/ / Legal Support Center: Employee Reviews

Legal Support Center: Employee Reviews

Finding a good employer today is difficult.Therefore, citizens are trying to find out as much as possible about a company before employment. What is the Legal Support Center? Reviews of this company from subordinates will help to understand the answer to the question. What are the pros and cons of the organization will have to face applicants? What pleases and upsets subordinates? All this will be discussed below.

Description of activity

Before finding a job in this or that organization, it is important to understand in which field of activity it is involved. Much depends on it.

legal support center reviews

Legal Support Center receives feedback asLaw Firm. It provides legal assistance and advice to the public in a variety of areas. We can say that we are talking about the most ordinary law office. Should I contact here for further employment? What are the pros and cons of subordinates at their employer?


The center of legal support staff reviews earns a variety of types. Therefore, it is difficult to judge the integrity of a potential boss unequivocally. But it is still possible to do this.

Many workers point out thatinterview. This meeting gets different opinions. Some say that the interview only made me happy - the recruitment managers conduct the conversation in a friendly manner and talk about all the features of cooperation. The standard scheme of dialogue, nothing surprising or special. Almost all citizens then receive callbacks with an invitation to the company for further employment.

Но иногда Центр правовой поддержки отзывы не the best type earns. Some subordinates notice that recruitment managers tell little, basically the entire dialogue boils down to two questions: "What does the applicant know how?", "Where did you work before contacting our organization?" Sometimes you may encounter not very friendly managers.

Legal Support Center Employee Reviews

Nevertheless, the interview is the main feature of cooperation. Therefore, he is given a little time in the reviews. What other pros and cons in the center of legal support are citizens talking about?

Promises of the employer

For example, attention will have to be paid to what promises and guarantees the employer offers to subordinates. Legal Support Center LLC receives feedback from employees in this area.

The thing is that the employer under study is literally luring his promises. What is guaranteed in employment? Can highlight:

  • official employment;
  • work in a friendly team;
  • gaining invaluable experience in the legal field;
  • social package and guarantees;
  • paid holiday;
  • continuous development (including career development);
  • stable high earnings and opportunities to increase profits;
  • friendly and cohesive team.

Все это - стандартные обещания практически всех chiefs. Nevertheless, they still attract the population. Does the Legal Support Center provide these guarantees? Or are they a hoax?

ooo legal support center reviews

About the nuances of employment

Legal support center does not earn feedbackbest for job placement features. Opinions are divided into 2 categories. The first is employees who talk about the availability of official registration with the employer. All the necessary entries are made in the job book of the applicant, if there is no document - the boss himself starts it. Also with all the employment contract.

Вторая категория - подчиненные, указывающие на that official employment in a company is a hoax. It is necessary to work without employment record and a contract. Only after a long time with a subordinate can formalize the employment relationship.

Вот такие неоднозначные зарабатывает Центр legal support reviews. It can be said with confidence that the workers here are actually drawn up according to the established legislation. But at the same time to work without documents and the contract will still have to. But all in compliance with the established legislation.


Речь идет о периоде обучения в корпорации.The Legal Support Center LLC earns positive feedback most often because the head allows all employees to learn cooperation for free. True, in this period there is no documentary registration. But after studying with all subordinates an employment contract is concluded.

Встречаются мнения, указывающие на то, что job seekers just use. During training, you actually have to perform official duties of an officially employed employee. Such a free labor.

Legal Support Center Dimitrova 3 1 reviews


Центр правовой поддержки (Димитрова, 3/1) отзывы get a good plan for people who work in an organization. The thing is that you will have to work in a really friendly team. Beginners here are welcome, trying to help and support. Scandals are rare here, the authorities do not interfere in them.

Sometimes there are not the best colleagues, butas a rule, their minority. Therefore, work in the Legal Support Center is a real gift for sociable people. Many come here not only for the sake of work, but also for communication.

Bosses and managers

But for the leadership of the Legal Support Centerreviews often earns are not the best. It is noted that the bosses in the company is exactly the same as that of most organizations. That is, it is difficult to negotiate with him. They do not meet the needs of their subordinates, they constantly burden employees with duties. Of course, in dealing with labor issues, there is some injustice towards subordinates. Sometimes you can find opinions that employees in the Legal Support Center are not considered to be people at all.

In fact, such opinions are common, but they no longer surprise the population. All claims are template. Almost all employers in Russia earn such reviews.

Sometimes you can find opinions according to whichThe bosses in the Legal Support Center builds relationships with honest, active and responsive subordinates perfectly. The main thing - to give all the best while working at 100%.

legal support center moscow reviews

About wages

Город, в котором располагается главное отделение organizations called "Legal Support Center" - Moscow. Reviews about this employer are different. But a lot of negativity can be found for the wages that employees receive. And not only in Moscow, but also in other branches of the company.

The point is that employees emphasizelack of a normal salary. Either employees are offered low wages and interest on the services provided, or simply%. Accordingly, there are real prospects for high profits, but it is extremely difficult to bring them to life. It is possible to do this units.

Incidents during employment

There is another feature on which manystop. The Legal Support Center receives negative reviews for posting some vacancies. For example, "legal assistant". Salary there promise about 42 000 rubles. And at the same time the applicant will have to help the lawyer to provide services.

На практике работники становятся подчиненными в call centers that are trying with all their might to attract new visitors. This is not what is promised at the interview. It is impossible not to emphasize that the salary of such personnel directly depends on the transactions concluded. Cheating that scares.


Понятно, какие ООО "Центр правовой поддержки" reviews earns. Sometimes you can see a company in the black lists of employers in different cities. This phenomenon is observed due to the large number of negative opinions.

LLC Legal Support Center Employee Reviews

Только следует помнить, что ни один отзыв not documented. This applies to both positive and negative opinions. Thus, the Legal Support Center is the most common average employer. You can find a job here, but you should not hope for 100% conscientiousness of the boss.