/ / Export control in the Russian Federation and abroad

Export control in Russia and abroad

Any country engaged in foreign tradeactivity, implements a set of measures aimed at protecting political, economic, military interests. At the same time, within the framework of state policy, measures are envisaged to ensure the fulfillment of the provisions of international obligations in terms of limiting the proliferation and use of weapons of mass destruction.

export control

All these measures are combined such a thing as"export control". In the Russian Federation, the EAEU and abroad, there are rules that, if implemented, prevent unwanted and dangerous actions related to WMD. Let us consider in more detail how they are implemented.

What does "export control" mean?

Мероприятия по обеспечению соблюдения international standards are based on the visa system for the movement of goods and technologies controlled by the state. It is implemented through the licensing of relevant foreign trade transactions.

Export control in Russia and abroad approved by a number of government regulations.They establish the rules for performing managed operations, the conditions for their implementation, requirements for contracts, completeness and content of documents for issuing a license. Decisions on the issue of permits or denial of this are made by the authorized interconnected departments after a comprehensive assessment of the risks associated with the export of hazardous products.

In this way, export control in the Russian Federation is a set of measures to oversee the implementationthe official procedure for entering into foreign economic transactions with a limited list of technologies and products. These include raw materials, services, equipment, works, materials, products of intellectual labor, scientific and technical information that can be used in the development of weapons of mass destruction, means for its supply, other types of weapons and equipment, as well as the implementation of terrorist acts.

export control in the Russian Federation

Normative base

Export control in the Russian Federation based on the following multilateral international agreements:

  • NPT - on the non-proliferation of nuclear weapons.
  • The MTCR is about the missile technology control mode.
  • The Wassenaar Agreement on the joint control of the export of conventional weapons and high technology to the conflicting parties.

In addition, there are several committees at the international level:

  • NSG is a group of suppliers of nuclear arsenal.
  • Australian group. It governs compliance with agreements on the non-proliferation of biological and chemical weapons.
  • Zanger Committee.

Under agreements and treaties relating to export controls, interethnic lists of products are being formed,subject to verification, as well as guidelines for its export. The participants of these international acts undertake to be guided by lists and recommendations when developing national programs. Meanwhile, only individual states are given the priority right to implement instructions, issue licenses and apply sanctions.

Export controls, Thus, it acts as a mechanism for ensuring the non-proliferation regime of dangerous objects.

The license is an approval of the commissionforeign trade on certain conditions with 100% guarantee that the technology or product will not reach the undesirable user who can use them to create weapons of mass destruction.

export control in Russia and abroad

Export control in the Russian Federation

Its principles were introduced back in 1992. Since then, the system export control significantly expanded and improved.

В настоящий момент утверждены основы ее functioning, divided the powers and responsibilities between the executive structures of state power. In addition, an effective regulatory framework has been established. All this contributed to the fact that export control in the country complies with international requirements.

General order

Export controls in Russia is engaged in the Federal Service for Energy. It operates on the basis of the provisions of the Federal Law № 183.

Lists of controlled technologies and products are approved by the President by relevant decrees. In Russia, 6 such acts were adopted. In America and the EU, a consolidated list is being formed.

A license is issued for the execution of a foreign trade transaction related to the provision of controlled products or technology to a foreign state.

For permission, Russian manufacturermust submit a package of documents to the FSTEC. The administrative regulations of the service stipulate the procedure for the transfer of papers, completeness, requirements for the content, terms of registration, methods and amounts of payment.


They are the key mechanism export control. Each list contains technologies or products that have a specific relationship to a particular type of weapons of mass destruction.

 export control in the Russian Federation and abroad

Currently in the Russian Federation approved 6 lists. Based on them, export control dual-use facilities and usesnuclear arsenal. These lists clearly indicate items (equipment, materials, installations), technologies associated with them, suitable for use in the creation or testing of weapons of mass destruction, as well as used as components of such weapons.

In drawing up the list number 6 usedNSG information. This list contains only those objects that are used in the nuclear cycle of peaceful purposes. According to the NPT, the transfer of any goods or technologies related to the production of nuclear weapons to countries that do not have them is prohibited.

The lists, therefore, allow you to track not only the material provision of items to which you apply export controlbut also technology transfer.Under them, according to the notes to the lists, you should understand the specific information necessary for the use, manufacture, development of certain goods. These data may be technical indicators or technical guidance.

Data can be drawn up with drawings, diagrams, tables, etc.

export control in rf is

The essence of the process

Export controls includes the following steps:

  • Identification of technology or product. It is carried out by determining compliance with the positions indicated in the lists.
  • Issuance of permits for foreign trade transactions.
  • Border control, customs clearance, currency checks.


It is carried out through the official examination of interdepartmental councils at the Ministries of Trade and Economic Development.

Verification is carried out on the basis of materialswhich are provided by the Russian side of the Ministry of Economic Development for obtaining permission. The conclusion drawn up on the basis of the results of the examination serves as the basis for granting a license.

Manufacturers participation

For export control strictly inAccording to the rules, enterprises are entitled to enter the system at the local level. Internal documents of the manufacturer include the necessary administrative, informational, organizational and other activities.

export control in the Russian Federation

Enterprises that have implemented local programs forexport control must be accredited by the Ministry of Economic Development. Accreditation is carried out in the manner prescribed by Regulation No. 176 of 2000 (the document was approved by the Government).

Import Features

Import of certain types of products into the territory of Russia is also carried out under license. In particular, the permit must be issued to move:

  • Toxins and microorganisms (list 1).
  • Chemicals from sections 1-3 of the second list.
  • Radioisotope products (list 3).
  • Items 5 of section 5 of the list.
  • All objects listed in the 6 list.

Products listed in list 4 are not licensed for import.

what does export control mean


It should be borne in mind that export controls also apply to foreign trade operations with products that are not in the list.

This situation is possible if the participantforeign economic activity has been notified in writing by the FSTEC or has reason to believe that its goods can be used to create weapons of mass destruction, means for their delivery, other types of weapons, equipment or to assist the terrorists. In these cases, the subject must apply to the FSTEC and obtain a license.