/ / Theater "Strela" in Zhukovsky: history from the foundation to the present day

Theater "Strela" in Zhukovsky: history from the foundation to the present day

The culture level of a country depends on the culture inevery city and town. The more libraries, museums and theaters, the more intelligent the population. Today I want to talk about the theater "Strela" in Zhukovsky. This institution appeared not so long ago, but has already managed to recruit a permanent public.

History of the building

The Strela Theater in Zhukovsky is located in the beautifula building that has a century of history. Its construction dates back to the distant past, in 1913, when it was decided to build a village. It was intended for people serving the railway. The architect of this project was V.N. Semenov. He gave his brainchild the name "garden city". But unfortunately, the implementation of the project was prevented by the war. Only a hospital ensemble was built. By appointment, however, he did not have to act. During the war years, the headquarters of the aviation was located in the hospital building, and in peacetime a culture center was established. In the walls of this institution were held circles for children and dance evenings for adults. And then a theater studio was organized. It is from it that the modern drama theater Strela in Zhukovsky grew.

theater arrow Zhukovsky

Back to the past

The history of the theater officially takes its count with1984. It was at this time that amateur actors unfold an active creative activity within the walls of the former hospital complex. Lead this group Zakharov. The efforts were evaluated by the local administration, and the theater received the title of the people. In 1987, the acting troupe confirms that it deserves to be called a theater, since the creative team becomes the winner of the All-Union Festival of Folk Art.

theater arrow Zhukovsky billboard

Theater "Strela" in Zhukovsky received hisThe official name in 1996. The main financial sponsor and moral support of this institution was the Institute. Gromov. It was the institute that helped the theater to arrange all the papers, and from then on the organization was already legal. In 2002, Strela departed from the patronage of the institute and became a municipal institution.

Drama Theater Boom in Zhukovsky


In season, the Strela theater in Zhukovsky gives more than 200productions. Most of them are designed for young viewers. The theater specializes in Russian folk tales, but does not forget to replenish its repertoire with classical works. In addition to the main repertoire, the administration of the theater is actively involved in the life of the city. Actors arrange creative evenings for orphans and disabled.

Poster of the Strela Theater in Zhukovsky for September 2017:

  • The Adventure of Pinocchio - 16.09.
  • A Grasshopper sat in the grass - 17.09.
  • It does not happen - 17.09.
  • The last victim is September 20, September 21, September 27, and September 28.
  • Puss in Boots - 23.09.
  • Golden Chicken - 24.09.
  • №13 - September 24.
  • Birthday of Cat Leopold - 30.09.

The theater also conducts an active educationalactivity. By appointment, you can register for a tour of the building, get into the dressing rooms and visit the stage. In the foyer of the theater are concerts of classical music. Both local talents and visiting guests take part in them. Monthly art exhibitions adorn the walls of the foyer, replacing one friend. And in the evenings professors of art give lectures on styles, tell biographies of artists and interesting stories from creative life.