/ / How to learn to do back flips? Tips

How to learn to do a flip back? Advice

Красивые прыжки, грациозные выходы из невероятных somersavers, which can be seen in competitions and performances of athletes, are amazing. You always want to repeat, but scary, and no skills. Do not despair, we will tell you how to learn how to do back flips. This is one of the most spectacular and complex elements.

back flip training

What is back flip?

"Salto" translated from Italian -"bounce". In essence, a back flip is a rotation of the body through the head at 360 ° from the place and without the help of hands. There is also a front and side flip, in fact, they differ little in technique, although the rear is a bit more dangerous, and to perform this element you must have at least a little experience and think about safety.

Preparing to perform flips

It’s not enough to know how to learn how to do back flips,it is also important to properly prepare for the exercise. And for this, first of all, good stretching is necessary. You can perform it in any way familiar to you. The main thing is that the body is well warmed and flexible enough. Pay special attention to the following muscles:

  • Wrists.
  • Ankles
  • Neck.
  • Loins.


I offer you some of the most simple exercises that will help prepare you and save you from injury. So let's get started.

Legs. Sit on a flat surface, stretch straight legs in front of you and lean forward. Grasping your feet, pull them towards you and stay in this position for 2-3 minutes.

Hands and wrists.Take a few strokes with your hands, then try to link them behind your back in the lock, throwing one hand on top, summing up the other. Then stretch your hand forward and pull your fingers toward you, so that your wrists are warmed and tense.

Neck and back. The best way to stretch your neck is to make 5-6 rotational movements of the head in one and the other direction.

how to learn to do back flips

Training flips step by step

When your muscles are warm enough, you canproceed to the execution of the element. You can do it from a flat surface, from an elevation like a parapet, etc. Here you need to remind once again about safety, because flips are a very difficult exercise, and you may need help and support from an outsider. It is best to invite a friend with whom you will study together.

Step 1. Take your arms back, as if you are waving, andsit down. Imagine that you are trying to sit on a chair. Feelings determine how deeply you need to sit down so that the jump is strong enough. You can jump up and down several times to find a more accurate position.

Step 2. Performing swing, you need to try to jump likecan be sharper and higher to set a good rotational speed. Note that swing should be done a little earlier than the jump itself, so that there is enough time for your hands to pick up speed.

Step 3. Simultaneously with the end of the swing your jumpmust gain the most power. At this stage, you should straighten completely, with your back slightly bent back to set the trajectory of rotation. It is important that the push with your feet and the swing of your arms end at the same time. Immediately after that, you need to group.

Step 4. At this point, the legs should be off the ground, andarms move behind your back and up as sharply as possible. So it's easier to spin the flip. You can not lean back your head and fall on your back. You risk getting hurt, if you get too low back flips, training will have to be postponed.

back somersault

Step 5. Pull your legs up to group.Here, an important role is played by the abdominal muscles and hips, because you need to quickly perform a movement and pull your knees to your shoulders. It is important not to put your hands down, since this will slow down the rotation and may prevent you from performing a flip correctly. Better grab their lower legs to improve speed.

Step 6. One of the most important and difficult steps is a coup.over the head. It is at this stage that most often there is a danger of injury. The main thing is that the jump is high enough and the rotation speed is sufficient for landing. Here you need insurance, so invite a friend or an experienced person to learn how to learn how to do back flips and insure each other.

Step 7. Landing is the moment in which the back flipeasier front, because you see the place on which you land. The main thing is to lower the legs in time and shift the center of gravity. Expand the grouping a little in advance, so as not to twist somersaults and not fall. In this case, the landing should be soft, fall on your toes, and then on the whole foot and sit down slightly.


learning somersaults

The only possible difficulty of any flips isit is fear. If you find the strength to overcome it, then there will be no obstacles for you. It is also not difficult to insure someone; the main thing is not to interfere and be alert. Catch the practitioner in time under your back and hips during a jump, if he does not have enough rotational speed, and “twist” to avoid falling. And remember: the whole thing in the height of the jump.

That's all the wisdom, how to learn to do back flips. Not difficult at all, right? The main thing is the development of technology. The more you train, the better it will turn out!