/ / Sports prevention, or Why use compression gaiters

Sports prevention, or What are compression leggings for?

You are planning to participate in a fashionable event today.- a charity run? We decided to seriously do sports? Or the need to maintain shape were simple jogging in the morning? Then you just need to learn more about what compression gaiters are, and they may become an integral part of your healthy sports life.

compression gaiters

Fashion or necessity?

At triathlon sports competitions, runningor even jumps, you can increasingly meet athletes who wear compression gaiters. And this is not only an element of beautiful fitness. More and more professional and novice athletes appreciate the benefits of wearing a compression knit. In the case of gaiters, they help reduce leg fatigue, prevent the appearance of severe muscle pain after exercise, and even contribute to improved athletic performance.

Every person who plays sports,knows that besides the health benefits of regular exercise can lead to various problems. Most often, it is the legs that suffer, because, irrespective of the type of sports activity, it is them who carry the greatest burden. In addition to the usual preparation, athletes often have microtraumas of the muscle fibers and significant problems with the veins in the legs, which are only getting worse.

It is here that compression gaiters for sports will come to the rescue, which will not only improve your well-being during your workout, but will also accelerate the process of restoring muscle tissue.

compression gaiters

How they work: mechanism of action

Compression gaiters are called this way, because the principle of their action is based on the creation of additional pressure, or compression, in different parts of the legs.

During physical exertion on the legs deterioratesblood circulation, namely, it is hampered by the outflow of blood from the lower extremities. This leads to the complication of the removal of toxins and degradation products from muscle tissue. The result of the deterioration of blood flow is increased fatigue, muscle pain and swelling.

Sports compression knit allowscreate additional pressure in different parts of the leg: the strongest pressure, or full compression, is placed on the foot. As you move up the leg, the pressure decreases - the smallest compression is observed at the highest point of the gaiters.

The pressure created by compression gaiter helps to improve blood flow, as if squeezing the blood through the veins in those areas where the vessels are most difficult to cope with.

compression gaiters for running

Athletes often wear special sportsunderwear, socks and leggings. Compression elements of sports knitwear perform a dual function: prevention of pain and swelling, as well as the addition of a stylish sports look.

Theory and practice: Do leggings really help?

On the role of compression hosiery in sports activities there is a considerable number of theories and beliefs.

Various research scientists around the worldThey say that compression gaiters for running really contribute to the outflow of venous blood. This not only reduces leg fatigue, but also speeds up the process of washing out toxins from muscle fibers, which contributes to their speedy recovery.

Moreover, a number of researchers argue that,wearing compression gaiters for competitions, you can improve the sporting result. This is achieved due to the fact that the pressure exerted on the limbs with gaiters reduces the manifestation of muscle vibration and allows you to experience less resistance. As a result, speed and power are greater.

SER compression gaiters

Experienced athletes do not confirm that wearingCompression knit can significantly affect the result. However, almost all athletes, especially long-distance runners and triathletes, agree with the fact that after training or competitions in compression gaiters, the recovery process is much faster and pain syndrome is less pronounced.

Only for athletes?

The positive effect that compression gaiters have on the blood flow in the lower extremities is important not only for athletes.

Paradoxically, but to worsen the outflow of blood fromlegs are capable of not only excessive load, but their complete absence. That is why problems with veins, increased swelling and fatigue are observed in people whose work is associated with sitting or standing in one place during the working day. And there are many such professions: almost all office workers, salespeople, cashiers in supermarkets and many others.

If by the nature of your activity you have to sit or stand a lot, and you have familiar problems with your feet, swollen by the evening, you know it firsthand - it's time to pick yourself a compression knit.

But it is worth remembering: compression gaiters perform only a preventive function. They can alleviate unpleasant symptoms, but will not cure serious problems that require expert advice.

compression gaiters for sports

How to choose the right leggings?

Если вы решились на покупку компрессионного knitwear, then great attention must be paid to the correct selection of the product. If the size is chosen incorrectly, such leggings will not only be of no use, but may even be harmful.

Гетры компрессионные подбирают по нескольким parameters. And in order to choose them correctly, it is necessary to measure the volume of the leg in the widest place. This should be done in the morning, when the probability of swelling is minimal. At rest, with a soft measuring tape, the leg should be measured in the widest place of the gastrocnemius muscle. This will determine the volume of the completeness of the gamut

Also the size of the gaiters depends on the size of the foot. As a rule, leggings are stretched, and one size fits several foot sizes.

In addition, compression gaiters are divided into male and female. Fundamentally, they differ only in the height and size of the foot.

Experts recommend that men of small stature or with a small foot size choose female models. This will avoid excessively high gaiter, calling on the area of ​​the knees.

Cheap or expensive: is there a difference?

The issue price is often very relevant to manyathletes, especially beginners. The temptation to buy a cheap analogue is great - in appearance, leggings sold on the stalls of the market are no different from expensive branded ones.

Но в вопросах здоровья ног экономия может сыграть evil joke. The effect of cheap compression products can be zero, and wear - lightning. Unnamed manufacturers do not pursue reputation and are not afraid of losing their customers.

Therefore, the conclusion is obvious: only well-known manufacturers of sportswear and accessories, only brand shops to avoid fakes.

It is worth paying attention to the well-known companies that produce compression gaiters: CEP, Nike, Asics, 2XU.

Sports activities help maintain excellentphysical shape and great mood. To minimize sports injuries and pain after training, you need to carefully load the body, as well as use modern developments of sports brands. Compression gaiters - this is a real opportunity to get rid of fatigue and swelling of the legs, while not hurting yourself in the quality and quantity of workouts.