. From a legal point of view, he will be absolutely right, since an uncompleted moment of completion of work indicates a violation of contractual obligations.

The act of acceptance-delivery, which serves as the basis forincluding the amount indicated in it in the income of the organization, and the incurred costs - in its costs, is accounted for in accounting, based on the taxation method. It is indicated in the order, which reflects the main points of accounting. In the event that the enterprise works on accrual, the proceeds from the work performed are accounted for in the reporting period when they were implemented, that is, at the time of signing the act. The corresponding expenses reduce the base for the profit tax in the reporting period in which they are incurred.