Historically non-profit organizations emergedas an alternative to politicized public organizations. Initially, these were voluntary associations of active, ideologically literate people, and these associations were based on the principles of humanism and justice. These socially oriented non-profit organizations carried out legal protection and enlightenment of the broad masses of the population.
Currently, the programs of such organizations perform the tasks of free legal advice and legal support.
Non-profit organizations: the concept and types of subjects, the essence of BUT.
Non-profit entities are mainly fundedfrom local and state budgets, sometimes at the expense of contributions of the founders, and sometimes - at the expense of their own commercial profits. Non-profit associations can carry out entrepreneurial activities only in order to achieve their statutory goals for which they were created. In short, non-profit associations often include two components: non-profit and commercial.
In order to more fully illuminate the point of non-profit organizations: types and forms, it is necessary to elaborate on the types of non-profit entities. They can be:
- state non-profit (local authorities, organizations of health, culture and science, state power structures, etc.);
- non-governmental non-profit (trade unions, political parties, non-profit charitable foundations, religious denominations, etc.);
- individuals who are engaged in non-profit activities (independent scholars, politicians, missionaries, artists, etc.).
Immediately make a reservation that the allocation of budgetfunds depends on many factors. Along with objective corruption and abuse are common everywhere, which for Russian society is a widespread phenomenon for which no effective methods of struggle exist yet.
Non-profit organizations: types, properties, characteristics.
There are some properties and characteristics that characterize non-profit organizations; the types of organizations do not matter:
- profit is not the main goal of the organization;
- a non-profit organization must have a legal entity;
- the possible profit is not distributed among its participants.
The constituent documents of the organization: the charter, the memorandum of association. An organization may have its own emblem, seals, stamps, its own balance sheet or estimate.
Nonprofit organizations may have the following types:
- Public organizations / associations. In turn, they are divided into a public organization, a public movement, a public foundation, a public institution.
- Religious organizations.
- Various funds.
- Associations of legal entities (associations and unions).
- Autonomous non-profit organizations.
- Funded by the owner of the institution.
- Chambers of Commerce
- Bar Association.
- Non-profit partnerships.
To improve performanceA nonprofit organization should solve several important problems. Among them, the problem of incompleteness of the legal information base and the problem of insufficient financial resources are in the first place in importance. It is these problems that impede the implementation of many initiatives, such as the qualitative monitoring of the legal situation, the protection of certain segments of the population, and the formation of a systematic database. Only by allowing them, you can proceed to the following. Nevertheless, the plans of some non-profit organizations in Russia are encouraging, and there are ways for their growth and development.