/ / Questions of profanity: what is an obscene word?

Questions of profanity: what is an obscene word?

All people know what lies under sucha term like "foul word". Unfortunately, we hear strong expressions almost daily, whether we like it or not. On the street, in the store, in transport - the abuse can slip anywhere. Unfortunately, not all people think about the purity of our language and litter it with obscene and obscene words.

swear word

Scientific definition

An obscene word is practically the sameas profanity. You can still call it "unprintable abuse." The names of the mass - that's just the essence of this does not change. Among the more intelligent personalities there is such a definition as obscene vocabulary. There was an expression from the Latin word "obscene", which translated into Russian means "immoral". Basically, that's right. An obscene word is an element of the vocabulary of various languages, which expresses, most often, the spontaneous reaction of a person to any situation. If expressed in a different way, then profanity is what allows you to maximize your emotions (often negative).

Interesting Facts

It is worth noting that many people notice - afterif you swear sincerely, it seems to be easier. Is it really so? And what is the reason? Well, an obscene word, of course, sounds ugly and indecent, but it has peculiar "magical" properties. Of course, everything is exaggerated, but in general they can be identified as such.

obscene language

Interestingly, in past centuries existedbelieve - to get rid of the feeling that an unpleasant person has a psychological effect on you, you should curse him properly. Any obscene expression will be an assistant in this case, and the stronger - the better. Indeed, obscene vocabulary is different in capacity, expression, it is very competently (if I may say so in this case) the accents are set. And if a person uses words belonging to her in some suitable situation, then he can really become easier. In any case, a surge of confidence and adrenaline feel will. So there is some benefit from this, but in no case should we justify it. And in general, we must remember the purity of our mighty language - it is great and rich, so no need to litter it with dirty words.

Functions of use

Many linguists are interested inwhat influence does an obscene word have on society, and are actively studying this topic. As a result of some observations, the functions of using profanity were even defined. The first and most common is to increase the emotionality of speech. There is also a decrease in psychological stress (as mentioned above). Of course, the mat is used to humiliate and insult the interlocutor. And in order to demonstrate their independence and verbal looseness (although this is a very erroneous opinion, the speech will not become more beautiful and more refined). Even so, you can show your dismissive attitude to something - for example, to public prohibitions.

list of obscene words Roskomnadzor

Law and order

Naturally, with the spread of non-normativevocabulary in society trying to fight. For example, a banned list of obscene words was even published. Roskomnadzor included four expressions in it. The law stipulates that the non-normative designation of female and male genital organs, girls of easy behavior and the process of intercourse is strictly prohibited, just like all the words that can be derived from them.

In the media, the use of such expressions is unacceptable.If they are discovered, then Roskomnadzor will issue a warning initially, and then, in the event of a repetition of such an error, the publication may be completely deprived of the license. And it is right. After all, the media is the fourth power, which not only presents information to people, but also shapes public opinion and influences the worldview.