How to make a somersault?

The somersault in the gym is when jumping a full turn of the body in the air through the head.

How to make a somersault?A question that interests many beginners gymnasts and athletes. This is a technically difficult and dangerous trick, so you need to start practicing in the sports section with a coach. Although you can also learn in the yard if you want, the main thing is that there are other people around. And it will be even better if at this time they will keep the beginning jumper on the insurance. Insurance is a special belt with two ropes, for which the pupil is kept while learning tricks.

How to make a flip right? First, you need to read and follow the following recommendations:

  1. First you need to learn to do wellordinary rolls over the head. During the implementation of somersaults, it is necessary to be maximally grouped in order to avoid injuries. First, train your feet - they are of primary importance in jumping, somersaults, etc. and ensure success in endeavors.
  2. The somersault ahead in technique is very similarsomersault, so learning to tumble, start trying to do a somersault, while insuring yourself with soft mats. If there are no mats, blankets will go, in extreme cases.
  3. How to make a flip back? And why such a somersault? It's just easier to do. Begin practicing on any elevation: (from the table, fence, etc.), while not forgetting to group.

In general, before you do a flip, you need tomorally prepare and overcome yourself, your fear of failures and downs. Do not be afraid, in fact it is very difficult to break your neck when you first try, how to do a somersault start. But to hit your head on the ground and get a slight concussion is quite possible, so it's better to start learning mats or trampoline after all.

Preparatory exercises:

  1. Sit in the semicircle before you do a somersault, and jump up, straightening the body and pulling up your hands,
  2. Jump up and group - after the push immediately press the knees to the chest and shoulders, and before landing, return them to their original position.

During the execution of these exercises with their mastering it is possible to catch the necessary torque and make a turn back, having had time to land normally.

Now consider how to do a flip:

  1. The starting position - slightly bending (knees only slightly bent), hands are lowered and laid back,
  2. With all your strength, push your feet up from the floor and at the same time wave your hands up as much as possible. After the push, straighten up for a moment with your hands up.
  3. If the above is done correctly, you can easily turn back, and for this you must first be grouped. You can not close your eyes, control the position of your body in space.
  4. Doing a turn and seeing the floor perpendicular to yourlook (it is necessary to look at the center), quickly ungroup - remove your knees from your chest and with slightly bent landing on your toes, trying to keep your balance. You can not straighten your knees - so you risk damaging the tendons and knee ligaments!

Basic flaws when performing a flip:

  • weak repulsion with feet from the floor;
  • incomplete and unsharp flap hands;
  • very strong shoulder movement back;
  • loose grouping of the body;
  • relaxed landing;
  • straightening of the knees at the moment of landing.

При выполнении сальто назад в группировке it is necessary to achieve the maximum flight altitude, a clear grouping and a stable landing. There are different variants of jumping. The most beautiful is the flip from the heights, and it's easier to perform it.

The first time to jump is always difficult and a bit scary, because every person has an instinct for self-preservation. Tune in to the positive and everything will come with time!