/ / What is Domestic Violence?

What is Domestic Violence?

domestic violence
"Beats - means, likes" - very often we hearthese words from the lips of women who have been subjected to domestic violence. Many such phrases try to justify their husbands, partners. But the essence remains unchanged - you live a tyrant man, who sooner or later will show his true face. Children, women, old people are all potential victims of domestic violence. They are weaker physically, and therefore can not give a proper rebuff. It is accepted to distinguish several types of domestic violence. Physical, psychological, sexual, emotional and economic. Let's look at each of them in detail.

Domestic violence: psychological

This type of violence includes all kinds ofinsults, intimidation, threats. A person is forced to commit undesirable actions for him. This is the most common form of domestic violence, it is not so easy to identify. It goes hand in hand with other manifestations of tyrannism. This kind of relationship in the family can be seen when parents contact their children. It happens that often adults show indifference towards the child, humiliate him, thereby reducing his self-esteem. Of these children often grow up insecure people, with a large number of complexes.

Domestic violence: emotional

victims of domestic violence

This kind of violence manifests itself in frequent criticismone of the partners. An example of this can be the husband's statements about his wife's appearance, her humiliation in public. Often, a man controls all the money in the family, thereby not allowing the spouse to buy himself something without his permission. A woman is always told that she is not capable of anything. When the wife's self-esteem is brought to the bottom bar, fists are often used in the course.

Domestic Violence: Economic

Такое насилие проявляется в том, что мужчина не Allows a woman to work, he fully controls the family budget, not allowing his wife to make purchases. Thus, he drives her into complete economic dependence on herself. There is fertile soil for blackmail, bullying and assault.

Domestic violence: physical

This kind of violence speaks for itself.Beating, slapping, insulting slaps - all this indicates that it's time to take cardinal decisions and to eliminate from your life a tyrant man. Sometimes a woman forgives such antics, but remember, if a man at least once raised your hand, then, most likely, it will happen again.

Domestic violence: sexual

Often follows the physical. A man who has beaten a woman makes her have sex against her will.

if my husband beats
What to do?

Violent women are often askedthe question: "What should I do if my husband beats me?" The answer is simple: to leave. But the problem can not be solved so simply. Many are afraid of changing the situation in terms of economic instability, lack of housing. Others stop the children. But putting your life and the lives of your children against stability with your tyrant is just pointless. In any case, the decision is yours. If once again you were beaten, then go to the hospital and fix beatings. In the absence of her husband, it is necessary to collect all the necessary things, documents, money and put it in the custody of relatives or friends. Do not speak or threaten your husband with your departure. He can start to let you in this. Try to take as many items as possible. This is necessary to exclude the possibility of returning to the house. Otherwise, you risk being beaten again. And remember, do not believe his oaths to be corrected. After all, the one who dared to hit you once, most likely, will do it again.