/ / Valery Kryuchkov and his system "Strela"

Valery Kryuchkov and his system "Strela"

Valery Kryuchkov - strong,charismatic man with a powerful energy and strong-willed character. The creator of the original active defense system "Strela". Experienced athlete, coach, mentor. His video tutorials on self-defense are very popular on the web. And Valery Nikolayevich is a happy husband, father and grandfather.

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Childhood and youth

Biography of Valery Nikolaevich Kryuchkov beginsin Ryazan, where he was born on September 20, 1963. As a ten-year-old boy, he begins to engage in classical wrestling with the talented coach Arkady Ignatievich Korbut. The coach instilled a love for the little Valery Kryuchkov, focused on the harmony and beauty of the movements. Hence the desire of an adult fighter Valery Kryuchkov to the beauty of the reception. It is important for him not just to win the battle, but to do it beautifully. The coach quickly noticed the talent of the wrestler in the boy and began to involve him in the competitions.

Years passed, Valera grew up.In boyish street showdowns, if the fight went one on one, the mastery of the methods of fighting was just right. But if the villains attacked a group of several people, with a knife or other weapons, there already was not enough knowledge and experience of the classic wrestler. Teenager Valery Kryuchkov begins to be interested in self-defense techniques from a knife and a pistol. In the 70s of the last century such knowledge was available only to paratroopers and police officers. But even here Valery was lucky. His neighbors in the communal were a former policeman, and a former paratrooper, who was commissioned for illness. Curious and annoying boy liked the former fighters, and they taught him several necessary techniques of sambo.

After moving to another area Valeriya had toto leave classes classical struggle. He was a good student, so the principal in which he studied allowed him to use the school gym for training. At the age of 14, he had already trained the boys and taught them everything he knew and could have come in handy for the streets. In street sometimes fierce fights came the understanding that not only brute force is important for victory, but also strong-willed character. Often the second was in priority.

At the same time, at the age of fourteen, ValeryKryuchkov begins to study karate. In sparring, he established himself as an excellent fighter. Simultaneously with karate there were boxing lessons, where he also achieved good results. After zanayti boxing appeared a sense of distance and confidence, the blow became stronger.


Then there was the army, where Valeria again was lucky withcoach. An army karate instructor was from the school of the famous Alexei Shturmin, the founder of the Central Karate-Do School in Russia. This school was distinguished by a rigid orientation of the Kyokushinkai style.

В армии Валерий Крючков научился держать и Strike powerfully, quickly and accurately. The coach made several combinations of the same combination for several months, trying to make the fighters feel more precise and coherent.

Coaching experience

After his return Valery Nikolayevich coached a teenage club and trained the boys for service in the Soviet Army. Cooked hard, as taught.

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In parallel with the coaching work Valery continued to improve. I was looking for the harmony so necessary for him, studying Unibox, the Slavic-Goritsa struggle, the Kadochnikov system.

Service in bodies

Семь лет Валерий Крючков работал инструктором по combat training and combat methods of struggle. At the same time he conducted instructional seminars and trainings in the regional police department. But most often he coached the fighters of the SBR and riot police. Bandit nineties brought Valery Nikolayevich a huge experience, which he passed in the training in hand-to-hand combat to fighters of power structures.

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And with experience came the understanding that when you protect someone with your back, the fear for your own life goes away, it becomes not important.


В биографии Валерия Крючкова был опыт работы bodyguard. After serving in the bodies, he defended four years from the villains of the well-known businessman in Ryazan. From this work Valery Nikolaevich also received a strong experience, having learned mindfulness, concentration and constant combat readiness. The work of a bodyguard forced him to correct and adjust the circumstances of his previous knowledge. For example, a pistol is taught to be worn on the right side, but in order to shorten the time for its extraction and to make a shot in time, Kryuchkov wore a weapon on his left side. In addition, in conditions of tightness of the car to get the gun on the left and more convenient, and faster.

SAO "Strela"

The main part of the biography of Valery Kryuchkov - "Arrow" - a special system of active defense. Valery Nikolayevich embodied all his rich experience gained during his life in his brainchild.

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This is a very rigid application system created by Kryuchkov to protect dignity and honor, health and life of his own and his family, close people, the Motherland.

The basic postulates of the system are determination,suddenness, speed and accuracy, where the first place is psychological preparation: we must first decide on a sudden attack on the attacking opponent. The main principle of the system is "Attack, defend yourself!"

A family

Valery Kryuchkov - the head of the bigsports family. He was lucky to be the husband of a wonderful, kind and beautiful woman. Kryuchkov is the father of two wonderful children: the daughter of Olesya and Sergei's son, and a happy grandfather who is an example for her grandchildren who grow up to be real men.

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Valery Nikolaevich believes that every man,regardless of education, profession, social status and the circle to which he belongs, above all - a warrior responsible for his family. And if there is no responsibility in the man, then there is no power, no wisdom, no masculinity.