/ / Kudo - what is this sport and why is it popular

Kudo - what kind of sport is it and why is it popular?

Kudo - what kind of sport, interests manylovers of martial arts. And for good reason! After all, kudo is a targeted system that is designed for harmonious physical and spiritual development. That is, for the development of a person’s personality.

Kudo: the history of the sport

The founding date of a relatively new type of combatArt is considered 1981 year. It was at this time that Sensei Azuma Takashi opened his first sports hall in Sendai. In the same year, the very first kudo (daido juku) tournament was held, which was called “Hokutoki 81”. Journalists have responded about this sport as cruel, violent, and super-realistic. All because of the fact that the fighters who took part in competitions could use any blows from all parts of the body, as well as throws and chokes and painful techniques. But, of course, there were limitations. Forbidden areas for strikes are the groin, nape and back.

where is this sport

В 1982 году Адзума Такаши написал свое первое study guide for amateurs and professionals. And in 1958, new offices appeared in Osaka and Tokyo in Kudo. What kind of sport is this - many athletes were surprised at the beginning. And in 1986, the first world championship was held.

On May 12, 2001, at the All-Japan Assembly, it was decided to use the word "kudo" in the name of martial arts.

How are the fights?

There are three return categories for which kudo competitions take place:

  1. Boys and girls are twelve or fifteen years old.
  2. Juniors aged sixteen to seventeen.
  3. Men and women from eighteen years.

С 2014 года маленьким детям запрещается принимать participation in competitions. Usually the fight lasts three minutes - it is quite a tough sport. Kudo permits the use of all sorts of punches, hands, feet, head, knees and elbows. In addition, allowed painful techniques and elements of struggle. During a duel, it is allowed to take a grip in the rack, which is called "tsukami", infinitely many times. You can not do finishing moves in the head.

sport kudo

A prerequisite for the fight is the use of a protective helmet. Women are required to use a bib. Also not to do without shin guards on the legs, bandage on the groin, mouthguards and bandages for hands.

The forbidden action is to greet one another with a fist. For such an act, both athletes will immediately receive a hansoku - a warning.

Basic belts and degrees of kudo

What kind of sport is it that has no specialdifferences and parameters? In total, this martial art has ten student levels. From 10 to 5 kyu - the degree of the student, which is called "gakusey" From 4 to 1 kyu - the level of the senior student (senpai). In addition to these parameters, there are also master discharges. Depending on what kind of person a kyu or mastery degree is, a corresponding belt is put on.

Each product has a standard width of 4centimeter. But the length depends on the size of the human body. Each belt has a special kudo emblem. Pupils' achievements are marked with stripes, which are located at a distance of three centimeters from the emblem.

where is this sport

Мастерские пояса очень похожи на ученические.The difference is the colors. The master has all ten Danes black, and the pupils' kyu are multi-colored. On each belt of the master, the surname and name of the owner are embroidered with Japanese hieroglyphs, as well as golden stripes indicating the level of skill. Such products are made only in Japan by order of the founder of kudo - Azuma Takashi.

Kudo judging principles

What kind of sport is this, in which there is no special system of refereeing? During the competition, brigades are created which consist of several judges.

Susin (referee). His task is to be on the mat, to lead the course of the fight and to evaluate actions and techniques.

Kudo history of the sport

Главный боковой судья и три фокусина.Each of them sits on a chair in the corners of a tatami. As well as the referee use the flags, whistle and conventional gestures. The judges are obliged to ensure that each match took place according to the rules, as well as safely.

The timekeeper judge is at the table near the tatami. He monitors the beginning and end of the battle and, using Japanese terminology, notifies athletes about it.

Secretary - is at the table near the tatami and leads the protocol. Announces the names of the fighters, whose turn to start the fight.

Zen Practice

Kudo - what is this sport?Photos show amateurs that this is a martial art, which is based on a subtle spiritual perception of the world. That is why when studying Daido Juku much attention is paid to the practice of Zen. This concept stands for meditation or concentration. This practice helps fighters to merge the body and soul. It makes the mind light and the spirit balanced. Zen practice increases the effect of training several times. Bioenergy potential is developing, which means that a person becomes more talented and capable.

For a successful battle, it is very important to be fearless and precise. The use of spiritual practice helps to get rid of anger and successfully carry out battles not only on tatami, but also in life.